UN will declare that both Israel and Hamas are violating children’s rights in armed conflict

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Mourners gather next to the bodies of Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes, during their funeral at Al-Aqsa hospital in Deir Al-Balah, in central Gaza Strip, on June 5, 2024. (REUTERS)
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A man rides a scooter in Tel Aviv, past pictures of hostages kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas. (REUTERS)
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Updated 08 June 2024

UN will declare that both Israel and Hamas are violating children’s rights in armed conflict

  • Israel’s inclusion to likely put more of a global spotlight on the country’s conduct of the war in Gaza
  • Adding Israel to the ‘list of shame’ an important step in the right direction: Palestinian UN envoy

UNITED NATIONS: The UN secretary-general will tell the Security Council next week that both Israel and Hamas are violating children’s rights and leaving them exposed to danger in their war to eliminate each other.

The secretary-general annually makes a global list of states and militias that are menacing children and threatening them. Parties on the list have ranged from the Kachin Independence Army in Myanmar to — last year — Russia during its war with Ukraine.
Now Israel is set to join them.
António Guterres sends the list to the Security Council and the council can then decide whether to take action. The United States is one of five veto-wielding permanent council members and has been reluctant to act against Israel, its longtime ally.
Another permanent member is Russia and when the United Nations put Russian forces on its blacklist last year for killing boys and girls and attacking schools and hospitals in Ukraine, the council took no action.
The inclusion of Israel this month will likely just put more of a global spotlight on the country’s conduct of the war in Gaza and increase already high tensions in its relationship with the global body.
The preface of last year’s UN report says it lists parties engaged in “the killing and maiming of children, rape and other forms of sexual violence perpetrated against children, attacks on schools, hospitals and protected persons.”
The head of Guterres’ office called Israel’s UN ambassador, Gilad Erdan, on Friday to inform him that Israel would be in the report when it is sent to the council next week, UN spokesman Stéphane Dujarric told reporters on Friday.
The militant Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad groups also will be listed.
Israel reacted with outrage, sending news organizations a video of Erdan berating the head of Guterres’ office — who was supposedly on the other end of a phone call — and posting it on X.
“Hamas will continue even more to use schools and hospitals because this shameful decision of the secretary-general will only give Hamas hope to survive and extend the war and extend the suffering,” Erdan wrote in a statement. “Shame on him!”
The Palestinian UN ambassador said that adding Israel to the “‘list of shame,’ will not bring back tens of thousands of our children who were killed by Israel over decades.”
“But it is an important step in the right direction,” Riyad Mansour wrote in a statement.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said “the UN put itself on the black list of history today” as the move heightened the long-running feud between Israel and the UN and even the routine mechanics of Israel’s dealings with the world body are now fraught with tensions.
The normally equanimous secretary-general’s spokesman broke from the good-natured tone of his noon briefing when asked to discuss the latest development.
“The call was a courtesy afforded to countries that are newly listed on the annex of the report,” Dujarric said. “The partial release of that recording on Twitter is shocking and unacceptable and frankly, something I’ve never seen in my 24 years serving this organization.”
Condemnation of the secretary-general’s decision appeared to bring together Israel’s increasingly fractious leadership — from the right-wing Netanyahu and Erdan to the popular centrist member of the War Cabinet, Benny Gantz.
Gantz cited Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, as saying “it matter not what say the goyim (non-Jews), what is important is what do the Jews.”
For month Israel has faced heavy international criticism over civilian casualties in Gaza and questions about whether it has done enough to prevent them in the eight-month-old war. Two recent airstrikes in Gaza killed dozens of civilians.
UN agencies warned Wednesday that over 1 million Palestinians in Gaza could experience the highest level of starvation by the middle of next month if hostilities continue.
The World Food Program and the Food and Agriculture Organization said in a joint report that hunger is worsening because of heavy restrictions on humanitarian access and the collapse of the local food system in the eight-month Israel-Hamas war.
The proportion of Palestinian women and children being killed in the Israel-Hamas war appears to have declined sharply, an Associated Press analysis of Gaza Health Ministry data has found, a trend that both coincides with Israel’s changing battlefield tactics and contradicts the ministry’s own public statements.
The trend is significant because the death rate for women and children is the best available proxy for civilian casualties in one of the 21st century’s most destructive conflicts. In October, when the war began, it was above 60 percent. For the month of April, it was below 40 percent.
Yet the shift went unnoticed for months by the UN and much of the media, and the Hamas-linked Health Ministry has made no effort to set the record straight.

Scorching summer traps people of Sudan between conflict and deadly heat

Updated 23 min 33 sec ago

Scorching summer traps people of Sudan between conflict and deadly heat

  • Dozens attempting to illegally cross the border into Egypt have died amid a severe summer heatwave
  • Worsening climatic conditions may be placing millions at risk of food insecurity and, consequently, malnutrition

LONDON: Desperate to escape the violence raging across Sudan, thousands of people are setting off on the perilous journey to neighboring states. On the way, however, many are confronted by another hazard — deadly heat.

Dozens of people attempting to illegally cross the border into Egypt have died as the region reels from a severe summer heatwave. Earlier this month, temperatures in Egypt’s southern governorate of Aswan rose to a record 49.6 degrees Celsius in the shade.

The Refugee Platform, an independent Egyptian rights organization, said on June 17 that Aswan locals had found vehicles on remote desert roads filled with the bodies of migrants who had perished.

About 500,000 people from Sudan have fled to Egypt alone since the beginning of the conflict. (AFP)

It reported that 51 people died, presumably on their way to Egypt, as a result of dehydration, heat stroke or road accidents, compounded by lack of medical care. Survivors hospitalized in Aswan informed the Refugee Platform that the number of missing migrants exceeds those who have been found.

Many families have reported their loved ones missing. “My aunt lost contact with her 34-year-old son for two weeks earlier this month, only to later hear from a friend who had reached Egypt that he died of heat stroke before they crossed the border,” said Manal, a UK-based Sudanese nurse, whose name has been changed to protect her anonymity.

She told Arab News that her cousin, who was uprooted from his home in the capital Khartoum, had previously sent his mother, wife and their five-year-old son to Egypt when Sudanese women and minors were exempt from visa requirements.

The conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, which erupted on April 15 last year, has displaced 9.1 million people, with 2.1 million having fled abroad, according to UN figures.

According to the International Organization for Migration, about 500,000 people from Sudan have fled to Egypt alone since the beginning of the conflict.

This year's Global Peace Index, produced by the Sydney-headquartered Institute for Economics and Peace, classified Sudan as the second least peaceful country in the world, preceded only by Yemen.

Before its descent into horror, Sudan was Africa’s second-largest refugee host, accommodating over 1 million refugees from Syria, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Eritrea, the Central African Republic, Chad and Yemen.

Today, Sudanese refugees form the largest exile community in Egypt, with more than 300,000 registered with the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, in the neighboring country.

Many families have reported their loved ones missing. (AFP)

Nairobi-based World Food Program communications officer Alessandro Abbonizio described Sudan’s refugee crisis as “the world’s largest displacement crisis,” with hundreds of thousands of Sudanese people also fleeing to other neighboring countries, including Chad and South Sudan.

He said that while the WFP “has mobilized massive responses” in neighboring countries to support families fleeing Sudan, many of these nations already grapple with “high levels of food insecurity.”

“The arrival of Sudanese refugees in those countries is stretching WFP’s already underfunded refugee and humanitarian operations across the region,” he told Arab News. “In South Sudan, WFP has already had to reduce humanitarian assistance, and vulnerable families are only receiving half rations.”

An estimated 7.1 million people in South Sudan already face acute or worse food insecurity, as per UN figures, with the number of those facing starvation and death projected to almost double between April and July 2024, compared with the same period last year.

Abbonizio pointed out that thousands of people from Sudan continue to cross the border into South Sudan every week, adding that “families are arriving with stories of long journeys with little food or water and citing violence and lack of food as the main reasons that they left Sudan.”

South Sudan too has been experiencing extreme heat since March when authorities ordered schools to shut across the country. The country, which gained independence from Sudan in 2011, is highly exposed to climatic events such as droughts, floods and rising temperatures, which have led to further displacement, food insecurity and religious and ethnic unrest.

In Chad, “piecemeal funding has forced WFP to operate month-by-month, falling short of meeting the needs of refugees (including those from Sudan) and crisis-affected host communities,” Abbonizio said.

In the absence of preventive measures, worsening climatic conditions spell doom for the region, placing millions at greater risk of food insecurity and, consequently, malnutrition.

Long waiting times and lack of basic amenities at the Sudan-Egypt border are pushing increasing numbers of people in Sudan to take illegal routes into Egypt. (AFP)

A UN Food and Agriculture Organization report cautioned that extreme climatic events “could have major implications for several hotspots, including risk of floods in parts of South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Haiti, Chad, Mali and Nigeria, as well as Sudan.”

The Hunger Hotspots report, published on June 5, highlighted that “Mali, Palestine, South Sudan and Sudan remain at the highest alert level and require the most urgent attention.”

WFP’s Abbonizio warned that as the rainy season arrives in the coming weeks, access to parts of Eastern Chad will be cut off, potentially worsening the food insecurity crisis in the region.

Noting that 3.4 million people in Chad are projected to face acute food insecurity during the current lean season from June to August, he said: “This year is becoming a race against time as the rainy season is expected to begin in the coming weeks and could cut off access to parts of Eastern Chad.”


• 700,000+ Refugees and returnees who have fled from Sudan into South Sudan since April 2023.

• 900,000+ People projected to flee from Sudan into Chad by 2024 end.

• 300,000+ Sudanese refugees registered with UNHCR in Egypt.

Abbonizio called for urgent funding “to preposition food supplies for its refugee response ahead of the start of the rains,” adding that “WFP is also supporting hundreds of thousands of Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia, Uganda and Egypt with food, cash, and nutrition assistance.”

Meanwhile, long waiting times and lack of basic amenities at the Sudan-Egypt border are pushing increasing numbers of people in Sudan to take illegal routes into Egypt in hopes of finding sanctuary.

The conflict has displaced 9.1 million people, with 2.1 million having fled abroad. (AFP)

“Some of the bodies arrived with their skin peeled off and suffering from dehydration,” a medical source at a hospital in Aswan told the Mada Masr news outlet.

Survivors of the ordeal said that “dozens in the desert have no water,” and “entire families died because of the high temperatures and were left there.”

The precise number of people who have died in the process is difficult to ascertain. The Refugee Platform said that, between June 7 and June 9, 40 people, including children, women and entire families, lost their lives. The number is expected to rise as more bodies are uncovered.

In June last year, Cairo announced that all Sudanese people must hold valid visas prior to entering Egypt, scrapping a law that only required Sudanese men aged 16 to 50 to have a visa.

As Egypt has further tightened entry and residency requirements, at least 120,000 people, lacking travel documents, remain in limbo on the Sudan side of the border, according to an AFP news agency report.

Since September, Egyptian authorities have also carried out arrests of Sudanese refugees “based on their migration status.” The decision was made after authorities detected “unlawful activities,” including visa forgery, an Egyptian foreign ministry spokesperson told the Reuters news agency.

Cairo announced that all Sudanese people must hold valid visas prior to entering Egypt. (AFP)

In March, the Sudanese Dabanga Radio cited a thriving trade in forged Egyptian visas at the Argeen border crossing between the two countries.

In a condolence message to the families of those who have died trying to reach Egypt, Abdelgadir Abdallah, Sudan’s consul general in Aswan, warned of the dangers of using irregular means to enter Egypt. “Avoid using this method. Some areas in Sudan are safe; remain there,” he said.

Tunisian soldier dead in attack against patrol: ministry

A Tunisian soldier was shot dead on Wednesday in an attack on an army patrol in a desert area bordering Libya. (File/AFP)
Updated 46 min 7 sec ago

Tunisian soldier dead in attack against patrol: ministry

  • The ministry said it hadn’t identified the shooter, but an investigation has been opened
  • Smugglers have been active in the area while the presence of extremist groups is growing

TUNIS: A Tunisian soldier was shot dead on Wednesday in an attack on an army patrol in a desert area bordering Libya, the country’s defense ministry said.
“At dawn, a military patrol operating in Remada, which was carrying out its normal duties in the border buffer zone, was targeted by sudden fire from an unknown source,” the ministry said in a statement.
Remada is in the far south of the country.
The attack “resulted in the death of a soldier from the military patrol,” it added.
The ministry said it hadn’t identified the shooter, but an investigation has been opened.
Smugglers have been active in the area while the presence of extremist groups is growing.
In 2013, Tunisia established a buffer zone along the border which civilians are not permitted to enter.
Tunisian military forces often carry out operations in mountainous and desert areas along the borders with Libya and Algeria.

Ship barely avoids Houthi missile in Gulf of Aden

Updated 26 June 2024

Ship barely avoids Houthi missile in Gulf of Aden

  • Incident in the Gulf of Aden came after the Houthis claimed on Tuesday night to have attacked the “Israeli” MSC Sarah ship in the Arabian Sea
  • Houthis have increased assaults on ships in international seas off Yemen, the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean, issuing almost daily announcements claiming fresh strikes

AL-MUKALLA: A missile apparently launched by Yemen’s Houthi militia landed near a ship south of Yemen’s southern port city of Aden on Wednesday, hours after the Houthis claimed to be deploying a new long-range missile in their anti-ship campaign.

The UK Maritime Trade Operations said it received an alarm from a ship’s master regarding a missile impacting waters near the vessel, 52 miles south of Aden, adding that the ship and its crew were safe.

“The vessel is proceeding to its next port of call,” the UKMTO said in its alert, advising ships navigating the Gulf of Aden to take vigilance and notify the authority of any suspicious activities.

The incident in the Gulf of Aden came after the Houthis claimed on Tuesday night to have attacked the “Israeli” MSC Sarah ship in the Arabian Sea using a newly deployed long-range missile.

The MSC Sarah is a Liberian-flagged container ship heading from Panama to the UAE and was seen in the Gulf of Oman on Wednesday morning, according to ship monitoring website marinetraffic.com.

“The Yemeni Armed Forces maintained that this qualitative operation was carried out with a new ballistic missile that went into service after the successful conclusion of testing operations. The missile is distinguished by its ability to attack targets precisely and across vast distances,” Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea said in a televised statement.

The Houthis were referring to an incident reported by the UKMTO on Monday, in which the master of a ship reported a nearby explosion 246 nautical miles southeast of Nishtun, a coastal town in the government-controlled Yemeni province of Mahra.

This month, the Houthis have increased assaults on ships in international seas off Yemen, the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean, issuing almost daily announcements claiming fresh strikes, as opposed to the weekly claims of the past.

The US Central Command and the UK maritime agencies provide comparable daily statements regarding Houthi attacks on ships using drones, ballistic missiles and explosive-laden drone boats, as well as the shooting down of such weapons before they reach their intended targets.

The Houthis maintain that their actions are purely aimed at Israeli-linked ships and those traveling to Israeli ports to put pressure on Israel to end its war in the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

Separately, the Yemeni government has accused the Houthis of holding four Yemenia Airways planes in Sanaa, preventing hundreds of Yemeni pilgrims from returning home.

In a post on X, Yemeni Minister of Endowments and Guidance Mohammed Shabebah said that the Houthis had prevented four Yemenia aircraft from departing Sanaa airport for Jeddah to bring back Yemeni pilgrims, and that he has requested pilgrims to wait in their Makkah hotels until the planes are released.

“The Houthis are holding four aircraft at Sanaa International Airport, preventing them from returning to Jeddah Airport to take pilgrims to Sanaa,” the minister said. Yemenia said a few days ago that the Houthis are holding one of its planes at Sanaa airport and preventing maintenance, as well as refusing to allow the airline to access the more than $100 million in bank accounts held by the Houthis in Sanaa.

At the same time, Human Rights Watch said on Wednesday that the Houthis have abducted and forcibly disappeared over 60 Yemeni staffers from UN agencies, international missions and organizations since May 31, denying them access to lawyers, contacting their families or receiving life-saving drugs.

Citing relatives and experts, the international rights group asserted that the most recent Houthi crackdown is intended to divert attention from the militia’s failure to provide basic services, exert pressure on the central bank in Aden to revoke sanctions on Sanaa-based banks, and seize complete control over critical financial streams from the health, education and corporate sectors, as well as humanitarian aid agencies.

“The Houthis should immediately release all of these people, many of whom have spent their careers working to improve their country,” Niku Jafarnia, Yemen and Bahrain researcher at Human Rights Watch said in a statement, urging the international community to intervene and exert pressure on the Houthis to secure the release of the abducted Yemenis.

“The international community should be doing everything in their power to ensure that these people are immediately released.”

Lebanon asks UN to renew UNIFIL mandate as pressure grows on Israel to end hostilities

Updated 4 sec ago

Lebanon asks UN to renew UNIFIL mandate as pressure grows on Israel to end hostilities

  • Sites, vehicles ‘fired upon from both sides,’ UNIFIL media officer says
  • Turkish President Erdogan urges region ‘to support Lebanon amid tensions with Israel’

BEIRUT: The Lebanese Foreign Ministry has sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres asking for the mandate of UNIFIL peacekeepers to be renewed for another year.

The request comes after eight months of hostilities between Hezbollah and the Israeli army.

Candice Ardell from the UNIFIL media office said: “Our sites and vehicles have been fired upon from both sides. Several peacekeepers have sustained non-critical injuries and measures are being taken by UNIFIL leadership to ensure the safety of the peacekeepers.”

Meanwhile, the southern front remains exposed to military operations, including an incident in which an Israeli drone targeted a power line serving Taybeh, just minutes after the power company had completed its maintenance, causing an electricity outage at the pumping station.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reaffirmed his country’s support for Lebanon and called on “countries in the region to support Lebanon amid tensions with Israel, which has burned and destroyed Gaza and now seems to have its sights set on Lebanon, while we notice it receiving covert support from the West.”

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plans to expand the war in the region would lead to a major disaster,” he said. “The Islamic world and Middle Eastern countries must first confront these bloody plans. Netanyahu is mentally ill and the silence of Western countries toward him will lead to a widespread war in the entire region.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called on “the international community to alert Israel to the devastating effects of extending the conflict to Lebanon.”

US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said: “Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that Israel prefers a diplomatic solution to the conflict with Hezbollah and that a diplomatic solution is still possible.”

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned of “the risks of another war breaking out between Israel and Hezbollah that could easily escalate into a regional war.”

He emphasized “the importance of a diplomatic solution.”

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock held talks in Beirut with Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Foreign Minister Abdullah Bou Habib as part of diplomatic efforts to cool tensions on the southern front, following visits to Tel Aviv and the West Bank.

“The situation on the Blue Line is delicate and there are risks. Cooperation between all parties is necessary to reduce escalation and achieve a ceasefire in Gaza that leads to a ceasefire in southern Lebanon,” she said.

Baerbock also expressed Berlin’s “concern about the current tension in the region” and warned of “the danger of reaching a deadlock, especially if the parties refuse to cease fire.”

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin has been in Beirut for two days to support Lebanon and call for the acceleration of the presidential election. He also met Mikati and parliament speaker Nabih Berri.

“Every war leaves the world worse off than it was and is a surrender to the forces of evil,” he said.

He also expressed Pope Francis’ concern regarding the failure to elect a new president “who represents the unity of Lebanon.”

The Middle East was “going through a tough period,” he said. “The Pope, who has strong relationships with Palestinians and Israelis, calls for peace, ending the conflict, releasing hostages in Gaza and delivering aid to the Palestinian territories without obstacles.”

Hossam Zaki, assistant secretary-general of the Arab League, on Wednesday held talks in Beirut with Berri and met the leaders of the Lebanese Phalange Party, Sami Gemayel, and Free Patriotic Movement, Gebran Bassil.

The talks centered on the “tense regional situation and the war waged by Hezbollah in the south, as well as the issue of the presidency.”

Spread of Mideast war to Lebanon ‘potentially apocalyptic’: UN aid chief

Updated 26 June 2024

Spread of Mideast war to Lebanon ‘potentially apocalyptic’: UN aid chief

  • Martin Griffiths, the UN humanitarian coordinator, told reporters in Geneva that he saw Lebanon as “the flashpoint beyond all flashpoints“
  • “We are worried about the potential for further tragedy and deaths“

GENEVA: The UN humanitarian chief voiced alarm Wednesday at the prospect of Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza spreading to Lebanon, warning that it was “potentially apocalyptic.”
As the war in Gaza nears its tenth month, Israel’s top ally the United States has warned of the risk of a major conflict against the Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah in Lebanon, following an escalation in cross-border fire.
Israel’s military said last week plans for an offensive in Lebanon were “approved and validated,” prompting fresh threats from Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah.
Martin Griffiths, the UN humanitarian coordinator, told reporters in Geneva that he saw Lebanon as “the flashpoint beyond all flashpoints,” pointing to southern Lebanon in particular.
Griffiths said he had been discussing with colleagues in Jerusalem about the prospects of what might happen there.
“We are worried about the potential for further tragedy and deaths,” he said.
“It’s potentially apocalyptic.”
Griffiths, whose term finishes this week, warned that a war involving Lebanon “will draw in Syria... it will draw in others.”
And “it will of course have an impact on Gaza; of course it will have an impact on the West Bank.
“It’s very alarming,” he said.
The bloodiest-ever Gaza war started with Hamas’s October 7 attack on southern Israel that resulted in the deaths of 1,195 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli figures.
The militants also seized about 250 hostages, 116 of whom remain in Gaza although the army says 42 are dead.
Israel’s retaliatory offensive has killed at least 37,718 people, also mostly civilians, Gaza’s health ministry has said.
Since the war began, “Gaza has taught us a new level of tragedy and cruelty,” Griffiths said.
“But we are all worried that it may only be the beginning.”
He said the UN humanitarian agency OCHA and other aid agencies were preparing for a broader crisis.
“There is a lot of preparedness on the aid side,” he said. But the kind of preparedness needed was “political,” he stressed.
“The problem is stopping this war from getting worse.”