Hajj smart card wins Makkah Excellence Award

Dr. Abdulfattah bin Sulaiman Mashat. (Twitter/Makkahregion)
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Updated 29 May 2021

Hajj smart card wins Makkah Excellence Award

  • The Hajj smart card is linked to a smartphone app

MAKKAH: The Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has won the Makkah Award of Excellence in Hajj and Umrah services for its efforts during the pandemic and the steps it took to introduce innovative technology systems aimed at facilitating the procedures for pilgrims, including the Hajj smart card.

Dr. Abdulfattah bin Sulaiman Mashat, the Saudi deputy minister of Hajj and Umrah, told Arab News: “The card is linked to all services provided for pilgrims, such as accessing camps, transport means, hotels, paying at POS and ATMs, as well as guiding lost pilgrims and identifying crowded spots,” he said.

The Hajj smart card is an encrypted and standardized card provided for pilgrims, containing many services and information, and is linked to a smart phone app.

The card relies on the near-field communication (NFC) technology, which makes the card readable via the self-service devices (kiosks) distributed throughout the holy sites. The barcode provides relevant information about pilgrims, holding all their personal, medical and residence information.

The card provides access to different facilities and camps, contains a QR code to download the app on smart phones, guides pilgrims to their residences in Makkah, Madinah and the holy sites, and helps reduce illegal Hajj (unauthorized pilgrims).

The Makkah Award for Excellence has been presented for the past 12 years by the Emirate of Makkah Province to honor outstanding efforts in scientific, practical and intellectual fields to enhance quality and performance levels and promote the country’s position internationally.


Kingdom arrests 22,716 illegals in one week

Updated 3 sec ago

Kingdom arrests 22,716 illegals in one week

  • The report showed that among the 1,513 people arrested for trying to enter the Kingdom illegally

RIYADH: Saudi authorities arrested 22,716 people in one week for breaching residency, work and border security regulations, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Saturday.

According to an official report, a total of 14,446 people were arrested for violations of residency laws, while 4,780 were held over illegal border crossing attempts, and a further 3,490 for labor-related issues.

The report showed that among the 1,513 people arrested for trying to enter the Kingdom illegally, 53 percent were Ethiopian, 46 percent Yemeni, and 1 percent were of other nationalities.

The Ministry of Interior said that anyone found to be facilitating illegal entry to the Kingdom, including providing transportation and shelter, could face imprisonment for a maximum of 15 years, a fine of up to SR1 million ($260,000), as well as confiscation of vehicles and property.

Suspected violations can be reported on the toll-free number 911 in the Makkah and Riyadh regions, and 999 or 996 in other regions of the Kingdom.

Saudi Arabia joins UN meeting on ‘digital future’

Updated 2 min 34 sec ago

Saudi Arabia joins UN meeting on ‘digital future’

  • Discussions focused on enabling different sectors to collaborate to shape the digital future

RIYADH: The governor of the Saudi Communications, Space and Technology Commission, Mohammed Al-Tamimi, took part in the annual meeting of the UN Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development as a committee member.

The meeting, titled “Towards a Resilient, Safe, and Inclusive Digital Future,” aimed to promote digital transformation, develop the global digital economy, bridge the digital divide, and provide information and communication technology services.

Leading figures from government and private sectors took part in the meeting, which was held in New York.

Discussions focused on enabling different sectors to collaborate to shape the digital future, improve the resilience of digital infrastructure to handle crises, and explore future trends in digital technology and their effects on everyday life.

The Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development is a UN committee led by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Carlos Slim Helu of Mexico, and co-chaired by the International Telecommunications Union secretary-general and the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization director-general.

It comprises several key decision-makers in the ICT sector, along with senior officials from various countries.

Saudi-Cuban talks focus on health sector cooperation

Updated 29 min 45 sec ago

Saudi-Cuban talks focus on health sector cooperation

  • The two sides explored ways to enhance cooperation, particularly in the health sector

RIYADH: Saudi Health Minister Fahad Al-Jalajel, along with his delegation, met with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez in Havana as part of an official visit to Caribbean country.

The two sides explored ways to enhance cooperation, particularly in the health sector, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

They also discussed increasing both bilateral and multilateral health coordination to benefit their nations and people.

Saudi Health Minister Fahad Al-Jalajel, along with his delegation, met with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez in Havana. (SPA)

Al-Jalajel expressed appreciation for the attention given to the health sector in Cuba, and emphasized the importance of supporting shared interests to achieve sustainable development, prosperity, and well-being.

Cuban Minister of Public Health Dr. Jose Angel Portal Miranda attended the meeting along with several other officials.

Funding for response to loss and damage reaches milestone in Baku 

Updated 35 min 44 sec ago

Funding for response to loss and damage reaches milestone in Baku 

  • The Baku conference marks an important step toward achieving one of the key objectives of the COP29 presidency, as outlined in the first “letter to parties.”
  • The COP29 presidency plans to use the summit in Baku to work with countries that have pledged nearly $800 million to translate these commitments into actionable resources for communities in need.

RIYADH: Hosted by Azerbaijan’s COP29 presidency, a raft of decisions was made by the board of the fund for responding to loss and damage on the fund’s complete operationalization, at the third meeting in Baku.

After years of diplomatic efforts, since the fund’s creation at COP27 and its operationalization decision at COP28, these major discussions pave the way for the fund to start spending money in 2025. 

The presidency plans to use the upcoming summit in Baku to work with countries that have pledged nearly $800 million to translate these commitments into actionable resources for communities in need. The presidency will seek further contributions as well.

Mukhtar Babayev, COP29 president, gave his comments on this historical milestone.

“This breakthrough in Baku marks a crucial step in enabling action on climate change,” he said. “This is a truly historic day, years in the making, that has required determination from so many and an unwavering focus on the needs of those on the frontlines of the climate crisis.

“The COP29 presidency will continue to seek further pledges to the fund, and work across the wider loss and damage landscape to ensure that we build on today’s historic achievements.”

The initiative presents an important opportunity for the COP29 presidency to secure one of the objectives for the global climate agenda this year, as outlined in the initial “letter to parties” in July. 

During the meeting, the board elected the fund’s executive director, who will be announced soon, and approved the hosting agreement and trustee arrangements with the World Bank. 

A number of decisions were taken at the meeting, including approval for the launch of the annual dialogue, COP29, to be co-hosted by Azerbaijan and the board of the fund for responding to loss and damage.

Another decision was the approval of the “Agreement on hosting arrangement for the secretariat of the fund for responding to loss and damage” to be concluded between the World Bank and the board.

KSrelief signs education, housing agreements for conflict-hit Yemen, Syria 

Updated 21 September 2024

KSrelief signs education, housing agreements for conflict-hit Yemen, Syria 

RIYADH: Saudi aid agency KSrelief signed cooperation agreement with civil-society organizations in Yemen and Syria to address critical needs in the war-torn countries.  

The $1.5 million agreement in Yemen will implement the second phase of a project aimed at educating illiterate students and those with disabilities, the Saudi Press Agency reported. 

It will focus on building the institutional capacities of centers and public schools working in the fields of protection, care, and rehabilitation of people with disabilities, as well as literacy schools.

The project will be carried out in the governorates of Aden, Lahij, Al-Dhale, Shabwa, Hadhramaut, and Al-Mahra, benefiting a total of 8,975 individuals.

In Syria, KSrelief signed a joint executive program with a civil-society organization to provide 300 temporary housing units for the 2023 earthquake victims in several camps in the Jandairis area of Aleppo. The initiative will benefit 300 families comprising 1,330 individuals. 

Under the agreement, existing fabric tents in targeted camps will be replaced with 300 temporary housing units, each comprising two rooms, a hall with a kitchen, and a bathroom, covering an area of 30 square meters. 

Additionally, 300 solar energy systems and 300 water tanks with a capacity of 500 liters will be installed. 

The agreements, signed by KSrelief Assistant Supervisor General of Operations and Programs Eng. Ahmed Al-Baiz, are part of Saudi Arabia’s ongoing efforts to secure basic needs of people in conflict hit zones.