US announces a new $400 million package of weapons for Ukraine to try to hold off Russian advances

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The High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) is pictured during the military exercise “Namejs 2022” on September 26, 2022 in Skede, Latvia. (AFP)
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US Bradley Fighting Vehicles (BFV) had been used effectively by Ukrainain troops in their fight against Russian invaders. (AFP)
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Updated 11 May 2024

US announces a new $400 million package of weapons for Ukraine to try to hold off Russian advances

WASHINGTON: The US announced a new $400 million package of military aid for Ukraine on Friday, as Kyiv struggles to hold off advances by Russian troops in the northeast Kharkiv region.
This is the third tranche of aid for Ukraine since Congress passed supplemental funding in late April after months of gridlock. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had warned Thursday that his country was facing “a really difficult situation” in the east, but said a new supply of US weapons was coming and “we will be able to stop them.”
The package includes High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and rockets for them, as well as munitions for Patriot and National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems, artillery, anti-aircraft and anti-tank munitions, and an array of armored vehicles, such as Bradley and Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles.

It will also provide a number of coastal and riverine patrol boats, trailers, demolition munitions, high-speed anti-radiation missiles, protective gear, spare parts and other weapons and equipment. The weapons are being sent through presidential drawdown authority, which pulls systems and munitions from existing US stockpiles so they can go quickly to the war front.
White House national security spokesman John Kirby said Friday that the latest military aid was intended, in part, to help Ukraine fend off the surging Russian effort to capture Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city.
Kirby noted that Russia has already launched initial incursions into areas around the towns of Vovchansk and Lyptsi, near Kharkiv.
“It is possible that Russia will make further advances in the coming weeks, but we do not anticipate any major breakthroughs,” Kirby said. “And over time, the influx of US assistance will enable Ukraine to withstand these attacks over the course of 2024.”
The US has now provided about $50.6 billion in military assistance to Ukraine since Russia invaded in February 2022.
Almost immediately after President Joe Biden signed the $95 billion foreign aid package, the Pentagon announced it was sending $1 billion in weapons through that drawdown authority,. And just days later the Biden administration announced a $6 billion package funded through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, which pays for longer-term contracts with the defense industry and means that the weapons could take many months or years to arrive.
Russia has sought to exploit Ukraine’s shortages of ammunition and manpower as the flow of Western supplies since the outbreak of the war petered out while Congress struggled to pass the bill. Moscow has assembled large troop concentrations in the east as well as in the north and has been gaining an edge on the battlefield, Zelensky said.
Officials did not say if the latest package includes more of the long-range ballistic missiles — known as the Army Tactical Missile System — that Ukraine has repeatedly requested. The US secretly sent a number of the missiles to Ukraine for the first time this spring and the White House has said it would send more. In one case, Ukraine used them to bomb a Russian military airfield in Crimea.
The new missiles give Ukraine nearly double the striking distance — up to 300 kilometers (190 miles) — than it had with the mid-range version of the weapon that it received from the US in October.

Sahel region junta chiefs mark divorce from West African bloc

Updated 06 July 2024

Sahel region junta chiefs mark divorce from West African bloc

  • The exit came as the trio shifted away from former colonial ruler France, with Tiani calling for the new bloc to become a “community far removed from the stranglehold of foreign powers”

NIAMEY, Niger: The military regimes of Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso marked their divorce from the rest of West Africa Saturday, with Niger’s ruling general saying the junta-led countries have “turned their backs on” the regional bloc.
The three country’s leaders are taking part in the first summit of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), set up after pulling out of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) earlier this year.
“Our people have irrevocably turned their backs on ECOWAS,” Niger’s ruling General Abdourahamane Tiani told his fellow Sahel strongmen at the gathering’s opening in the Nigerien capital Niamey.
Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger set up the mutual defense pact in September, leaving the wider Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) bloc in January.
Their ECOWAS exit was fueled in part by their accusation that Paris was manipulating the bloc, and not providing enough support for anti-jihadist efforts.


The Economic Community of West African States is due to hold a summit of its heads of state in Abuja on Sunday where the issue of relations with the AES will be on the agenda.

“The AES is the only effective sub-regional grouping in the fight against terrorism,” Tiani declared on Saturday, calling ECOWAS “conspicuous by its lack of involvement in this fight.”
The exit came as the trio shifted away from former colonial ruler France, with Tiani calling for the new bloc to become a “community far removed from the stranglehold of foreign powers.”
All three have expelled anti-jihadist French troops and turned instead toward what they call their “sincere partners” — Russia, Turkiye and Iran.
Given the deadly jihadist violence the three countries face, “the fight against terrorism” and the “consolidation of cooperation” will be on Saturday’s agenda, according to the Burkinabe presidency.
ECOWAS is due to hold a summit of its heads of state in the Nigerian capital Abuja on Sunday, where the issue of relations with the AES will be on the agenda.

After several bilateral meetings, the three Sahelian strongmen are gathering for the first time since coming to power through coups between 2020 and 2023.
In mid-May, the foreign ministers of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger agreed in Niamey on a draft text creating the confederation, which the heads of states are expected to adopt at Saturday’s summit.
Niger’s General Abdourahamane Tiani first welcomed his Burkinabe counterpart Ibrahim Traore in the capital on Friday, followed by Malian Col. Assimi Goita who arrived Saturday.
“Don’t expect many announcements, this is primarily a political event,” said Gilles Yabi, founder of the West African think tank Wathi.
“The aim is to show that this is a serious project with three committed heads of state showing their solidarity.”
In early March, AES announced joint anti-jihadist efforts, though they did not specify details.
Insurgents have carried out attacks for years in the vast “three borders” region between Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso, despite the massive deployment of anti-jihadist forces.
The trio have made sovereignty a guiding principle of their governance and aim to create a common currency.

Sunday’s summit comes as several West African presidents have called in recent weeks for a solution to resume dialogue between the two camps.
Notably, Senegal’s new President Bassirou Diomaye Faye said in late May that reconciliation between ECOWAS and the three Sahel countries was possible.
In June, his newly re-elected Mauritanian counterpart, President Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, called on West African countries to unite again against the expansion of jihadism.
But successive summits on the same weekend raises fears of a stiffening of positions between AES and ECOWAS.
“I do not see the AES countries seeking to return to ECOWAS. I think it’s ECOWAS will have to tone it down (the situation),” Nigerien lawyer Djibril Abarchi told AFP.
While AES is currently an economic and defense cooperation body, its three member countries have repeatedly expressed their desire to go further.
At the end of June, Col. Goita assured that cooperation within the AES had taken “a path of no return” during a visit to Ouagadougou, Burkina’s capital.
The potential creation of a new common currency would also mean leaving behind the CFA franc they currently share with neighboring countries.
“Leaving a currency zone is not easy,” warned Yabi. “Any country can change its currency, but it takes a lot of time and requires a clear political choice as well as a technical and financial preparation process.”
Issoufou Kado, a Nigerien financial expert and political analyst, agreed: “They have to be very careful, because the mechanism takes time.”


France braces for crunch election as overseas territories kick off vote

Updated 06 July 2024

France braces for crunch election as overseas territories kick off vote

  • Polls will close by 1800 GMT on Sunday when projections of seat numbers are published
  • Final opinion polls on Friday suggested that far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) would fall short of winning an outright majority in the National Assembly

PARIS: France on Saturday prepared for its most consequential legislative election of recent times, with residents of overseas territories opening voting for a poll expected to give the far right its biggest ever presence in parliament.
A traditional final day pause was observed on Saturday ahead of Sunday’s second round runoff after a frenetic campaign that saw tensions rise across the country and dozens of attacks on candidates.
Underlining France’s global footprint that spans the oceans of the world, the first French region to vote was Saint Pierre and Miquelon, a small French archipelago off the coast of Canada where citizens began voting from 1000 GMT.
They were to be followed on Saturday by residents of French Caribbean territories including Martinique and Guadeloupe as well as Guiana in South America.
French Pacific territories come next before people in mainland France cast their ballots from 0600 GMT on Sunday.
Polls will close by 1800 GMT on Sunday when projections of seat numbers — regarded in France as a firm indicator of the final outcome — are published.
Final opinion polls on Friday suggested that far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) would fall short of winning an outright majority in the National Assembly.
But President Emmanuel Macron’s gamble in calling snap elections is expected to end with his centrist alliance having half the number of deputies it had before.
He now faces the final three years of his presidency with no clear ruling majority, and Prime Minister Gabriel Attal perhaps trying to hold together a caretaker government.
“Today the danger is a majority dominated by the extreme right and that would be catastrophic,” Attal said in a final pre-election interview with French television on Friday.
According to pollsters Ipsos and Ifop, anti-immigrant, euroskeptic RN could secure 170 to 210 seats in the National Assembly — well short of 289, an absolute majority.
French voters could therefore go to bed on Sunday night with no idea who might be able to form and lead a government, or whether a weakened Attal would shoulder on.
Le Pen insists that she is still on course for victory and an absolute majority that would force Macron to appoint her 28-year-old lieutenant Jordan Bardella as prime minister.
Attal vowed to stay on “as long as necessary” in a caretaker role, while Macron’s office is studying options to maintain some form of government.
Macron is to remain in office until presidential and legislative elections in April 2027, but he must now face the possibility of sharing power with political foes.
The prospect of France forming its first far-right government since World War II has dismayed its European allies, already perplexed by Macron’s gamble on a snap poll.
It also has left up in the air who will be in charge of the French government when the Olympic Games begin in Paris on July 26.
In an effort to halt the far-right rise seen in the first round of voting on June 30, centrists and left-wing parties formed second round polling pacts.
Le Pen has denounced the move as a bid to steal victory “against the will of the people” by creating what she calls a “single party” to protect the political class.
But it is far from certain how many voters who saw their preferred candidates drop out to give another a clear run against the RN will turn out on Sunday, with anti-RN figures saying nothing should be taken for granted.
“Contrary to what we are all hearing, it is not at all guaranteed as we speak,” Raphael Glucksmann, who led the Socialist list in European elections, warned on Friday.
With so much of the outcome uncertain, tensions are rising.
More than 50 candidates and campaign activists have been physically assaulted during the four-week campaign, the shortest in modern French history.
About 30,000 police, including 5,000 in Paris, will be deployed this weekend to head off trouble.

Philippines looks to ‘halal ecosystem’ to boost tourism, trade

Updated 06 July 2024

Philippines looks to ‘halal ecosystem’ to boost tourism, trade

  • National Commission on Muslim Filipinos in touch with hotels, restaurants for halal certification
  • Expansion of halal industry beneficial for all of Philippine society, NCMF chief says

MANILA: The Philippines is developing a “halal ecosystem” to try and boost tourism and trade, according to the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos, as the country targets more commercial exchanges with Arab and Muslim countries.

There are only around 10 million Muslims among the nearly 120 million, predominantly Catholic, population of the Philippines, but the country is looking to expand its domestic halal industry considerably.

The government wants to raise 230 billion pesos ($4 billion) in investments and generate around 120,000 jobs by 2028 by tapping into the global halal market, which is estimated to be worth more than $7 trillion.

The NCMF, a government agency whose mandate is to promote the rights and welfare of Muslim Filipinos, is central to ensuring that the products and initiatives developed under the country’s halal drive comply with Islamic regulations.

“Since NCMF is the only (Islamic) religious institution in the government structure, NCMF should lead in the implementation of programs and activities pertaining to halal,” Sabbudin Abdurahim, the commission’s new secretary, told Arab News this week.

“The NCMF is now spearheading the implementation of programs and activities for the development ... Through collaboration with partner stakeholders, we are looking to establish a halal ecosystem in the Philippines.”

The commission is cooperating with other government agencies — including the Department of Trade, Department of Agriculture, and Department of Tourism — as the Philippines seeks to expand the market presence of its halal-certified products, which include not only food and beverage products and services, but also travel.

Since the Philippines won the Emerging Muslim-friendly Destination award at the Halal in Travel Global Summit in 2023, it has invested significantly to attract visitors from the Middle East and the nearby Muslim-majority countries of Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei, particularly by ensuring that they have access to halal products and services.

Without developing a halal ecosystem, many potential visitors from Arab and Muslim countries might choose to visit other countries like Malaysia instead, “because they are confident they can easily find halal food there, unlike in the Philippines,” Abdurahim said.

“If we have halal restaurants here in the Philippines, many visitors from Arab or Muslim countries will come here ... Our halal division is already meeting with hotels, restaurants, and other establishments (about collaborating).”

Abdurahim sees the expansion of the halal industry as beneficial for all of Philippine society.

“It will benefit not only the Muslims in the Philippines, but the economy in general,” he said.

Japan, Cambodia to help remove land mines from Ukraine

Updated 06 July 2024

Japan, Cambodia to help remove land mines from Ukraine

  • The minister said Japan would provide Ukraine with a large demining machine next week
  • Deaths caused by land mines occur frequently among civilians and soldiers in Ukraine

PHNOM PENH: Japan will work with Cambodia to remove land mines from Ukraine and other war-torn countries, Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa said during a visit to Phnom Penh on Saturday.
Millions of land mines were laid in Cambodia during the nearly three decades of conflict that ended in 1998, with tens of thousands of people killed or maimed over the years.
The Southeast Asian country is widely regarded as a world leader in land mine countermeasures and has been working with Japan to clear the weapons since 1998.
“Cambodia is an essential partner in Japan’s global land mine removal efforts,” Kamikawa said at a press conference.
“I am confident Cambodia will contribute greatly to raising awareness of the inhumanity of anti-personnel land mines as a country that suffered from them.”
The minister said Japan would provide Ukraine with a large demining machine next week, and in August would train Ukrainian agencies in Cambodia on how to use the equipment.
Heng Ratana, director general of the Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC), told reporters his organization and local deminers were “proud of this important initiative and strongly support the new strategy of the cooperation.”
“We are glad to take part in sharing experiences with countries that have problems with land mines and remnants of war in accordance with the policy of the (Cambodian) government,” he added.
Deaths caused by land mines occur frequently among civilians and soldiers in Ukraine, which has been littered with mines and explosive remnants since it was invaded by Russia in 2022.
According to Human Rights Watch, land mines have been documented in 11 of Ukraine’s 27 regions.
Russian forces are known to have used at least 13 types of anti-personnel mines since February 2022, the organization said.
Cambodia, meanwhile, is still littered with discarded ammunition and arms from decades of war starting in the 1960s.
Deaths from mines and unexploded ordnance are common, with around 20,000 fatalities since 1979, and twice that number injured.
In August last year, thousands of pieces of unexploded ordnance left over from the war were unearthed inside a school in the country’s northeast.
In 2018, an Australian and a Cambodian were killed when war-era ordnance exploded during a demining training exercise in southern Cambodia.
The government has vowed to clear all mines and unexploded ordnance by 2025.

Testimonies of Afghan girls reveal grief, despair over Taliban school ban

Updated 06 July 2024

Testimonies of Afghan girls reveal grief, despair over Taliban school ban

  • Fears of ‘lost generation,’ as education experts say ban has damaged Afghanistan’s entire social system
  • ‘Iqra’ campaign by Afghan activists gathers stories of young women denied access to formal schooling

KABUL: When Salma was suddenly forced to stop her education in the eighth grade, she was left in limbo, every day waiting to return to the classroom. Almost three years later, the hope has faded not only for her, but also more than a million Afghan girls above the age of 13 who are no longer allowed to attend school.
Secondary schools for girls were suspended in September 2021, a month after the Taliban took control of Afghanistan. The ban resulted in about 1.1 million girls being denied access to formal education.
For Salma and her friends, it was an end to their dreams of the future.
“I used to go to school every day. Every morning felt very exciting. We would meet our friends and teachers. We used to play together, eat and, of course, study,” she said.
“Every time I sat with my classmates, we would talk about our dreams and plans. I always wanted to be a teacher, my friend wanted to become a doctor, another one wished to become a computer engineer ... Everything changed so suddenly.”
Neither appeals at home nor international pressure on the Taliban administration have since helped to lift the ban, which authorities have repeatedly said was an “internal matter.” The only education the Taliban have allowed for girls is at madrasas, Islamic schools that focus on religious training.
Some of Salma’s colleagues tried to continue their learning and took private lessons online.
“But they banned those classes as well,” she said. “We just pass days and nights without doing anything meaningful. Our lives have become purposeless.”
The ban was later extended to universities, with more than 100,000 female students blocked from finishing their degrees.
Testimonies of girls and young women such as Salma are now being collected under the “Iqra” campaign by Afghan activists trying to amplify their voices.
The word “iqra,” meaning “read” in Arabic, was the first word of the Qur’anic revelation, which is interpreted by many Muslims as emphasizing the importance of education in Islam.
The campaign is organized by Musawer and Rawadari, two civil society organizations working for children’s education and human rights.
“We started the Iqra campaign as we were getting closer to the 1,000 days of school closure for girls in Afghanistan. We were so saddened and really grieved by it because every day is a day that will never come back for these young women. They can never go back and be of the same age and go back to school,” Shaharzad Akbar, director of Rawadari, told Arab News.
Rawadari has been contacting girls across Afghanistan, asking how it feels to be out of school for so long, how it has affected them, and what was it that they wanted.
“Their main demand is the reopening of schools and universities so that they can continue their education. When you talk to an 11-12-year-old in other parts of the world, they will talk about personal ambitions. But for almost all of these girls, they are talking about serving their communities,” Akbar said.
“Almost every single person said I wanted to be educated so I can serve Afghanistan and my people. That was really moving. What a waste that they will not be able to serve in the ways that they want to serve because they are banned from education.”
Women activists and education experts say the ban on girls’ education has already damaged the entire social system.
Fazila Muruwat, former head of the Kunar Teachers’ Education College, said that the restriction is taking a toll on both students and educators.
“People are hopeless and sad,” she said. “Female teachers are also forgetting a lot of what they have learned and taught before.”
Mahbob Mowahed, principal of a private school in Kabul, highlighted the damaging psychological and social consequences of the ban.
“In order to have a progressive and independent country, it is imperative for everyone to have access to education, which means that men, women, boys and girls should have the opportunity to learn,” he said.
“Women are an important part of the society and we cannot keep them illiterate forever. Even religion cannot be properly learnt without education.”
Fears are growing that the prolonged denial of education is resulting in another lost generation in Afghanistan.
“An entire generation was thrown into darkness. This is such a loss that Afghanistan will not be able to compensate for it for decades. It is not just a problem of girls but it is a discussion of the survival of Afghanistan,” Shafiqa Khpalwak, director of Musawer, told Arab News.
“I don’t know what the society will be like if girls don’t go to school and remain illiterate ... This is a human disaster. This is a violation of human dignity.”