How archaeological discoveries in AlUla and Khaybar are unearthing Saudi Arabia’s prehistoric past

A Neolithic mustatil next to a Bronze Age pendant burial in Kaybar. (Supplied/Mat Dalton)
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Updated 19 August 2022

How archaeological discoveries in AlUla and Khaybar are unearthing Saudi Arabia’s prehistoric past

  • Thousands of structures, most between 4,000-7,000 years old, have been found in the Kingdom’s northwest
  • The discoveries are the key to a radical rethinking of the prehistory of the Arabian Peninsula

LONDON: To the bedouin, the mysterious structures of uncertain age and unknown origin scattered across the harsh and dramatic landscapes of northwestern Saudi Arabia have always been simply the works of “the old men.”

To the archaeologists who have just completed a four-year project to catalogue all the visible archaeology of AlUla County and the nearby Harrat Khaybar volcanic field, the tens of thousands of structures they have found, most between 4,000 and 7,000 years old, are the key to a radical rethinking of the prehistory of the Arabian Peninsula.

“A lot of the archaeological focus in the region in the past has been on the Fertile Crescent, running through Jordan, Israel and up into Syria and beyond, and little archaeological attention has been paid to this early material of Saudi Arabia,” said archaeologist Dr. Hugh Thomas, a senior research fellow at the University of Western Australia.

“But as we do more and more research, we’re realizing that there was so much more here than small, independent, communities living on nothing much and not doing much in an arid area.

“The reality in that in the Neolithic period these areas were significantly greener, and there would have been really sizeable populations of people and herds of animals moving across these landscapes.”

In the near future, he believes, “I think we are going to make massive discoveries that are going to change how we view the Middle East completely.”

Dr. Thomas is co-director of the Aerial Archaeology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia project, set up in 2018 by the Royal Commission for AlUla, as part of the Identification and Documentation of the Immovable Heritage Assets of AlUla program. The following year the project was expanded to include the neighboring, heritage-rich region of Khaybar.

A “core” area of AlUla of 3,300 sq. m was surveyed separately by UK-based Oxford Archaeology. Working with staff and students of King Saud University in Riyadh, they identified more than 16,000 archaeological sites.

Setting out initially to survey the AlUla hinterland, an area of more than 22,500 square kilometers, Dr. Thomas and his colleagues faced a daunting task, which they broke down into three stages.

A remote preliminary survey of the entire area, using satellite imagery, was followed by aerial photography of selected sites and, finally, excavation of a small number of the most promising structures.

The first stage lasted more than a year, with team members poring painstakingly over Google Earth and other satellite imagery and pinning every structure they spotted.

For the University of Western Australia team back in Perth, it meant “hour after hour of patiently scrolling through,” Dr. Thomas said.

“Sometimes it was in areas where there was absolutely nothing, just endless kilometers of remote desert. But then at other times you’d find structures all over the place, and you would get through only a few kilometers in a session, because you were constantly finding and pinning new archaeological sites.”

The hard work paid off handsomely.

By the end, they had identified 13,000 sites in AlUla and an extraordinary 130,000 in Khaybar county, dating from the Stone Age to the 20th century. They logged everything they saw, including some of the remains of the Hejaz railway, built by the Ottomans before World War I, but the vast majority of the sites dated from prehistory.

Each site consisted of anything from one structure to clusters of 30 or more, and they have now catalogued more than 150,000 individual structures of archaeological interest, especially in the Khaybar region, where there is “a really dense, significant concentration of archaeological remains.”

After the remote sensing came the really fun part — flying low over the spectacular landscapes of AlUla and Khaybar in helicopters, using open-door photography to record sites previously identified by the satellite survey as being of particular interest.

The pilots, from the Saudi-based The Helicopter Company, flew from site to site along flight paths created by the archaeologists.

Archaeological discoveries in AlUla and Khaybar are the key to unlocking the secrets of prehistoric Saudi Arabia. (Moath Alofi)

“They were commercial pilots who at first had no idea about the archaeology,” Dr. Thomas said. “But they were very keen, and also pretty good at interpreting and spotting things.

“They ended up having a really great understanding, and that was so beneficial to the project. I could say, ‘I’m after three funerary pendants up on an outcrop’, and the pilot would say, ‘Oh, I can see them, in front of us,’ and they’d steer the helicopter round to give you the best photographic angle.”

By the end, he said, “some of the pilots would have seen more archaeology up close than the majority of archaeologists.”

The last aerial photography was carried out in March this year and, by then, the team had captured more than a quarter of a million images across AlUla and Khaybar.

Among the structures they photographed were more than 350 examples of one of the most extraordinary types of large-scale structures scattered across Saudi Arabia’s prehistoric landscape — the mysterious mustatil.

Mustatil is the Arabic word for rectangle, and these often huge, rectangular structures, built by an unknown people more than 8,000 years ago, may be unique to the Arabian peninsula.

More than 1,600 are now known to exist across 300,000 sq. km of northwestern Saudi Arabia, concentrated mainly in the vicinity of AlUla and Khaybar.

Mustatils vary in type — some are more complex than others — but usually they consist of two parallel walls, or occasionally more, joined at either end by shorter walls to create a rectangle. They range in length from 20 to 620 meters and often they are clustered together, in groups numbering anything from two to 19.

Of the 1,600 mustatils identified via satellite imagery and the 350 photographed from the air, 39 were selected for ground survey by Thomas’ team. (Rebecca Repper)

In some places, mustatils have been “overbuilt” by subsequent generations who have constructed circular ringed tombs, or so-called pendant tombs, on or very near them.

Building some of the mustatils would have been a big commitment for a considerable number of people. The largest structure ground-surveyed by the AAKSA team, situated on the Harrat Khaybar lava field 50 km south of Khaybar town, was built from basalt boulders and measures 525m in length.

It is estimated that the structure weighs about 12,000 tons, with individual stones weighing between 6 and 500 kg.

Extrapolating from experimental studies carried out on Mayan structures in Guatemala, the archaeologists have estimated that it would have taken a group of 10 people two or three weeks to build a mustatil more than 150m long. Larger structures, up to 500m, could have been constructed by a group of 50 people in about two months.

As Dr. Thomas and his colleagues wrote in a paper published recently in the journal “Antiquity,” not only are mustatils “an important component of the ancient Arabian cultural landscape,” they are also among the earliest stone monuments in Arabia, and “globally one of the oldest monumental building traditions yet identified.”

Of the 1,600 mustatils identified via satellite imagery and the 350 photographed from the air, 39 were selected for ground survey by Thomas’ team. Of these, just a handful were excavated, and these have revealed a wealth of previously unknown information.

In late 2018 and 2019, for example, archaeologists from both the UWA and Oxford teams began excavating undisturbed mustatils east of AlUla valley, and discovered evidence that the structures had served a ritual purpose. Collections of horns and other cranial bone fragments, from animals including cattle, goat and gazelle, were found in chambers in the structures, which could suggest offerings had been made to some long-forgotten deity.

“These are ritual structures, I’d bet my house on it,” Dr. Thomas said.

“We have now excavated five of them, the Oxford Archaeology team has excavated three, and other teams are excavating others too. With the artefacts that are inside, and also the construction techniques that are involved in creating them, there is no practical function for these structures, other than ritual, that would make any sense.”

In addition to Mustatils, there are an estimated 917 kites around Khaybar built in varying shapes and sizes and some dating back to between the fifth and seventh centuries B.C. (Moath Alofi)

There is no roofing, the walls are too low for them to have been used for keeping animals in them, and some of them are built on the slopes of mountains that are incredibly steep and difficult to walk up.

Organic remains can be carbon-dated, and the animal bones revealed that the site was late Neolithic – about 7,000 years old. In the past season, however, in a collaboration with the archaeology department at Durham University in the UK, the team has been employing another sophisticated dating technique called Optically Stimulated Luminescence.

This, Dr. Thomas said, “basically allows you to date the last time that sand had light fall directly upon it, which is a really useful technique for dating structures that don’t have any kind of organic deposits within them.”

So far, nothing has been unearthed to suggest why the mustatils were built where they were.

“In some of the locations where we find them we just can’t understand why they were built there,” Dr. Thomas said.

“They might be in a random valley with seemingly not much happening around them. It suggests that people are coming to that spot, creating them, then moving on and probably coming back periodically.”

That, of course, poses the question: what was so special about these sites to these people?

Another, possibly connected, mystery is that the mustatils and even the later Bronze Age burial structures in the region were clearly built to be appreciated not from ground level, but from up above, in the sky.

“What’s fascinating is when you see them from the ground, they’re not that spectacular, just a series of walls,” Dr. Thomas said.

“But as soon as you get in a helicopter, or you look at it on satellite imagery, these things just come to life.”

One theory is that the structures might have been built to be viewed from above by the dead. Another possibility is that they were ritual structures constructed for the benefit of some deity in the sky.

But, as the structures were built long before human beings developed writing, the truth is likely to remain a mystery.

Equally mysterious is where the people came from who built the mustatils — and where they ended up. As yet, no Neolithic burial sites from the same period have been found.

Archaeologist Don Boyer measures a tower of stones next to a 525m long Mustatil in Khaybar. (David Kennedy)

“The hope is that, in the future, we might identify some Neolithic burials,” Dr. Thomas said. “But the reality now is that we’re not sure where the people of the Neolithic are.”

They could have been buried in unmarked graves at random sites, which would make it very hard to find any of them.

“Alternatively, there may be other things that they did to their bodies, which means that we will never find them.”

However, a series of finds in some mustatils has hinted at a perhaps macabre practice in about the mid-fifth millennium BC. Some human remains have been found — but only fragments.

“In one, we found part of a foot and five vertebrae and a couple of long bones. We can tell that while there was still soft tissue attached and holding the bones together, fragments of that body were taken and placed within this mustatil, or next to it.”

There are, however, multiple burial sites in the region — and sometimes close to mustatils — from the Bronze Age, dating from about 2,500 years later. 

“There are thousands upon thousands of tombs, pendant burials and larger monumental tombs in the region, indicating that there were large, thriving populations here,” Dr. Thomas said.

The most dramatic examples are located in Khaybar county, to the southeast of AlUla.

“Projecting out of Bronze Age oases are these long pathways, funerary avenues, flanked by thousands of tombs, creating a really significant funerary landscape.”

The next objective for the team is “to focus on this shifting idea of monumentality. In the Neolithic period, for whatever reason, something occurred that meant that people started creating these absolutely massive ritual structures, over a 300 to 500-year period.

“Then it stopped. Archaeologically, from about 4,800 down to about 2600 BC, we find very little — some domestic structures, but not many graves.

In addition to the mustatils, the site has kites whose geometric shapes may be connected or unconnected to each other. They may be part of a building or separate, or stone piles. (Duhim Alduhim)

“Then suddenly these monumental burials start appearing across the landscape. Why this shift from the mustatil, monumental ritual structures, to the focus 2,000 years later on the individual, or family groups, that were being buried in these structures?

“What happened in those few thousand years?”

Whatever the answer, the vast number of mustatils identified — about 1,600 in an area roughly the size of Poland — not only puts Saudi Arabia’s ancient past in a Neolithic class of its own, but has global repercussions.

“When we look at Neolithic landscapes across the world, often you’re only finding a handful of structures, less than a dozen,” Dr. Thomas said.

“So to have something like the mustatil, where you’ve got well over 1,000, covering such a significant area, really changes how we have to view the Neolithic.

“It indicates that the Neolithic is much more complex than we originally thought.

“And, as more research comes out about the mustatil, I think that will completely revolutionize how we view Neolithic societies, not just in Arabia but across the rest of the world.”

There will be 12 archaeological teams at work in the field this autumn, exploring the past cultures of AlUla and Khaybar from prehistory to the early 20th century. Stone structures of the late prehistoric period will remain a key focus.


Saudi Arabia now 66 percent self-sufficient in grape production: MEWA 

Updated 16 March 2025

Saudi Arabia now 66 percent self-sufficient in grape production: MEWA 

  • National production in 2023 exceeded 122,000 tonnes
  • 7.13 million grapes planted in over 4,720 hectares of land 

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia's grape production surpassed 122,000 tonnes in 2023, reflecting the growth of the local agricultural sector and its ability to meet a big portion of market demands, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported Saturday.

The figure accounts for 66 percent of current market demand in the Kingdom, said the report, citing a statement by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, or MEWA.

MEWA said more than 7.13 million grape plants, with more than 6.1 million bearing fruit. 

Grape farming is considered profitable because of the ease of cultivation in various soils with minimal water requirements and the plant’s adaptabilty to various climates in the Kingdom. (SPA)

In a separate report last year, the ministry reported a grape production area of 4,720 hectares across the Kingdom.

The same report highlighted Tabuk as the top grape-producing region, yielding 46,939 tonnes annually, adding that Qassim, Hail, and Asir also contributed significantly to the national production.

Grape farming is considered profitable because of the ease of cultivation in various soils with minimal water requirements. The plant could easily adapt to various climates in Saudi Arabia. 

To encourage farmers to plant grapes, the ministry has assured its continuing efforts to support and empower them by providing modern technologies, such as smart irrigation systems and organic farming.

The ministry also aims to encourage increased local fruit consumption, saying that grapes are packed with nutrients, and have health benefits.

The harvest season for grapes is from June to September, the ministry said.

Recycled ihrams promoting eco-friendly pilgrimage

Updated 15 March 2025

Recycled ihrams promoting eco-friendly pilgrimage

  • Sustainable Ihram initiative launched by Culture Ministry
  • Tonnes have been recycled, says Fashion Commission CEO

JEDDAH: With the arrival of Ramadan and many Muslims from around the world performing Umrah, a compulsory garment for male worshippers is the ihram, a simple, white garment symbolizing purity, unity and devotion.

The ihram is a critical part of the Umrah and Hajj experience, consisting of two pieces of unstitched cloth.

The Ministry of Culture’s Fashion Commission recently introduced its Sustainable Ihram initiative, which focuses on recycling and repurposing used ihrams.

The ihram is a critical part of the Umrah and Hajj experience, consisting of two pieces of unstitched cloth. (Anadolu via Getty Images/SPA)

The project aims to not only honor sacred Islamic traditions but also contribute to the protection of the planet by embracing eco-friendly solutions.

Previously used garments are transformed into new, sustainable ihrams through a circular, textile recycling system.

The initiative is a collaboration with the Saudi Investment Recycling Co. and the eco-fashion firm Tadweem.


• Tadweem is a Saudi eco-friendly company focused on improving sustainability in the fashion industry through initiatives such as textile recycling.

• Saudi Arabia’s Fashion Commission and Tadweem installed 336 collection bins in Mina to gather several tonnes of ihrams, and worked with partners to transform them into new fabric.

It aims to promote sustainable practices, raise consumer awareness about fashion recycling, and support the development of a circular textile economy in Saudi Arabia.

The project aims to not only honor sacred Islamic traditions but also contribute to the protection of the planet by embracing eco-friendly solutions. (SPA)

Recognizing that millions of ihrams are manufactured and discarded annually, the commission identified an opportunity to reduce the large volume of textile waste.

Burak Cakmak, CEO of the Saudi Fashion Commission, told Arab News: “Ihram is not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of fashion, but at the same time, it’s a product that is sold and used in volumes, repeated every year, especially during Hajj.”

He continued: “We wanted to create the first circular product in the country, and what better way to start than with ihram, a textile deeply linked to Saudi Arabia’s religious and cultural heritage.”

The ihram is a critical part of the Umrah and Hajj experience, consisting of two pieces of unstitched cloth. (Anadolu via Getty Images/SPA)

“To make this possible, we installed 336 collection bins in Mina, gathered several tonnes of ihrams, and worked with partners to transform them into new fabric, creating a fully circular process,” Cakmak explained.

The collected garments underwent a meticulous recycling process: sorting, cleaning, shredding, and reweaving into fresh ihrams, which “pilgrims can use with a deeper sense of purpose.”

“There is no better way to do this than for your religious pilgrimage, where you want to focus on spirituality, the core values of purity, and ensure that the product you wear represents how pure your thoughts are as you go through that journey,” Cakmak said.

We wanted to create the first circular product in the country, and what better way to start than with ihram, a textile deeply linked to Saudi Arabia’s religious and cultural heritage.

Burak Cakmak, Fashion Commission CEO

Mustafa Bukhari, the CEO of Tadweem, told Arab News about their production process. “Currently, manufacturing is done outside Saudi Arabia, but our plans include moving the manufacturing operations inside the Kingdom.”

Tadweem is a Saudi Arabia eco-friendly company focused on improving sustainability in the fashion industry through initiatives such as textile recycling.

For this project, the ihrams were converted into raw materials in Dubai, sent to Turkiye for manufacturing, and then returned to the Kingdom.

Burak Cakmak, Fashion Commission CEO

“We have ensured that the entire product is made from recycled materials, including the packaging and bags used, with no environmentally harmful materials,” Bukhari said.

He added: “The main material is recycled cotton, which we used in the ihrams and even in the packaging, where we also made the packaging bags from recycled cotton, ensuring the environmental sustainability of the entire product.”

At the Jeddah Hajj and Umrah conference held in January this year, Tadweem showcased how the fabric from recycled ihrams was incorporated into high-quality leather bags.

Priced at SR98 ($25.98), the ihrams are currently available in Madinah, with the distribution to be expanded to Makkah, major airports, and other regions in the future.

They will also be available via a dedicated store for sustainable ihrams in the Kingdom, and at the Islamic Arts Biennale in Jeddah, which runs until May 25.

Cakmak said: “The hope is that we are highlighting the importance of sustainability not just through art and creativity, but through everyday products that people can adopt.

“This is about offering a conscious choice, aligning the spiritual journey with sustainability.”


Spirituality meets sustainability at Indian Consulate iftar in Jeddah

Ambassador of India to Saudi Arabia Dr. Suhel Ajaz Khan spoke about the significance of Ramadan. (Supplied)
Updated 15 March 2025

Spirituality meets sustainability at Indian Consulate iftar in Jeddah

  • The Indian ambassador, Dr. Suhel Ajaz Khan, spoke about the significance of Ramadan, highlighting its values of reflection, compassion and service

JEDDAH: Warmth and unity reigned supreme at an iftar organized by the Consulate General of India in Jeddah to celebrate Ramadan.

The event featured organic flavors to highlight the theme of sustainability and brought together a distinguished group of guests including representatives of the Saudi government, diplomatic community, Indian diaspora, and leaders from sectors such as business, media and culture.

Consul General Fahad Ahmed Khan Suri reflected on 'Organic Iftar,' the theme of the evening. (Supplied)

The Indian ambassador, Dr. Suhel Ajaz Khan, spoke about the significance of Ramadan, highlighting its values of reflection, compassion and service. He emphasized the strong ties between his country and the Kingdom, particularly in areas like trade, cultural exchange and sustainable development.


• The Indian ambassador, Dr. Suhel Ajaz Khan, spoke about the significance of Ramadan, highlighting its values of reflection, compassion and service.

• Consul General Fahad Ahmed Khan Suri discussed the consulate’s focus on sustainability and the growing importance of organic farming in India and beyond.

Consul General Fahad Ahmed Khan Suri reflected on “Organic Iftar,” the theme of the evening, and discussed the consulate’s focus on sustainability and the growing importance of organic farming in India and beyond.

Indian Consulate’s iftar in Jeddah featured the theme of sustainability and emphasized the strong ties between Saudi Arabia and India. (Supplied)

The iftar featured a variety of dishes representing the rich flavors of India, made using organic ingredients to reflect not only a commitment to health and wellness but also to protect the environment for future generations.

These were supplied by the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority, Government of India, with additional support from local partners like LuLu Group and Siafa Dates.


Al-Azm Mosque in AlUla latest to undergo restoration in crown prince project

Updated 15 March 2025

Al-Azm Mosque in AlUla latest to undergo restoration in crown prince project

  • The mosque, which dates back more than 14 centuries to the era of the Prophet Muhammad, holds significant historical and religious importance

RIYADH: The second phase of the Prince Mohammed bin Salman Project for the Development of Historic Mosques has expanded to include the restoration of Al-Azm Mosque in AlUla, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Saturday.

The mosque, which dates back more than 14 centuries to the era of the Prophet Muhammad, holds significant historical and religious importance.

It is believed that the Prophet Muhammad marked his direction of prayer at the site using bones while en route to the Battle of Tabuk in the ninth year of the Hijra, SPA added.

The renovation will be carried out in the traditional architectural style of Madinah, and will ensure the mosque can accommodate up to 580 worshippers.

The project will use natural materials, including clay, stone, and wood sourced from local trees. Historically built with stone and plastered interior walls, the mosque has undergone multiple architectural changes over the centuries.

A key feature of the restoration will be the use of cut stones of varying sizes, bonded with clay mortar, and palm tree components for roofing, providing both structural support and insulation, SPA reported.

The Prince Mohammed bin Salman Project for the Development of Historic Mosques seeks to strike a balance between traditional craftsmanship and modern construction standards, ensuring the preservation of historic mosque elements while integrating sustainable development practices.

The restoration efforts are being carried out by Saudi firms specializing in heritage architecture.

Al-Azm Mosque’s updates come as part of a broader initiative, which in its second phase includes the rehabilitation of 30 mosques across all 13 regions of Saudi Arabia.

This phase follows the successful completion of the first phase, which restored 30 mosques across 10 regions.

KSrelief’s global efforts to empower women highlighted at UN session

Updated 16 March 2025

KSrelief’s global efforts to empower women highlighted at UN session

  • KSrelief has implemented 1,072 projects to support women in 79 countries, at a total cost of more than $723 million

NEW YORK: Saudi aid agency KSrelief took part in a high-level session at UN Headquarters in New York City recently as part of the 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women.

During the session, the agency highlighted its global efforts to empower women, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

KSrelief has implemented 1,072 projects to support women in 79 countries, at a total cost of more than $723 million.

The projects include vocational training programs and entrepreneurship support for Yemeni women, healthcare schemes, and initiatives to combat gender-based violence through awareness campaigns and survivor support programs.