From Saudi Arabia to 110 countries — the incredible story of a modern nomad

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Nasser Al-Sadhan is not your average traveler; the 35-year-old, born and raised in Riyadh, has backpacked to an astounding 110 countries, each journey, and its chance encounters, leaving a mark on his soul. (Supplied)
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Al-Sadhan's love for exploration began at a young age. (Supplied)
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Nasser Al-Sadhan is not your average traveler; the 35-year-old, born and raised in Riyadh, has backpacked to an astounding 110 countries, each journey, and its chance encounters, leaving a mark on his soul. (Supplied)
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Nasser Al-Sadhan is not your average traveler; the 35-year-old, born and raised in Riyadh, has backpacked to an astounding 110 countries, each journey, and its chance encounters, leaving a mark on his soul. (Supplied)
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Al-Sadhan has visited 110 countries since 2014. (Supplied)
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He was introduced to dumpster diving behind a supermarket in New Zealand, finding all kinds of fresh foods. (Supplied)
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Updated 25 June 2024

From Saudi Arabia to 110 countries — the incredible story of a modern nomad

  • From backpacking to dumpster diving, Saudi nomad embraces uncertainty, learns to live in the moment

RIYADH: As a child, Nasser Al-Sadhan would spend hours watching documentaries on countries such as Kenya and Ethiopia, fascinated by the diverse landscapes and cultures depicted on the screen.

As an adult, Al-Sadhan has been able to turn his childhood fantasies into reality by visiting these countries. Each step he takes in these unfamiliar territories brings back memories of the wonder and amazement he felt as a child.

Al-Sadhan is not your average traveler. The 35-year-old, born and raised in Riyadh, has backpacked to an astounding 110 countries, each journey leaving a mark on his soul.

Nasser Al-Sadhan is not your average traveler; the 35-year-old, born and raised in Riyadh, has backpacked to an astounding 110 countries, each journey, and its chance encounters, leaving a mark on his soul. (Supplied)

Traveling far enough, he discovered that finding yourself is not just a cliche — it is a transformative experience.

At 22, he moved to Canada and then Australia for his master’s degree and PhD in computer science specializing in AI.

“I moved back to Saudi Arabia at the end of 2019 when I became a professor of AI at King Saud University in Riyadh. Now, I am focusing on exploring the world and flow art,” Al-Sadhan told Arab News.


• As a child, Nasser Al-Sadhan was intrigued by the sight of backpackers at the airport.

• Backpacking taught him how to live in the moment and seek new opportunities.

• He goes by @flowmad_ on Instagram, where he documents his travels and writes about the people he met along the way.

He goes by @flowmad_ on Instagram, an amalgamation of his love of flow arts and being a nomad.

Al-Sadhan began his backpacking adventures in 2014. Even as a child, he was intrigued by the sight of backpackers at the airport. “I never had the chance to do it (backpacking) until I moved to Canada for my higher education and had more free time and income,” he said.

Nasser Al-Sadhan is not your average traveler; the 35-year-old, born and raised in Riyadh, has backpacked to an astounding 110 countries, each journey, and its chance encounters, leaving a mark on his soul. (Supplied)

He fondly recalls one late-night conversation with his roommate Francis from South Korea. Al-Sadhan said that as they browsed countries on Google Maps, he felt a sense of wanderlust stirring within him.

He knew that that moment was the catalyst for his journey into the unknown. It ignited a spark in him that would ultimately lead him to thrilling experiences across the globe.

“I backpack because normal traveling where everything is planned and everything is booked doesn’t sound exciting to me … there isn’t any room left for spontaneity, no room for unplanned experiences.”

Among Al-Sadhan’s travels to strange lands is his visit to the infamous Darvaza Gas Crater, a natural wonder in Turkmenistan. (Supplied)

He rarely if ever plans his flight and accommodation in advance. “The two biggest obstacles that I had to overcome — that later proved to be very valuable — is going with the flow … not having a plan and not booking anything in advance,” he said.

Backpacking taught him how to live in the moment and seek new opportunities.

“I would often book a flight for the same night I wanted to travel so that I could reach the city and find accommodations there. But sometimes I would not find any place to stay,” he said.

The Saudi nomad’s willingness to embrace uncertainty and new experiences has fostered meaningful connections that transcend geographical boundaries, sometimes restoring his faith in humanity.

Once he slept on the beach in Sri Lanka because he couldn’t find any accommodation. “But then I met an amazing Ukrainian group, and they offered me a place to sleep,” he recalled. “We became friends and we ended up spending the next two weeks together.”

On one trip, Al-Sadhan’s phone stopped working while he was on a train in Poland. “That is when I saw two guys from Brazil with backpacks, so I asked them if they knew of a hostel, they said ‘Yes,’ and I followed them to it.”

The trio traveled together for the next three days and became friends.

“During my trip to Japan, I did not have the local currency on me and couldn’t pay for the bus fare when a girl helped pay it for me.” He noted that the two became friends as she showed him around the country.

Al-Sadhan said that this no-plan approach has pushed him out of his comfort zone and allowed him to break free from his cocoon.

“I have been traveling the world for the past 10 years and never had a hardship that resulted in a bad experience,” he said.

These chance encounters have enriched his travels, exposing him to diverse cultures and perspectives.

Without a fixed itinerary or set plan, he allows himself to be guided by the winds of the moment, resulting in unforgettable experiences and connections.

In 2016, before moving to Australia from Canada, Al-Sadhan made a pit stop in New Zealand and that trip restored his faith in humanity.

“New Zealand is a pretty expensive country and at that time I was a student, so I decided to hitchhike the whole way across the country because I didn’t have much money,” Al-Sadhan said.

Hitchhiking was faster than taking buses and allowed him to connect with individuals from various backgrounds, including a kind-hearted mother and her child, and a scientist studying birds on a remote island inaccessible to the public.

An experience backpacker, he revealed a trial-and-error approach to packing the essentials and emphasized the importance of minimalism and focusing on functionality rather than style. On his trip to New Zealand he carried “a functional sleeping bag, tent and small air mattress.”

During this five-week trip, Al-Sadhan gained a deep appreciation for the importance of community. To keep his spending to a minimum, he resorted to couch surfing —  a form of accommodation where travelers stay at the homes of locals for free.

He stayed at a communal apartment with four rooms and a living room with 30 people staying in it. “I stayed there for about six days because I enjoyed it. People from various countries were there, creating a sense of community where everyone helped each other,” Al-Sadhan said.

There was only one rule in this apartment: “If you cook, you cook for everyone.”

“One day someone came in with a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and when I asked where they got them, they said ‘From the dumpster behind the supermarket.’”

While dumpster diving, they found a variety of items, including fresh produce, bread, and more. “If we found something like ice cream or eclairs, it would go to the person who went dumpster diving that day.”

While dumpster diving in a foreign country, he discovered a vibrant community of people from diverse cultures coming together to share resources.

Dumpster diving saved him money, but it’s not just about finding free food, but about building relationships and experiencing a new culture.

Among his travels to strange lands is his visit to the infamous Darvaza Gas Crater, a natural wonder in Turkmenistan. It is also known as the “Gates of Hell,” as it is a fiery pit that has been burning continuously for more than four decades, emitting a captivating blaze that lights up the night sky.

“We reached the gas crater before sunset and there was nothing to see but sand everywhere, but after sunset is when cylinder-shaped fiery lights beam from the hole.” Al-Sadhan recalled the eerie sight of birds swirling around the flames, dancing against the darkened backdrop of the desert area.

“My tour guide explained to me that these birds are feeding on the flies attracted to the light of the flames,” he said.

He had another life-changing experience in Varanasi, India. Unlike the rest of the places Al-Sadhan has been to, which he described as somewhat similar, “Varanasi is the exact opposite of that; everything is different, and nothing is the same.”

During his five days there, he had the opportunity to witness the customs and traditions of the region, including the public funeral procession and cremation that takes place along the banks of the sacred Ganges River.

Watching the ceremonial cremation of a middle-aged man, Al-Sadhan said: “They have a different social and spiritual relationship with death.” He vividly described how the bodies were wrapped in cloth before being placed on the funeral pyre and set ablaze.

The solemnity of the ceremony, combined with the spiritual energy of the festival, made him reflect on the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing each moment.

Sporting symphony: French Embassy hosts Olympic-themed concert

Updated 6 sec ago

Sporting symphony: French Embassy hosts Olympic-themed concert

  • Program captures ‘spirit of the Olympic Games,’ conductor Zahia Ziouani says
  • Fusion of music, sport creates ‘amazing show,’ French ambassador says

RIYADH: In recognition of the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris, the French Embassy and Alliance Francaise in Saudi Arabia recently hosted a special performance fusing symphonic music and sport.

Held at the Cultural Palace in Riyadh’s diplomatic quarter, the show, titled “Rhapsodie Sportive” was the idea of Zahia Ziouani and featured the Divertimento Orchestra, which she set up in 1998.

The French Algerian conductor said she wanted to show that classical music was still relevant.

“I feel so passionate about the music and the will to be with the audience and to make it possible for the audience to see that classical music is not music from the past, but we can associate modern and contemporary ways of dance and music,” she told Arab News.

“I want to be very creative on stand and I’m very happy to conduct my orchestra. It has always been a dream for me and now I get to do that.”

She said she was also delighted to be given the opportunity to perform in the Kingdom.

“This program is about the spirit of the Olympic Games and to mix music and sports … to be here in Riyadh is a very big symbol and I’m very proud of this.”

French Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Ludovic Pouille, who will step down later this year, introduced the event.

“I am very happy because this was an amazing show,” he said. “Mixing classical music, a French orchestra and French dancers and athletes representing all types of sports, just a few weeks before the Olympic Games in Paris.

“I have to say I was so impressed by the hospitality of the Saudi people and the enthusiasm (we got) from all the events we have organized. There is a cultural dialogue between France and Saudi Arabia. The opening up of Saudi Arabia is very important, not just for the country, but the world.”

Fencing, boxing, tennis, BMX and breaking all featured in the show, performed against symphonic music from France, Spain, UK, US and around the world.

Saudi FM discusses Gaza on sidelines of European Council on Foreign Relations meeting

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan meets with Sigrid Kaag (top) and Josep Borrell (bottom) in Madrid on Thursday.
Updated 12 min 13 sec ago

Saudi FM discusses Gaza on sidelines of European Council on Foreign Relations meeting

  • Kingdom’s foreign minister had met with the high representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy Josep Borrell earlier on Thursday

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan met with the UN Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza Sigrid Kaag in Madrid on Thursday.

The meeting, held on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the European Council on Foreign Relations, discussed the importance of delivering adequate and sustainable humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

Prince Faisal and Kaag also discussed the necessity of reaching a ceasefire to stop the worsening humanitarian situation in the territory.

The Kingdom’s foreign minister had met with the high representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy Josep Borrell earlier on in the day.

During their meeting, the two officials reviewed Saudi-EU relations and ways to strengthen and develop them in areas of common interest.

Regional and international developments, including the situation in the Gaza Strip and efforts made in this regard, were also discussed during the meeting

Royal Institute of Traditional Arts participates in Esports World Cup

Updated 9 min 52 sec ago

Royal Institute of Traditional Arts participates in Esports World Cup

  • Through its interactive pavilion, visitors can enjoy unique experiences related to sports, entertainment, education and culture

RIYADH: The Royal Institute of Traditional Arts is participating in the Esports World Cup, an international eight-week event held from July 3 to Aug. 25 for the first time in Riyadh.

Through its interactive pavilion, visitors can enjoy unique experiences related to sports, entertainment, education and culture.

The pavilion presents traditional arts in pixel format — first used in electronic video games — through interactive art exhibitions and visual and educational content in Arabic and English, allowing visitors to both create their own artworks and learn more about traditional Saudi arts.

Praise for Justice Ministry’s online services to reduce court visits

Updated 50 min 17 sec ago

Praise for Justice Ministry’s online services to reduce court visits

  • Will save time and money, says Dr. Osama Ghanem Al-Obaidy
  • platform provides more than 160 e-services

RIYADH: The Ministry of Justice’s new service that allows litigants to proceed with their cases without attending court has been praised by a local law expert.

Dr. Osama Ghanem Al-Obaidy, advisor and law professor at the Institute of Public Administration in Riyadh, told Arab News on Thursday the new online facility is a part of the ministry’s drive to digitize services.

“This is aimed at saving time, money and the effort of litigants by eliminating the need for in-person visits to the courts,” he said.

The ministry announced the new service on Tuesday. “This initiative is part of the ministry’s ongoing efforts to streamline its legal services through digitalization,” it stated.

The platform provides more than 160 e-services. In December, the ministry unveiled an online notification service for financial claims.

It enables creditors to issue official notices directly to debtors, stating the amounts due and specifying payment deadlines.

Bidding opens for ‘Coffee City’ in Baha region

Updated 04 July 2024

Bidding opens for ‘Coffee City’ in Baha region

  • The aim is to enhance local production by planting 300,000 coffee trees over an area of 5 million square meters.

RIYADH: The Kingdom’s Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture has opened bidding for its “Coffee City” in Baha’s Qalwah governorate, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Thursday.

The aim is to enhance local production by planting 300,000 coffee trees over an area of 5 million square meters.

Businesses seeking to invest should submit their bids through the Furas platform by Sept. 9.