Adventurous couple explores Egypt in 60 days

The pair are on a mission to document the country’s must-visit attractions. (Photo courtesy: @aroundegyptin60days)
Updated 13 August 2017

Adventurous couple explores Egypt in 60 days

CAIRO: A thrill-seeking Egyptian couple are traveling through the entire country in 60 days to encourage tourism among locals by shedding light on the country’s little-known gems.
Dalia El-Debaiky and Omar Attia share a passion for exploration and together have taken pictures of the most fascinating locations across Egypt, all compiled on their informative and inspiring Instagram account @aroundegyptin60days.

Day 1: More than a thousand years before Picasso, Van Gogh and Da Vinci, artists in Egypt painted some of the most beautiful portraits in the history of art! . On our 1st day in touring the Egyptian Antiquities Museum in Cairo, and aside from all the mummies and statues we saw, Dalia and I were stunned to explore a hall named "Fayoum's Mummy Portraits" which features dozens of naturalistic painted portraits on wooden panels. These portraits covered the respective faces of bodies that were mummified after death! . The portraits were mainly found in Hawara, Fayoum, and date back to the Coptic Period at the time of Roman Occupation of Egypt, at the end of the 1st century B.C!! . Oddly enough, as old as they are, they touched us as if they were painted last month! The colors are very strangely preserved, unfaded by time! Stay tuned for more photos of possibly the oldest surviving painted portraits in the world in our book :) . اليوم ال١: أكتر من ألف سنة قبل بيكاسو و فان جوف و ليوناردو دي فينشي، فنانين في مصر رسموا أجمل لوحات ذاتية في تاريخ الفن! . في يومنا الأول لزيارة المتحف المصري في القاهرة، و بجانب كل الموميات و التماثيل اللي شفناها، أنا و داليا ذهلنا لما اكتشفنا قاعة اسمها "لوحات موميات الفيوم" اللي بتعرض عشرات اللوحات لأشخاص على ألواح خشبية. اللوحات دي كانت بتغطي وجوه الأشخاص اللي أجسامها كانت بتتكفن بعد الموت!! . معظم اللوحات دي اكتشفت في هوارة في الفيوم و بترجع للعصر القبطي أيام ما الرومان احتلوا مصر في آخر القرن الأول قبل الميلاد!! . كان من الغريب لينا إن على قد ما اللوحات قديمة جدا، على قد ما هما لمسونا كأنهم مرسومين من شهر بس! الإحتفاظ بالألوان على مر العصور عجيب! خلليكوا متابعين كتابنا إن شاء الله اللي حيعرض صور أكتر لأقدم اللوحات الذاتية في العالم! . Photography Courtesy of @omarattia84 . #egypt #travel #tourism #tourist #book #travelgram #bookgram #lonelyplanet #tripadvisor #thisisegypt #myegypt #egyptshots #museum #art #portrait #photography #photo #photographer #photooftheday #pic #picoftheday #instagram #instadaily #instagood #peoplescreatives #discoveregyptwithdaliaandomar #aroundegyptin60days

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They have already been to all of Egypt’s 27 governorates on a mission to document the country’s must-visit attractions and shed light on the nation’s forgotten historical sites in a book which is set to be published in the near future.
Celebrating love differently
The married couple are both “marketing gurus” and their passion for exploring Egypt has been an intrinsic part of their relationship since its beginning.
Attia told Arab News that they decided to hold their engagement party, the signing of the marriage contract ceremony and the wedding reception in different iconic locations across Cairo.
“Our engagement was celebrated by the Nile River and our Katb Al-Kitab (the Islamic marriage ceremony) pictures were captured outside the enormous Saladin Citadel in Cairo. Added to that, we held our wedding at the glamorous Mohammad Ali Palace.

Day 4: When 'Art' finds its way out of the slums' darkest tunnels and prevails! . On our way to the Religions' Complex in Al Fustat, Egypt's first capital city under the Muslim ruling, built by Amr Ibn El Aas, Dalia and I stumbled upon a beautiful arts village amidst old alleys and slums called "Al Fakhareen Village" designed to support local handcrafted talents! . "Tourists' agencies diverted their sightseeing routes and no longer bring tourists here; and locals unfortunately either look down upon local talent and prefer to brag about buying expensive imported products or no longer appreciate art" - Farouk, an old pottery maker in this village claimed. . After roaming the entire village and talking with the craftsmen there, Dalia and I insisted on supporting them and bought 2 plantation pots, 4 cooking clay pots and 3 miniature clay statues to place in our kitchen! :) ↔️Swipe for more photos :) . Go support local handcrafted talent and craftsmen barely surviving to make a living there. Kindly share this post among your friends and family :) . اليوم ال٤: عندما يعثر الفن طريقه للخروج من أنفاق العشوائيات المظلمة و يسود! . في طريقنا إلى مجمع الأديان في الفسطاط، عاصمة مصر الأولى تحت الحكم الإسلامي، على يد عمرو بن العاص، أنا و داليا إكتشفنا "قرية الفخارين" بالصدفة وسط عشوائيات و حارات قديمة. القرية المبدعة دي بتدعم الصناعات و الإبداعات الفنية اليدوية المحلية! . " شركات السياحة غيرت مسارها و مبقتش تجيب سياح هنا زي الأول و المصريين يا إما بيفتكروا إن المنتج المحلى ردئ و بيتباهوا بشراء المنتجات المستوردة الغالية أو مبقوش يقدروا الفن من الأساس!" - صرح عم فاروق، رجل عجوز صانع للفخار. . و بعد لما طفنا أنا و داليا القرية كلها و اتكلمنا مع الحرفيين هناك، قررنا إننا نشجعهم و نشتري من عندهم ٢ وعاء نباتات و ٤ وعاء فخار للطبخ و ٣ تماثيل فخار للمطبخ! :) . روحوا شجعوا الصناعات اليدوية المحلية و ادعموا الحرفيين اللي بالكاد عارفين يعيشوا هناك! و انشروا الكلام ده وسط صحابكم و أهاليكم :) . Photography Courtesy of @omarattia84 . #egypt #travel #travelling #tourism #tourist #book #travelgram #travelphotography #travelwriter #thisisegypt #egyptshots #cairo #art #photography #photo #photographer #photooftheday #picoftheday #insta #discoveregyptwithdaliaandomar #aroundegyptin60days

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“We wanted our festivities to be different, a celebration of love and heritage at the same time, and an experience that could hardly be forgotten by our guests.”
Both husband and wife went to the American University in Cairo and were first introduced at a Cairo Runners event.
During their engagement, they would avoid going to commonly-visited dining establishments and would instead take a boat ride on the Nile or spend time at one of Cairo’s several museums.
“Part of us knowing each other was also as we discovered more about our country,” Attia said.
After the wedding, they decided to take it to another level by venturing into other parts of Egypt and documenting their experience in pictures.

Day 13: I've always wanted to go Venice!!! . The idea of touring a city with houses built on water canals without roads; and boats are the only way to commute, has been dreamy and always tickled my mind! . Never in the world would I have imagined that we have our own Venice here in Egypt though, until today! More shabby, yet exploding with culture, colors and stories to tell, this fishing village in El Mexx, in Alexandria is truly a fascinating, hidden gem! :) . Stay tuned for Dalia and I's full story and more photos of our boat tour in El Mexx and home visits to the fishermen living there :) . اليوم ال١٣: طول عمري كان نفسي أزور فينيسيا في إيطاليا! . فكرة إني أزور مدينة ببيوت مبنية على قنوات مياه من غير شوارع، و المراكب هي الطريقة الوحيدة للتنقل كانت دايما حالمة! . عمري في حياتي ما تخيلت إننا عندنا فينيسيا مصغرة هنا في مصر لحد النهاردة! أقل جمالا أكيد بس متفجرة بعادات و ألوان و قصص كتيرة، المكس، قرية الصيادين في الإسكندرية هى من أجمل الكنوز المخفية في المدينة! . خليكوا متابعين قصتنا الكاملة و صور كتير لرحلتنا بالمركب في المكس و زيارتنا لبيوت الصيادين هناك في كتابنا إن شاء الله :) . Photography Courtesy of @omarattia84 . #egypt #travel #travelling #tourism #tourist #book #travelgram #travelphotography #travelwriter #lonelyplanet #tripadvisor #thisisegypt #egyptshots #alexandria #venice #sea #boat #photography #photo #photographer #photooftheday #pic #picoftheday #instagram #instadaily #everydayegypt #discoveregyptwithdaliaandomar #aroundegyptin60days

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Their 60-day trip around Egypt — which is yet to be completed — encourages others to embark on a similar trip to see some of the country’s forgotten treasures.
“I’m trying to encourage people to dedicate 60 days of their lives to roam the entirety of Egypt,” Attia said.
They embarked on the first leg of their trip in 2013, but their photographs only recently saw light. Having completed 40 days of non-consecutive travel across Egypt, they still have 20 more days to go.
Writing a book
Once complete, the couple will finish off a bilingual trilogy on the journey, with hopes that it succeeds commercially and becomes part of the educational curriculum in Egyptian schools

Day 22: Completely off the commercial touristic track, who would have thought one could ever visit 'Al Zagazig' for a major sightseeing tour?! . After reading a random online article about Bubastis (also known as Tell Basta), an ancient capital city of Pharaohnic Egypt and the centre of worship for the feline Goddess 'Bast', I headed there immediately with low expectations but was shocked to see thousands of stunning, scattered artefacts from Ancient Pharaohnic, Greek and Roman eras!! A gold mine for avid explorers that very few locals sadly know about! . Stay tuned to roam with us for a partial fraction of our 22nd day within the walls of this ancient city and temple in our book :) . اليوم ال٢٢: بعيدا عن المعالم السياحية المعروفة، مين يصدق إن واحد ممكن يفكر يزور الزقازيق عشان يعمل جولة سياحية كبيرة فيها؟! . بعد لما قريت مقالة عابرة على الانترنت بالصدفة عن تل بسطة، مدينة عتيقة كانت يوما ما عاصمة في عهد مصر الفرعونية و كانت المقصد لعبادة القط الإلهي 'بسط'، إتجهت لهناك فورا بس بتوقعات منخفضة؛ لكني اتفاجئت بآلاف الآثار هناك من العهد الفرعوني و الروماني و اليوناني! منجم ذهب للمستكشفين الشغوفين اللي مع الأسف أقلية من أهل البلد يعرفوا عنها! . طوفوا معانا في جزء صغير من يومنا الاتنين و عشرين داخل أرجاء المدينة و المعبد، في كتابنا إن شاء الله :) . Photography Courtesy of @omarattia84 :) . #egypt #travel #travelling #tourism #tourist #book #travelgram #travelphotography #travelwriter #lonelyplanet #tripadvisor #thisisegypt #egyptshots #zagazig #temple #pharaoh #photography #photo #photographer #photooftheday #pic #picoftheday #instagram #instadaily #everydayegypt #discoveregyptwithdaliaandomar #aroundegyptin60days

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“Just like Malaysia and Thailand, Egypt should include tourism as a subject in schools to teach youth the importance of tourism and how it contributes to the GDP,” Attia said.
The book, Attia told Arab News, will include information on each destination, where to go and how much time should be spent in each place, in addition to tips on how to respect a destination’s culture and heritage.
It will also include the costs the couple incurred — at the time of their visit — in each destination.

Saudi adventurer triumphant after crossing the Empty Quarter

Updated 30 December 2024

Saudi adventurer triumphant after crossing the Empty Quarter

  • Badr Al-Shaibani wants to champion Saudi Arabia as a land where heritage, nature and adventure meet

JEDDAH: Badr Al-Shaibani, a Saudi Arabia adventurer and entrepreneur, has successfully completed a 600 km solo crossing of the largest sand desert in the world.

Al-Shaibani departed from Umm Hadid on Dec. 15, the site of a famous meteorite impact, where he set up his first camp. He walked for over 14 days and completed the journey on Dec. 29 at the breathtaking Umm Al-Hayesh Lake — one of the Empty Quarter’s natural wonders.

Speaking to Arab News after completing his adventure, 45-year-old Al-Shaibani said: “Crossing the Empty Quarter on foot is one of the most thrilling adventures I have ever done. It is a really special experience.

Speaking of challenges he faced, Al-Shaibani said: “The first two days, I faced strong storms and winds called savi, and after a while the sun was also strong. (Supplied)

“I am so proud to be the first Saudi to traverse such a vast distance on foot, and I hope this journey inspires young Saudis to explore the nature of our country and spotlight Saudi Arabia’s diverse potential as a truly unique global tourist destination.”

His journey began by heading toward Tawil Al-Khatam, a challenging 200 km stretch that he traversed in five days at an average pace of 40 km per day.

Later on, Al-Shaibani continued toward Umm Al-Qurun, covering 90 km, before completing another 45 km to Bayd Al-Laha.

Being alone in the darkness, you explore something you wouldn’t normally see during your life. It was an amazing scene which makes you wonder how Allah created this part of the world.

Badr Al-Shaibani, Saudi adventurer

The third and final leg led him to the Al-Qa’d region near the Sabkha salt flats through a 60 km route. His expedition concluded at the breathtaking Umm Al-Hayesh Lake after trekking an additional 160 km.

From battling the weather to navigating endless dunes, this adventure pushed Al-Shaibani to the limit both physically and mentally. “I discovered the beauty and harshness of the Empty Quarter’s untamed wilderness, where there is a constant challenge, but the rewards are incredible.”

Speaking of challenges he faced, he said: “The first two days, I faced strong storms and winds called savi, and after a while the sun was also strong. Other than that, I am used to walking on ice or climbing mountains, but walking and climbing the soft sand was a big challenge for me. I really faced difficulty climbing the sand because it takes a lot of effort.”

Being so far from civilization exposed him to new experiences. “During the day I could see with my eyes. During the night, the exploration changes,” he said.

“Being alone in the darkness, you explore something you wouldn’t normally see during your life, it was an amazing scene which makes you wonder how Allah created this part of the world.”

He was happy to complete the adventure not only to add it to his achievements but also to document and capture the majestic beauty of the largest continuous sand desert in the world.

“The Empty Quarter, with its distinctive natural heritage and captivating beauty, stands as one of the Kingdom’s most remarkable yet largely undiscovered treasures,” he said.

“This destination has the potential to become a major attraction for tourists from home and abroad, especially with initiatives that promote desert tourism and encourage the exploration of the Kingdom’s unique natural environment.”

Al-Shaibani told Arab News he wants to inspire young people and champion Saudi Arabia as a land where heritage, nature and adventure converge.


Review: A visit to AlUla’s ancient kingdom ‘Wadi Al-Naam’

Photo by Sulafa Alkhunaizi
Updated 26 November 2024

Review: A visit to AlUla’s ancient kingdom ‘Wadi Al-Naam’

  • Exploration was organized in groups of three riding in desert buggies to reach the hiking location

The Quest for the Ancient Kingdoms is a thrilling treasure hunt and adventure experience in AlUla’s Wadi Al-Naam, also known as the Valley of the Ostriches.

Before the journey begins, participants are provided with helmets, gloves, and hiking sticks, and are treated to a short lesson about the valley by the tour guide.

During our visit, the guide did a wonderful job making the group feel comfortable and translating the lesson from Arabic to English.

Exploration was organized in groups of three riding in desert buggies to reach the hiking location.

The buggy ride is a great chance to enjoy the iconic orange-hued rocks and mountains of AlUla.

At the first stop, participants can get a closer look at the fine details of inscriptions that tell the story of the Dadanites, the ancient residents of AlUla.

The 500-meter-long hike features various obstacles, like climbing up walls and steep steps, while offering breathtaking views of the unforgettable AlUla terrain.

Participants can choose between the Challenge Edition for adult adventurers or the Family Explorers version for a lighter experience. The treasure hunts are ideal for family or friend groups who want to get active during their trip to AlUla.

The quest concludes with a certificate of completion, refreshments, and a chance to interact with camels.

The best part of the experience is connecting with new individuals and putting your heads together to problem-solve as a team to win the quest.

Before going on this journey, please ensure you apply sunscreen, wear comfortable shoes, and stay hydrated as it will involve physical strength and energy to enjoy.

The Wadi Al-Naam Discovery tour costs SR200 ($53) per person and will be open until Feb. 27.

For more details, visit


UK, Omani princes launch journey across historic Arabian route

Updated 26 November 2024

UK, Omani princes launch journey across historic Arabian route

  • Camel trek first taken by British diplomat Bertram Thomas in 1928 to be retrodden by team of six travellers
  • Prince of Wales, crown prince of Oman sponsoring historic coastal journey

LONDON: A group of explorers, backed by royalty, is set to undertake a historic journey, retracing a route across the coast of Oman first trodden by a British diplomat almost a century ago.

The Jewel of Arabia expedition, supported by William, Prince of Wales and Omani Crown Prince Theyazin bin Haitham, will feature six travelers, led by Mark Evans, following in the footsteps of Bertram Thomas, who first made the journey over 42 days in 1928.

Thomas made the trek to document the area and local wildlife, and was congratulated on his achievement by King George V.

The new journey, featuring camels but also modern off-road vehicles, will “raise awareness among young people both in and outside of Oman of the value of Oman’s natural heritage and biodiversity as well as the environmental challenges the country and the wider world face,” The Telegraph reported.

It will also feature podcasts and radio interviews with local stations along the way, meetings with local children and an online tracker so people can view its progress in real time.

Prince William told the modern explorers at the Royal Geographical Society on Monday: “I wish I was able to join you, but will be following very closely.”

He added: “The expedition will walk in the footsteps of British explorer Bertram Thomas and take in the wonderful coastline of Oman.

“They will be able to take in the beauty of Oman, and also see the damage done by climate change.”

Prince William added: “The expedition will not only highlight Oman’s biodiversity and natural heritage, but also symbolize the enduring friendship between our two countries.”

The prince added to guests at the Royal Geographic Society that he would “try and make something happen” regarding a future visit to Oman, teasing: “We’re in the planning process.”

The trek will see daily starts around 5 a.m. local time, and will aim to cross 25-30 kilometers per day. The travelers will sleep under the night sky, surviving in the desert without tents.

Evans, 63, said: “The stars of the show will undoubtedly be the camels.”

He joked that the animals are now in a “camel boot camp” in Oman to prepare for the arduous trek.

Alongside Evans will be Nigel Harling, Ana-Maria Pavalache, Dhirka Al-Mawali, Ibrahim Al-Hasni and Amour Al-Wahibi, all of whom are experienced explorers.

Thomas’ original expedition came at a time when the region was considered one of the world’s most inhospitable, known as Rub Al-Khali, or the “empty quarter.”

He worked for the sultan of Oman, and became the first Westerner to make the journey along the coast, spending much of his spare time exploring the country, navigating harsh terrain and warring local tribes.

Upon completion, he received a congratulatory telegram from George V, and used the experience as the basis for a book, “Arabia Felix,” which contains a foreword by T.E. Lawrence.

Meanwhile, 2025 will also mark 225 years since the signing of a friendship treaty between Britain and Oman.

Al-Baha farms offer an escape from busy lives

The farms are committed to sustainability and use eco-friendly practices to protect the environment. (SPA)
Updated 19 November 2024

Al-Baha farms offer an escape from busy lives

  • There are activities such as cycling and hiking and some farms offer overnight accommodation

AL-BAHA: People seeking a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of their daily lives are flocking to tourist farms in Al-Baha region.

The centers offer a unique blend of natural beauty, agricultural experiences and recreational activities, where visitors can spend their time picking fruit, helping with crop harvesting or learning about organic farming techniques.

The farms are committed to sustainability and use eco-friendly practices to protect the environment. (SPA)

There are also activities such as cycling and hiking and some farms offer overnight accommodation, enabling guests to experience the beauty of the starry night skies.

The farms are committed to sustainability and use eco-friendly practices to protect the environment.

Fahd Al-Zahrani, director of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture branch in Al-Baha, said agritourism was becoming increasingly important in the region as it created jobs, boosted the local economy and helped diversify the tourism sector.


Virtual, AI-powered Saudi travel companion impresses visitors at travel exhibition in London

SARA was on show in the Visit Saudi pavilion at the World Travel Market, which began on Monday and concluded on Wednesday. (SPA)
Updated 09 November 2024

Virtual, AI-powered Saudi travel companion impresses visitors at travel exhibition in London

  • The new app, called SARA, offers users insights and advice about the Kingdom’s tourist attractions in a natural and seamless conversational style

RIYADH: The Saudi Tourism Authority unveiled the beta version of SARA, its new travel companion app for visitors to the Kingdom, at the World Travel Market exhibition in London this week.

It allows users to interact with a digital female guide, powered by AI, who is deeply knowledgeable about Saudi Arabia and offers insights and advice about the country’s tourist destinations, historical landmarks, archaeological sites, cultural diversity, international events, and anything else a visitor might be interested in.

SARA was on show in the Visit Saudi pavilion at the World Travel Market, which began on Monday and concluded on Wednesday. Officials said she interacted directly with attendees, who were captivated by her engaging stories about the Kingdom’s tourist attractions and experiences, and the extensive information she was able to provide.

The app reflects the nation’s progressive approach to smart tourism, they added, and leverages the latest developments in AI so that it can respond to questions, understand visitor needs, and offer personalized information and suggestions in a natural and seamless conversational style.