North Korean workers prep seafood going to US stores, restaurants

In this Sept. 5, 2017, photo, North Korean workers gather after lunch at the Hong Chao Zhi Yi garment factory in Hunchun in northeastern China's Jilin province. (AP)
Updated 05 October 2017

North Korean workers prep seafood going to US stores, restaurants

HUNCHUN, China: The workers wake up each morning on metal bunk beds in fluorescent-lit Chinese dormitories, North Koreans outsourced by their government to process seafood that ends up in American stores and homes.
Privacy is forbidden. They cannot leave their compounds without permission. They must take the few steps to the factories in pairs or groups, with North Korean minders ensuring no one strays. They have no access to telephones or e-mail. And they are paid a fraction of their salaries, while the rest — as much as 70 percent — is taken by North Korea’s government.
This means Americans buying salmon for dinner at Walmart or ALDI may inadvertently have subsidized the North Korean government as it builds its nuclear weapons program, an AP investigation has found. Their purchases may also have supported what the United States calls “modern day slavery” — even if the jobs are highly coveted by North Koreans.
At a time when North Korea faces sanctions on many exports, the government is sending tens of thousands of workers worldwide, bringing in revenue estimated at anywhere from $200 million to $500 million a year. That could account for a sizable portion of North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missile programs, which South Korea says have cost more than $1 billion.
While the presence of North Korean workers overseas has been documented, the AP investigation reveals for the first time that some products they make go to the United States, which is now a federal crime. AP also tracked the products made by North Korean workers to Canada, Germany and elsewhere in the European Union.
Besides seafood, AP found North Korean laborers making wood flooring and sewing garments in factories in Hunchun. Those industries also export to the US from Hunchun, but AP did not track specific shipments except for seafood.
American companies are not allowed to import products made by North Korean workers anywhere in the world, under a law signed by President Donald Trump in early August. Importers or company officials could face criminal charges for using North Korean workers or materially benefiting from their work, according to the law.
Every Western company involved that responded to AP’s requests for comment said forced labor and potential support for North Korea’s weapons program were unacceptable in their supply chains. Many said they were going to investigate, and some said they had already cut off ties with suppliers.
John Connelly, president of the National Fisheries Institute, the largest seafood trade association in the US, said his group was urging all of its companies to immediately re-examine their supply chains “to ensure that wages go to the workers, and are not siphoned off to support a dangerous dictator.”
“While we understand that hiring North Korean workers may be legal in China,” said Connelly, “we are deeply concerned that any seafood companies could be inadvertently propping up the despotic regime.”
In response to the investigation, Senate leaders said Wednesday that the US needs to keep products made by North Koreans out of the United States and get China to refuse to hire North Korean workers.
“The administration needs to ramp up the pressure on China to crack down on trade with North Korea across the board,” said top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer.

North Koreans overseas work in construction in the Gulf states, shipbuilding in Poland, logging in Russia. In Uruguay, authorities told AP, about 90 North Koreans crewed fishing boats last year. UN sanctions now bar countries from authorizing new work permits for North Korean workers but do not target those already abroad.
Roughly 3,000 North Koreans are believed to work in Hunchun, a far northeast Chinese industrial hub just a few miles from the borders of both North Korea and Russia. Signs in this mercantile city are in Chinese, Korean and Russian. Korean restaurants advertise cold noodles, a Northern favorite, and Russian truckers stop into nightclubs with black bread on the menu.
In an effort to boost the local economy, China and North Korea agreed several years ago to allow factories to contract for groups of North Korean workers, establishing an industrial zone with bargain-priced labor. Since then dozens of fish processing companies have opened in Hunchun, along with other manufacturers. Using North Korean workers is legal in China, and not considered forced labor.
It’s unknown what conditions are like in all factories in the region, but AP reporters saw North Koreans living and working in several of the Hunchun facilities under the watchful eye of their overseers. The workers are not allowed to speak to reporters. However, the AP identified them as North Korean in numerous ways: the portraits of North Korea’s late leaders they have in their rooms, their distinctive accents, interviews with multiple Hunchun businesspeople. The AP also reviewed North Korean laborer documents, including copies of a North Korean passport, a Chinese work permit and a contract with a Hunchun company.
When a reporter approached a group of North Koreans — women in tight, bright polyester clothes preparing their food at a Hunchun garment factory — one confirmed that she and some others were from Pyongyang, the North Korean capital. Then a minder arrived, ordering the workers to be silent: “Don’t talk to him!“
Their contracts are typically for two or three years, and they are not allowed to go home early. The restrictions they work under make them very valuable employees. North Korean laborers are “more stable” than Chinese workers, said Li Shasha, a sales manager at Yanbian Shenghai Industry and Trade Co., a major Hunchun seafood processor.
Chinese workers have job protections that give them the right to take time off, while North Korean workers complete their contracts with few complaints, rare sick days and almost no turnover.
“They won’t take a leave for some personal reason,” said Li, whose company shipped containers of squid and snow crab to the USand Canada in July and August.
They are also often considered cheaper. Li said that at the Yanbian Shenghai factory, the North Koreans’ salary is the same as for the Chinese, roughly $300 to $385 per month. But others say North Koreans are routinely paid about $300 a month compared to up to $540 for Chinese.
Either way, the North Korean government of Kim Jong Un keeps anywhere from half to 70 percent of their pay, according to scholars who have surveyed former laborers. It passes on to the workers as little as $90 per month — or roughly 46 cents per hour.
The work can be exhausting, with shifts lasting up to 12 hours and most workers getting just one day off each week. At some factories, laborers work hunched over tables as North Korean political slogans are blasted from waist-high loudspeakers.
Through dozens of interviews, observation, trade records and other public and confidential documents, AP identified three seafood processors that employ North Koreans and export to the US: Joint venture Hunchun Dongyang Seafood Industry & Trade Co. Ltd. & Hunchun Pagoda Industry Co. Ltd. distributed globally by Ocean One Enterprise; Yantai Dachen Hunchun Seafood Products, and Yanbian Shenghai Industry & Trade Co. Ltd.
They’re getting their seafood from China, Russia and, in some cases like snow crab, Alaska. Although AP saw North Korean workers at Hunchun Dongyang, manager Zhu Qizhen said they don’t hire North Korean workers anymore and refused to give details. The other Chinese companies didn’t respond to repeated requests for comment.
Shipping records seen by the AP show more than 100 cargo containers of seafood, more than 2,000 tons, were sent to the US and Canada this year from the factories where North Koreans were working in China.
Packages of snow crab, salmon fillets, squid rings and more were imported by American distributors, including Sea-Trek Enterprises in Rhode Island, and The Fishin’ Company in Pennsylvania. Sea-Trek exports seafood to Europe, Australia, Asia, Central America and the Caribbean. The Fishin’ Company supplies retailers and food service companies, as well as supermarkets.
The Fishin’ Company said it cut its ties with Hunchun processors and got its last shipment this summer, but seafood can remain in the supply chain for more than a year. Owners of both companies said they were very concerned about the North Korean laborers, and planned to investigate.
Often the seafood arrives in generic packaging, but some was already branded in China with familiar names like Walmart or Sea Queen, a seafood brand sold exclusively at ALDI supermarkets, which has 1,600 stores across 35 states. There’s no way to say where a particular package ends up, nor what percentage of the factories’ products wind up in the US
Walmart spokeswoman Marilee McInnis said company officials learned in an audit a year ago that there were potential labor problems at a Hunchun factory, and that they had banned their suppliers, including The Fishin’ Company, from getting seafood processed there. She said The Fishin’ Company had “responded constructively” but did not specify how.
Some US brands and companies had indirect ties to the North Korean laborers in Hunchun, including Chicken of the Sea, owned by Thai Union. Trade records show shipments came from a sister company of the Hunchun factory in another part of China, where Thai Union spokeswoman Whitney Small says labor standards are being met and the employees are all Chinese. Small said the sister companies should not be penalized.
Shipments also went to two Canadian importers, Morgan Foods and Alliance Seafood, which did not respond to requests for comment.
Boxes at the factories had markings from several major German supermarket chains and brands — All-Fish distributors, REWE and Penny grocers and Icewind brand. REWE Group, which also owns the Penny chain, said that they used to do business with Hunchun Dongyang but the contract has expired. All the companies that responded said their suppliers were forbidden to use forced labor.

North Korean workers in China are under much more intense surveillance than those in Russia and the Middle East, experts say. That’s likely because Pyongyang fears they could follow in the footsteps of tens of thousands of their countrymen who escaped to China, or they could interact with South Koreans living in China.
“If a North Korean wants to go overseas, China is his or her least favorable option,” said Andrei Lankov, a North Korea expert at Kookmin University in South Korea. “Because in China, (factories) have essentially prison-like conditions.”
The vast majority of the workers in Hunchun are women in their 20s. Most are thought to be hired back home by labor brokers, who often demand bribes for overseas jobs. The laborers arrive in China already divided into work teams, each led by a North Korean overseer, and remain isolated even from their own employers.
“They’re not allowed to mingle with the Chinese,” said a senior manager at a Hunchun company that employs many North Koreans. He spoke on condition he not be identified, fearing repercussions on his business. “We can only communicate with their team leaders.”
In a sense, the North Korean workers in China remain in North Korea, under constant surveillance.
“They only talk about what they need to,” said a medical worker who confirmed their nationality and had cared for some, and also spoke on condition of anonymity out of concern for angering Chinese authorities. “They don’t talk about what they might be thinking.”
They live crowded into rooms often above or next door to the factories, in a world awash in North Korean rituals.
“Let’s Follow the Ideas!” of North Korea’s leaders, urges a poster at the workers’ dormitory at Hunchun Pagoda. Portraits of the country’s first two rulers, worshipped as god-like in the deeply isolated nation, gaze down from otherwise-bare walls. Laundry is often hanging up to dry and potted plants — mostly what appear to be herbs, though one room at Hunchun Pagoda has bright yellow carnations — sit on many windowsills.
It’s a world of concrete. The factory buildings and dormitories at Hunchun Pagoda are grey slabs of unpainted concrete. The yard where the women play volleyball in their free time is concrete. The street outside the front gate is concrete.
At most factories the women prepare their own food and make tubs of their own kimchi, the spicy cabbage dish beloved in both Koreas. Their televisions cannot tune in Chinese programming, and they organize their own sports and singing contests on their days off.
Nearly every compound has a workers’ garden. There are a half dozen rows of corn at Hunchun Pagoda, and kidney beans and melons at Yantai.
A booming Chinese economy means money has come even to cities like Hunchun, where six-lane roads and factories bump up against cornfields that, a year later, often make way for yet another factory. Mercedes are now regular sights on the road and 30-foot billboards at malls show bone-thin models in fur coats.
But when the North Koreans are allowed to leave their compounds, they go to the city’s working-class street markets, where vendors set their wares on plastic sheets or folding tables, or sell directly from the backs of trucks.
Chinese merchants say most North Koreans are very careful about their finances. For instance, while they splurge on expensive spices imported from South Korea, they also buy Chinese noodles that cost less than half of the South Korean brands.
On a recent morning, a group of about 70 North Korean women walked to a Hunchun street market from the nearby Hong Chao Zhi Yi garment factory. They asked about prices for watermelons and plums, browsed through cheap pantyhose and bought steamed corn-on-the-cob for 1 Chinese yuan (about 16 cents) apiece.
As the late summer chill set in one evening, a dozen or so women from Hunchun Pagoda played volleyball in the quiet road in front of the compound’s gate, scrimmaging in the pool of light thrown by the street lamp.
A train horn blew. The women shouted to one another while they played. As a car with a foreigner drove by, one laughingly called out: “Bye-bye!“

Estimates vary on how many North Koreans work overseas and how much money they bring in.
South Korea’s intelligence agency estimated in 2014 that 50,000 to 60,000 work in about 50 countries, most in China and Russia. That number may now be up to 100,000, according to Lim Eul Chul, a scholar at South Korea’s Kyungnam University who has interviewed numerous former laborers. Estimates that their labor brings in revenue of $200 million to $500 million annually to the North Korean government come from scholars, who base their findings on academic research papers, South Korean intelligence reports and sources in the Chinese business community.
That has made the workers a significant and reliable source of revenue for the North Korean regime as it struggles beneath the weight of increasing UN sanctions, which the US estimates could cost Pyongyang upwards of $1.5 billion each year in lost export revenues. In the last month alone, China has said it’s cracking down on North Korean exports, businesses and joint ventures, but it has a long history of not enforcing sanctions in practice.
Despite the pay and restrictions, these are highly sought-after jobs in North Korea, a chance to move up a rickety economic ladder and see a bit of the world beyond the closed-in nation.
Their monthly earnings in China are far more than many would earn in North Korea today, where official salaries often equal $1 per month. Experts estimate most families live on about $40-$60 a month, with much of their earnings coming from trading in the growing network of unofficial markets.
And there are plenty of benefits to working overseas. The laborers can use their earnings to start businesses in these markets, and can buy the status symbols of the slowly-growing middle class — foreign-made rice cookers, watches, TVs, tableware — selling them back home or using them as bribes. Simply going abroad is so rare that returning workers can find themselves highly sought-after when it comes time to marry.
Lim Il, a North Korean refugee, bribed a series of officials — with 20 bottles of liquor, 30 packs of cigarettes and restaurant gift cards — to get a job as a construction worker in Kuwait City in the late 1990s, when North Korea was still suffering through a horrific famine.
“I felt like I had won the lottery,” he said. “People fantasized about getting overseas labor jobs.”
Lim, a man in his late 40s who fled to South Korea in 1997 and now writes novels about the North, said that even though he was never paid his $120-a-month salary, he was happy to simply get beef soup and rice every day.
“Unless you were an idiot, you wouldn’t give up such an opportunity,” he said. While he never thought of himself as a slave, looking back he says that is the right description: “These North Korean workers (today) still don’t know they are slaves.”
The new law in the US labels all North Korean workers both overseas and inside the country as engaging in forced labor. (While US law generally forbids Americans from conducting business in North Korea, the AP employs a small number of support staff in its Pyongyang bureau, operating under a waiver granted by the US government to allow the flow of news and information.)
“There are not many countries that, at a government level, export their own citizens as a commodity to be exploited,” said an official at Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak to the media.
For years the State Department has blacklisted North Korea in its human trafficking reports, saying the overseas laborers and their families could face reprisals if the workers complain or try to escape, and criticizing Pyongyang for keeping much of the workers’ earnings. China, Russia and other countries hosting North Korean labor are all members of the United Nations International Labor Organization, which requires workers to receive their full salaries.
Luis CdeBaca, former US ambassador-at-large for human trafficking issues, said both federal law enforcement agents and importers should be making sure workers are treated fairly.
“If you think about a company like Walmart, which is spending a lot of money, time and effort to clean up its supply chain, sending auditors and inspectors to factories, working with suppliers, all of that is thrown out the window if they are importing products made with exploited North Korean labor,” said CdeBaca. “It contradicts everything they are doing.”
CdeBaca conceded the North Korean workers might like their jobs.
“The question is not, ‘Are you happy?’ ” he said. “The question is, ‘Are you free to leave?’“

A home away from home: Saudi students enjoy special London iftar

Updated 6 sec ago

A home away from home: Saudi students enjoy special London iftar

  • Annual ‘Ftoorna Yajmana’ Ramadan event aims to strengthen bonds among overseas Saudis
  • ‘Seeing everyone smiling and sharing their food … it was amazing, ’ organizer tells

LONDON: Saudi students in London captured the spirit of Ramadan and forged friendships as part of a special iftar held in the first week of the holy month. The event was part of the “Ftoorna Yajmana” (Our Iftar Brings Us Together) initiative, organized by the Saudi Club in London in collaboration with UCL and Imperial student societies.

Held at Nunn Hall in the UCL’s IOE Building, the iftar welcomed a large group of students, scholars and community members, offering them the chance to break their fast in a warm and familiar setting. Students were encouraged to bring and share their own iftar meals, creating a true spirit of generosity and cultural exchange.

Capturing the Ramadan spirit without family The gathering was more than just a meal; it was a space where students could experience the spirit of Ramadan despite being away from their families. Fozan Al-Farshouty, president of the Saudi Club in London, highlighted the importance of such events in strengthening bonds within the Saudi student community.

“As you can see from this beautiful gathering, I wanted to create a space where Saudi students could feel a sense of home, connect with each other and strengthen our community bonds while embracing our cultural traditions, especially in this holy month. We needed to reduce the homesickness and stay connected more with each other,” he said.

Voices from the community Attendees from various academic backgrounds shared their experiences, highlighting the significance of communal gatherings during Ramadan.

Dr. Rahaf Al-Shahrani, a DClinDent student at Queen Mary University, described how meaningful it was to spend iftar with fellow Saudis: “Being here surrounded with the other Saudis in London, it means a lot. It brings the spirit of being with the family and surrounded by people who share the same culture, the same fasting. So, yeah, it makes me feel really good.”

Abdulaziz Hussain, an events management and tourism student at the University of Westminster, said that the event offered an emotional and cultural connection to home.

“Having iftar in London is the closest thing to our homes. Being surrounded with fellow Saudi students, it means a lot to us and it keeps the spirit of unity and Ramadan going. It’s a nice thing and a good tradition; it happens every year,” he said.

Firas Al-Turki, an MBA student at UCL, said that the initiative captured the essence of Ramadan: “Such initiatives really make you feel like you’re at home. You see your fellow colleagues, your fellow Saudis, seeing familiar faces, praying together after iftar; doing all these things together in a crowd really brings us back to home and we get that Ramadan spirituality.”

Beyond the meal, the event became a celebration of culture and tradition. Amani Al-Shihri, vice-president of the Saudi Club in London, said that the gathering was about more than just food.

“As a Saudi student club in London, we arranged this event so we can get together, and it’s not just about the food; it’s about sharing our culture and keeping our religious ties strong, even when we’re studying abroad,” she said.

“Seeing everyone smiling and sharing their food and telling everyone ‘Oh, you have to try my dish!’— it was amazing.”

Building lasting connections The evening featured a diverse spread of homemade Saudi and Middle Eastern dishes, along with international delicacies, reflecting the multicultural nature of the gathering. In addition to the iftar meal, attendees enjoyed board games, adding a fun and interactive element to the night.

The hall was beautifully decorated with Ramadan-themed decorations, creating a warm and festive ambiance. A large screen displayed videos and photos of Saudi Arabia and the holy city of Makkah, reminding attendees of home and the spiritual essence of Ramadan.

As the call to prayer marked the start of iftar, the hall was filled with an atmosphere of warmth, gratitude and unity. After the meal, the event fostered discussions on Ramadan traditions, academic journeys and ways to support one another in both personal and professional life.

With Ramadan now in full swing, the “Ftoorna Yajmana” initiative continues to serve as a bridge between students, offering them a meaningful space to celebrate, connect and embrace the essence of the holy month.

Man who scaled London’s ‘Big Ben’ clock tower appears in court

A protester holding a Palestinian flag gestures from the side of the Elizabeth Tower at the Palace of Westminster.
Updated 35 min 52 sec ago

Man who scaled London’s ‘Big Ben’ clock tower appears in court

  • Clutching a Palestinian flag, Daniel Day, 29, scaled 25 meters (82 feet) up the building, officially known as the Elizabeth Tower, at about 7:20 a.m. on Saturday

LONDON: A man who climbed part way up the ‘Big Ben’ clock tower at London’s Palace of Westminster early on Saturday and stayed there all day as part of a pro-Palestinian protest, appeared in court on Monday.
Clutching a Palestinian flag, Daniel Day, 29, scaled 25 meters (82 feet) up the building, officially known as the Elizabeth Tower, at about 7:20 a.m. on Saturday, remaining there for 16 hours until agreeing to come down, his lawyer and prosecutors told London’s Westminster Magistrates’ Court.
He was subsequently charged by police with climbing and remaining on the tower which created “a risk or caused serious harm to the public,” and also trespassing on a protected site.
Prosecutors said Day’s actions had led to serious disruption in that area of central London with roads closed and buses diverted, and the cancelation of parliamentary tours had cost 25,000 pounds ($32,300).
Day’s lawyer said he would plead not guilty to the first charge, saying his action was designed to spread awareness regarding the situation in Gaza and Britain’s response to it.
The second charge of trespass requires the authorization of the attorney general, and so the case was adjourned until March 17 for a decision to be made.
Day, from a seaside town in eastern England, was remanded in custody, with his supporters clapping and shouting “Hero” and “Free Palestine” as he was led away.
Lindsay Hoyle, the speaker of parliament’s House of Commons, which is also located in the Palace of Westminster, said he had asked for a review of the incident.

Social media platform X outage appears to ease, Downdetector shows

Updated 10 March 2025

Social media platform X outage appears to ease, Downdetector shows

  • Social media platform X was down for thousands of users in the US and the UK
  • There were over 16,000 incidents of people reporting issues with X as of 6:02am ET

Social media platform X is down for thousands of users in the US and the UK, according to outage tracking website
There were more than 16,000 incidents of people reporting issues with the platform as of 6:02 a.m. ET, according to Downdetector, which tracks outages by collating status reports from a number of sources.

X did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.
Downdetector's numbers are based on user-submitted reports. The actual number of affected users may vary.

Tanker, cargo ship collide off UK coast causing blaze and casualties

Stena Immaculate tanker, involved in Monday’s collision with another ship off the coast of northeast England, can be seen.
Updated 10 March 2025

Tanker, cargo ship collide off UK coast causing blaze and casualties

  • Thirty-two casualties have been brought ashore with ambulances waiting to take them to hospital in the port town of Grimsby
  • Vessels involved are the US-flagged chemical tanker Stena Immaculate and Portuguese-flagged container ship Solong

LONDON: A tanker and container ship collided off the northeastern coast of England on Monday causing a huge fire on at least one of the vessels and leading to numerous casualties.
Authorities mounted an emergency response, and the coast guard agency said a helicopter, fixed-wing aircraft, lifeboats and nearby vessels with fire-fighting capability had all been called to the incident to help.
Thirty-two casualties have been brought ashore with ambulances waiting to take them to hospital in the port town of Grimsby, the chief executive of the Port of Grimsby East said via email. It was not clear how severe their condition was.
The vessels involved are the US-flagged chemical tanker Stena Immaculate and the Portuguese-flagged container ship Solong, according to shipping industry sources.
The BBC cited the chief executive of Stena Bulk, Erik Hanell, as confirming that all the crew on the tanker had been accounted for.
Television images from the BBC showed at least one vessel ablaze with clouds of black smoke billowing into a grey sky.
The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), a lifeboat service working on the emergency response, said: “There were reports that a number of people had abandoned the vessels following a collision and there were fires on both ships.”
The collision took place in a busy stretch of waterway with traffic running from the ports along Britain’s northeast coast to the Netherlands and Germany, shipping industry sources said.
Stena said its tanker was operated by US logistics group Crowley. The tanker was one of just 10 enlisted in a US government program designed to supply the armed forces with fuel.
Maritime analytics website Marine Traffic said the 183-meter-long Stena Immaculate was anchored off Immingham, northeast England, when it was struck by the 140-meter-long Solong, which was en route to Rotterdam.
Two shipping sources said the Stena Immaculate was at anchor at the time of the incident.
Ship insurer Skuld of Norway would only confirm that the Solong was covered with it for protection & indemnity, a segment of insurance that covers environmental damage and crew injuries or fatalities.
Solong’s manager, Hamburg-based Ernst Russ, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The United Nations shipping agency, the International Maritime Organization, said it was aware of the situation.

Marcos appoints new chief minister in Philippines’ only Muslim region

Updated 10 March 2025

Marcos appoints new chief minister in Philippines’ only Muslim region

  • Abdulraof Macacua is the governor of Maguindanao del Norte and senior MILF leader
  • New leader appointed only 7 months before Bangsamoro’s first parliamentary elections

Manila: President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has appointed a new interim chief minister to oversee the only Muslim-majority territory in the Philippines, as the region prepares for its first parliamentary elections in October.

Bangsamoro was at the heart of a four-decades-long separatist struggle until 2014, when the Philippine government struck a permanent ceasefire agreement with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, paving the way for peace and autonomy in the region home to the biggest Muslim population in the predominantly Catholic country.

The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao was formed in 2019 as part of the region’s transition to autonomy, which will culminate in October this year, when it will elect its legislature and executive.

Until then, BARMM’s leadership is currently under a transition authority appointed by the Philippine president.

Marcos has appointed Abdulraof Macacua, the governor of Maguindanao del Norte — a province within the Bangsamoro region — to replace Murad Ebrahim, who had served as BARMM’s chief minister since 2019.

The change in leadership was confirmed on Sunday by Presidential Communications Office Undersecretary Claire Castro.

“This transition comes at a crucial time as the Bangsamoro region prepares for a significant milestone — its first parliamentary elections in October this year,” Presidential Peace Adviser Carlito G. Galvez, Jr. said in a statement on Monday.

“For the continuity and success of the Bangsamoro peace agreement, we place our trust in Interim Chief Minister Macacua as he takes the helm of governance.”

Macacua’s appointment was welcomed by Yshmael “Mang” I. Sali, the governor of Bangsamoro’s Tawi-Tawi province.

“We stand firmly behind the new leadership as we work together toward the goals of the Bangsamoro Government for the benefit of all its constituents,” Sali said.

Macacua, 67, has been a member of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority since 2019. Also known as Sammy Gambar, he was a senior MILF leader and had served as chief of staff of MILF’s armed wing.

Rikard Jalkebro, an expert on Muslim Mindanao and associate professor at the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy in Abu Dhabi, said the “unexpected” change in BARMM’s leadership “carries significant political, governance and security” implications.

“It signals that (the palace) is not happy (or) confident that things are moving in the right direction,” Jalkebro told Arab News.

The last-minute leadership change may create uncertainties for ongoing governance programs, development initiatives and election preparations.

“Ebrahim was leading the BARMM transition with policies aligned with the peace process. Will Macacua continue these policies, or will he introduce new priorities that alter the region’s political and economic trajectory?” he said.

Though Macacua is also part of MILF, his appointment may also “indicate internal rifts within the organization,” according to Jalkebro.

As such, how the MILF and other Bangsamoro stakeholders react to the latest development in the coming months “will be critical” in determining “whether this shift strengthens or destabilizes” the transition process.

“The transition from a rebel movement to a formal political entity is delicate, and any perception of unfair political maneuvers could create tensions, particularly among grassroots MILF supporters,” Jalkebro said.

“The long-term effect will hinge on whether Macacua can maintain stability, ensure a fair election, and uphold BARMM’s autonomy without undue national government interference. This moment is a critical test for the future of Bangsamoro self-governance.”