quotes Checkmate: Outsmart disruption in the Saudi market

03 April 2024

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Updated 03 April 2024

Checkmate: Outsmart disruption in the Saudi market

In a world teeming with disruption, the Saudi market charts a particularly dynamic course. Traditional strategies are no longer sufficient. Those who will shape the Kingdom’s economic future are the ones thinking five moves ahead, playing business like a game of chess, not checkers.

Patrick Bet-David’s book “Your Next Five Moves” is a potent field manual for this evolution. His core thesis, that mastery of strategic foresight separates the merely successful from the truly exceptional, resonates forcefully in this time of transformative change.

Move 1: Master knowing yourself

“Know thyself” is an ancient maxim, but its business application is timeless. In the Saudi context, this means intimately understanding not just your personal strengths but also the market’s contours. Regulations, shifting customer desires and the subtleties of niche competitors all become strategic data points. The reward isn’t just insight, it’s the ability to position yourself as the expert to a hungry audience.

Seeking personal growth? Audit your skills relentlessly. Where can an online course or targeted research bridge a knowledge gap and make you the go-to authority?

Move 2: Master solving problems

Saudi Arabia is a market built on ambition. Static thinking has no place here. Identifying roadblocks before they become full-blown crises is the mark of a future-focused company. Think beyond survival to solutions — those that enhance efficiency, drive innovation or redefine customer satisfaction in your sector.

Consider the legacy logistics firm. Cumbersome processes, unreliable tracking, dissatisfied clients — this was their checkerboard. Investing in technology transformed them. Their chess move? Seamless operations, making them an essential partner for a burgeoning e-commerce sector.

Move 3: Master building A-teams

In a future defined by rapid change, technical skills alone won’t win the game. The Saudi workforce of tomorrow demands adaptability, problem-solving prowess and true alignment with your company’s mission, especially as ESG rises in importance.

Scaling? Pinpoint the exact gap in your current team. Then work with HR to design interviews that screen not just for resumes but for that elusive “fit factor” that translates to long-term loyalty and resilience.

Move 4: Master the nuances to scale

Vision 2030 sets a trajectory for the Kingdom itself. To scale strategically means leveraging the right incentives, the ideal technology partners, the unexpected alliance that broadens your footprint in ways in-house development never could.

That untapped sector boom suddenly looks exciting? Before diving in, seek out firms with complementary skills. A joint bid not only scales the project, it minimizes risk and expands both your portfolios.

Move 5: Master power plays

The Saudi business landscape may be evolving, but one constant remains: relationships are paramount. Building those connections, calculating risks intelligently and safeguarding your reputation aren’t soft skills, they’re essential weapons in your strategic arsenal.

A competitor’s attack feels personal? Resist the emotional response. Let your well-documented track record, a carefully crafted statement outlining your ethical principles, do the counterpunching for you. Bad press can become an unexpected brand building opportunity.

The transformational journey

“Your Next Five Moves” isn’t a formula for guaranteed success. That doesn’t exist. It’s a mindset shift — embracing the ‘doer,’ understanding constant self-improvement fuels growth and having the vision to look beyond the next quarter or even the next year. In a Kingdom where transformation is the watchword, these principles help you not only join the game but change the rules in your favor.

  • Abdulelah S. Al-Nahari is a partner in a marketing solutions firm and leads strategic growth initiatives in line with Saudi Arabia’s digital-first vision. He has multi-sector awareness, strategic digital foresight and a range of industry experience.