France’s ex-first lady hails Saudi Arabia’s evolution

Cecilia with her husband Richard.
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Updated 15 May 2020

France’s ex-first lady hails Saudi Arabia’s evolution

  • Cecilia Attias regularly visits the Kingdom with her husband, Richard, who runs a communication strategy firm

PARIS: On the night of May 16, 2007, newly elected French president Nicolas Sarkozy was in Place de la Concorde, Paris, celebrating his victory. But where was his wife, Cecilia, many people wondered?

She did not join him until 11 p.m. when, urged by her daughter, Jeanne-Marie, she finally appeared alongside her husband. As the crowd roared and rejoiced, Cecilia’s sad expression sparked rumors that all was not well with the marriage.

The rumors were confirmed in October when the Sarkozys announced their divorce. The following March, the former Cecilia Sarkozy married Richard Attias, a Moroccan businessman and events producer who is currently working with the Saudi authorities.

“Richard is spending a lot of time in Saudi Arabia, where he is working on the organization of the G20, which is to be held in the country in November,” said Cecilia Attias, who often accompanies her husband when he visits the country. “He has also worked with the Kingdom to set up the global Future Investment Initiative forum in Riyadh.

“I have learned a great deal about Saudi Arabia and become very familiar with it after visiting many times. It is a country that has changed a great deal since Prince Mohammed bin Salman became crown prince. The country is in a real evolution. There is much that has changed and there are many things that still need to change. The country has evolved very rapidly.”

Attias is the granddaughter of Catalan composer, Isaac Albeniz. In July 2007, she helped free five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor who had spent years on death row after allegedly being tortured into confessing they infected Libyan babies with the HIV virus. She visited Tripoli twice to meet Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi and negotiate their release.

After her split from Sarkozy, she moved to the US with their 10-year-old son, Louis Nicolas Sarkozy, and her daughters Jeanne-Marie and Judith from her marriage to French TV star Jacques Martin. In October last year, Attias published “Agree to Disagree,” a book she wrote with Louis, who attended a military school in the US and is studying for a degree in philosophy and history at NYU. In a series of letters, mother and son set out to discover each other anew. With no holds barred they discuss a range of hot topics, from education to religion, feminism to climate change. “Who am I apart from being an ex-first lady who made headlines in France?” Attias asks herself in the book.

“For me, politics is a profession like any other and I place it at the top of the ladder because it is politics that governs and manages all aspects of our daily lives,” she said when I asked about her decision to give up the role of first lady, and all that went with it. “Therefore I have great respect for public affairs, for the Republic, and for the policies used to implement the rules of the Republic.


After her split from Sarkozy, Cecilia moved to the US with their 10-year-old son, Louis Nicolas Sarkozy, and her daughters Jeanne-Marie and Judith from her marriage to French TV star Jacques Martin.

“Besides that, I am an ordinary woman, who was married to Nicolas for 25 years, during which we had a son. I left to rebuild my life on the other side of the Atlantic. I have never been elected, nor have I, myself, ever been in politics. I was by the side of a politician but I do not have a personal voice that makes me different. I am an ordinary person.”

An ordinary person perhaps, but it is nevertheless rather extraordinary for the wife of a president to leave her husband.

“The extraordinary side comes from media exposure but the act itself was ordinary: A couple separates like thousands of other couples,” Attias said. “The only thing was that he was president and people had trouble understanding that. In life many people fight for power and money, and when you reject them people do not understand this.”

What about the timing of their split, so soon after his election victory? Why not separate before then?

“On one hand, he was the father of our son and he was my husband for a long time,” said Attias. “It is not easy to break up a family. For me, it was a heartbreaker and, in addition, I have a lot of respect, tenderness and affection for Nicolas. Leaving him at the hardest moment of his life was incredibly difficult.

“I left once before and when I came back, before he was president, it was really for him, for us, and not to help him get elected. I realized when he was president that once a vase is broken, you cannot put the pieces back together; there are deep breaks and I could not play a role that is not true. I am too faithful and righteous.”

More than a decade after their divorce, the couple’s relationship remains amicable, according to Attias.

“Everything is going very well,” she said. “We have a son in common and we shared 25 years so we are not distant from each other. We meet and I have lunch with Richard and Nicolas. We see each other often and  ... Nicolas has rebuilt his life; he has a wonderful little girl (nine-year-old Giulia, with wife Carla Bruni).”

Given her own experience of politics, would she encourage her son to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a politician? She notes that Louis has talent, charisma and a very punchy style that wins people over. He also believes in important fundamental values and will defend what is good and right, which are all fine political qualities, she adds, “but I will not push him into politics. He writes articles and reads a lot and he will choose his own path.”

And what is her opinion of incumbent French President Emmanuel Macron? He is “an extremely bright and well-educated man,” according to Attias.

“I met his wife, Brigitte, and I like her very much; she is absolutely likable,” she added. “Neither of them, however, have any political background or experience and that makes things very hard.”

Qassim University granted patent for robot that operates on electromagnetic energy

Updated 6 sec ago

Qassim University granted patent for robot that operates on electromagnetic energy

  • The invention can be used in various industrial and medical fields and robot applications

RIYADH: Qassim University has obtained a patent from the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property for its serial robot invention that can be operated by electromagnetic energy instead of the methods of operating a robot, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Wednesday.

The robot consists of electromagnets arranged alternately with springs that give a state of balance of forces between these sections, which provides various forms of dynamic movement for the robot, the report said.

The invention can be used in various industrial and medical fields and robot applications, it said, adding that the technology works with various Android applications.

SPA said the research team that obtained the patent included Dr. Fahd bin Nasser Al-Sunaidah, Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Amer Al-Rumaih, Dr. Khaled bin Ali Al-Hassoun, Dr. Fahd bin Nasser Al-Saleem, Dr. Shaaban Abdul-Radi Mahmoud, and Dr. Omar Hazem Saleem.

“This innovation comes within the ‘patent registration project for university employees,’ which aims to transform inventions and research ideas into protected products with economic returns, and to contribute to raising the university’s local and international classification in the patent registry,” said the report.

Qassim University is one of the top public universities in the Kingdom, with its Department of Mechanical Engineering giving strong emphasis on robotics.

Al-Daha: A northern heritage performed during happy occasions in Saudi border town of Turaif

Updated 27 June 2024

Al-Daha: A northern heritage performed during happy occasions in Saudi border town of Turaif

  • The dance aims to either spread fear among enemies or celebrate victory after the battl
  • It includes songs and voices similar to lions’ roar or camels’ grunt, and is performed by young and old people collectivelyIt includes songs and voices similar to lions’ roar or camels’ grunt, and is performed by young and old people collectively

TURAIF: Weddings in Saudi Arabia's northern border town of Turaif governorate in the Northern Border Province are marked by “Al-Daha” — a form of folk arts that has been linked to people’s life and happy occasions since long time ago, and that brings happiness and joy during wedding seasons in summer.

The Al-Daha dance is considered the most famous type of folk arts in the Northern Border Province.

It’s also one of the performative and manly historical war dances known for its enthusiastic rhythm.

The dance aims to either spread fear among enemies or celebrate victory after the battle.

The dance aims to either spread fear among enemies or celebrate victory after the battle. (SPA)

It includes songs and voices similar to lions’ roar or camels’ grunt, and is performed by young and old people collectively.

Head of the Saudi Arabian Society of Culture and Arts in the Northern Border Province Khalaf Al-Karan clarified that the Al-Daha heritage is a northern heritage that is performed by the Al-Daha groups, which include at least 20 to 40 individuals specialized in performing this type of art.

Al-Karan pointed out that the people of the region are keen on reviving their authentic traditional arts and highlighting their cultural and social heritage through folk arts, especially national and social occasions and wedding seasons, out of pride in that heritage, and as a way to rejoice their happy occasions and introduce the new generations to their ancestors’ heritage and to the ways of performing these ancient arts.

He added that the legacy department in the society attracts the new generation’s young people to train them and leverage the talents of those specialized in this beautiful genre.



Rare bilingual inscription unearthed in Saudi Arabia’s Tabuk province

Updated 27 June 2024

Rare bilingual inscription unearthed in Saudi Arabia’s Tabuk province

  • The piece, found during an archaeological dig in the village of Alqan, comprises two lines in Thamudic script and one in early Arabic

RIYADH: The Saudi Heritage Commission has announced the discovery of a bilingual inscription in Tabuk.

The piece, found during an archaeological dig in the village of Alqan, comprises two lines in Thamudic script and one in early Arabic, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Wednesday.

The style of the characters suggests the piece dates from the 5th century.

Recent archaelologican find demonstrates the historical coexistence of Thamudic in the Arabian Peninsula, says Saudi Heritage Commission

The commission said the find demonstrated the historical coexistence of Thamudic and early Arabic and illuminated the evolution of ancient writing systems in the Arabian Peninsula.

It represents a significant addition to the commission’s collection of ancient Arabic inscriptions and writings and aligns with its ongoing efforts to study, document, preserve and promote archaeological sites across the Kingdom.

Such work underscores Saudi Arabia’s commitment to protecting and showcasing its rich cultural heritage.

Saudi deputy FM holds talks with US envoy to Sudan

Updated 26 June 2024

Saudi deputy FM holds talks with US envoy to Sudan

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Waleed Elkhereiji on Wednesday received the US Special Envoy to Sudan Tom Perriello at the ministry’s office in Riyadh.
During the reception, they discussed developments in Sudan, ways to enhance cooperation, and issues of mutual interest, the ministry said in a statement.

AI training program targets Saudi science and engineering specialists

Updated 27 June 2024

AI training program targets Saudi science and engineering specialists

JEDDAH: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology and Alat have collaborated to launch an eight-week training program covering the latest AI technologies, the SPA reported on Wednesday.

The Alat-KAUST Artificial Intelligence Training Program targets science and engineering specialists in Saudi universities who are either outstanding bachelor’s degree holders or nearing the completion of their degree.


he program aims to drive the transformation of global industries, including electronics and advanced manufacturing, by equipping specialists with comprehensive knowledge and tools in the field of AI. 

Alat, a conglomerate owned by the Saudi Public Investment Fund, specializes in manufacturing semiconductors, smart devices, smart buildings, smart appliances, smart health, advanced industrials, and next gen infrastructure.