quotes Forgiveness — a guiding light in Ramadan

20 March 2024

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Updated 20 March 2024

Forgiveness — a guiding light in Ramadan

Ramadan has descended on us once more, cloaking the world in a tranquility that whispers of introspection and renewal. This year, however, the familiar serenity feels tinged with a deeper yearning.

As the crescent moon, a celestial fingertip dipped in silver, paints the night sky, we are reminded not just of our own blessings, but also of the struggles faced by our brothers and sisters around the world.
This Ramadan, our hearts ache for the children of Gaza. Imagine the hardship of observing this holy month without proper food or shelter, and the constant threat of violence disrupting the sacred act of fasting.
People in Gaza grapple with limited access to clean water, electricity, and basic necessities — a reality far removed from the spirit of Ramadan. More heartbreakingly, over 50 percent of Gaza’s population are under the age of 18. These children know nothing but conflict; their formative years shaped by hardship. Their laughter, a testament to the enduring human spirit, should not be overshadowed by the rumble of distant explosions.
The situation in Gaza is a complex one, and I do not claim to be a political writer offering a definitive solution. However, as we delve into this holy month dedicated to peace and reflection, it is impossible to ignore the cries for a just resolution. The ideal of a two-state solution, where Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side in peace and security, seems a distant dream amid the current realities.
Yet, even in the midst of hardship, there is hope. Ramadan, a time for forgiveness and compassion, offers a chance to bridge divides and create a path toward a brighter future. This year, let us extend forgiveness outwards, not just as a personal journey, but as a bridge toward a more just world. We can all think of moments where we have let loved ones down, but this Ramadan, let’s recommit to the values of compassion and understanding.
Mothers, the unwavering pillars of our lives, deserve special mention during this holy month. Their tireless devotion, a silent symphony of sacrifice, echoes through the years. Each Ramadan, they orchestrate a culinary symphony at our table, the aroma of spices and simmering stews a symphony for the soul. Their love transcends words, a constant reminder of the importance of family and togetherness. Perhaps, inspired by this unwavering love, we can all be a source of strength for someone this Ramadan.
Remember the movie “Pay it Forward“? A simple act of kindness can ripple outwards, creating a chain reaction of compassion. This Ramadan, let’s extend forgiveness not just to those close to us, but also to those who may have wronged us.
Let forgiveness be the first act in a chain reaction of good deeds.
The world seems increasingly divided, a constant hum of information overload drowning out the quiet strength of empathy. We are like ships passing in the night, a million stories untold. Perhaps this Ramadan, this heartfelt plea, can touch a soul, plant a seed of understanding, and inspire someone to mend a broken bridge.
This Ramadan, let’s break bread not just for sustenance, but also to build bridges of forgiveness and compassion. Let this holy month be a catalyst for collective transformation, a web of kindness that stretches far beyond the crescent moon’s embrace. Let us become beacons of understanding, radiating outward with the strength of forgiveness.
Imagine the children of Gaza, their eyes sparkling with the promise of a brighter future. Together, we can create ripples of positive change that reach even their shores, reminding them that they are not forgotten. Their laughter, a melody of hope, can echo through a world yearning for peace.
Let forgiveness be our guiding light.
Let compassion be our weapon against injustice. Let us strive for a world where children everywhere — in Gaza, Palestine, and beyond — can celebrate Ramadan and every day with the joy and peace they deserve.
Ramadan Kareem. May peace and blessings be upon you all.

Abdulelah S. Al-Nahari is the managing director of business development for a prestigious marketing-solutions firm. He leads strategic-growth initiatives in line with Saudi Arabia’s digital-first vision. The key components of his drive for excellence in the industry are his multi-sector awareness, strategic digital foresight and range of industry experience.