Saudi embassy in Lebanon urges citizens to leave country immediately

The Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Lebanon said on Saturday it was closely following the developments of the current events in southern Lebanon and urged citizens to leave. (AFP/File Photo)
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Updated 29 June 2024

Saudi embassy in Lebanon urges citizens to leave country immediately

  • Embassy stressed previous call to all Saudi citizens to avoid travel to Lebanon

BEIRUT: The Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Lebanon said on Saturday it was closely following the developments of the current events in southern Lebanon, Saudi Press Agency reported. 

It stressed its previous call to all Saudi citizens to avoid travel to Lebanon, and urged citizens there to leave Lebanese territory immediately.

The embassy said should they need to, citizens must contact it in the event of any emergency.

The warning came as Iran on Saturday warned that “all Resistance Fronts,” a grouping of Iran and its regional allies, would confront Israel if it attacked Lebanon.

The comment from Iran’s mission to New York came with fears of a wider regional war involving Israel and Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah movement.

The two sides have engaged in near-daily exchanges of fire since the war in Gaza began.

OIC holds international symposium on Jerusalem, Gaza war in Jeddah

An international symposium on Jerusalem and the Gaza war takes place at the OIC’s headquarters in Jeddah on Monday. (SPA)
Updated 7 sec ago

OIC holds international symposium on Jerusalem, Gaza war in Jeddah

  • Permanent Observer of Palestine to the UN Riyad Mansour said Saudi position on the war in Gaza plays an important role in Palestinian people accessing their rights

RIYADH: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation held an international symposium on Jerusalem and the Gaza war at the organization’s headquarters in Jeddah on Monday.

Organized in conjunction with the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, the symposium was titled: “Jerusalem and the Gaza War: Palestinian Identity and Existence Under Threat of Erasure.”

“This meeting is being held at a time when we all feel the danger of the conditions that the occupied city of Jerusalem is enduring, as a result of repeated Israeli attacks on its Islamic and Christian holy sites, its people, and its Arab identity through settlement policies, land confiscation, house demolitions, building the Apartheid Wall, assaulting Muslim and Christian worshipers, and other serious violations,” the Secretary-General of the OIC Hissein Brahim Taha said.

He said that the city Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine and is an integral part of Palestinian territory that was occupied in 1967.

He added that all Israeli policies and actions are illegal and illegitimate, and constitute an assault on the political, historical and legal rights of the Palestinian people, embodying a blatant violation of the rule of international law and United Nations resolutions.

Israeli actions threaten to expand the circle of conflict to a dangerous religious dimension that threatens security and stability in the entire world and require responsible international action, Taha said.

The head of the OIC also reiterated its condemnation of the ongoing Israeli military aggression against the Gaza Strip which has killed nearly 38,000 people, destroyed hundreds of thousands of buildings, properties, and civilian infrastructure, and displaced more than a million Palestinians from their homes.

He expressed disappointment at the failure of the UN Security Council to oblige Israel to implement its resolutions calling for an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire, a complete withdrawal of Israeli forces, and guaranteeing safe, sustainable and unhindered access to aid organizations so that humanitarian aid can be delivered to all parts of the Gaza Strip.

He added that he hoped the international community, states and organizations would bear their legal, political and moral responsibilities and put an end to the Israeli genocide in Gaza which threatens to expand the cycle of violence and instability in the entire region.

The Permanent Observer of Palestine to the UN Riyad Mansour said that Saudi Arabia’s position on the war in Gaza plays an important role in Palestinian people accessing their inalienable national rights.

He said: “Since the beginning of the aggression, we have been able to unify, in New York, the Arab and Islamic position regarding three goals that are extremely important for the Palestinian people. They are: stopping the aggression immediately in the Gaza Strip and in all of the occupied Palestinian territory, introducing enough humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip to respond to the needs of the people, and stopping war crimes and crimes against humanity including the forced displacement of Palestinians in Gaza.”

Mansour expressed appreciation for the efforts made by the Ministerial Committee Assigned by the Joint Arab Islamic Extraordinary Summit, led by Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan, to visit the five permanent members of the Security Council and other countries in an attempt to stop Israeli aggression and gain further recognition for Palestine.

Private sector establishments must update branch data through ‘Qiwa’ platform

Updated 23 min 59 sec ago

Private sector establishments must update branch data through ‘Qiwa’ platform

  • Initiative aims to maintain an accurate and up-to-date database
  • Establishments with 20 or fewer workers must complete the process by May 30

RIYADH: The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has called on private sector establishments to update their branch location data using the “Establishment Location Management” service available on the Qiwa platform.

The initiative aims to maintain an accurate and up-to-date database, enhance transparency, facilitate oversight, ensure compliance with regulations, improve operational efficiency and strengthen comprehensive management within private sector establishments, the Saudi Press Agency reported Monday.

The service allows establishments to store the work locations of employees, offering benefits designed to increase operational efficiency and enhance management.

Earlier, the ministry set specific deadlines for completing the update: Establishments with 20 or fewer workers must complete the process by May 30; those with 21 to 49 workers by June 30; and those with 50 or more by July 30.

The ministry highlighted the importance of meeting the deadlines to avoid penalties and utilize the Qiwa platform’s services.

For more information about the service and data update procedures, establishments can visit the ministry’s official website or contact customer service via the Qiwa platform.

Arabic Language Month in India organized by Saudi Arabia

Updated 01 July 2024

Arabic Language Month in India organized by Saudi Arabia

  • Program will run in New Delhi and Kerala until July 26
  • Aims to teach the Arabic language to non-native speakers

RIYADH: The King Salman Global Academy for Arabic Language has launched Arabic Language Month in India, reported Saudi Press Agency.

The program will run in New Delhi and Kerala until July 26. It features activities aimed at developing the country’s Arabic language education curricula, improving teachers’ performance, building a positive image and promoting the language.

Additionally, it will highlight Saudi Arabia’s efforts in this field in line with the objectives of the Human Capability Development Program, one of the Saudi Vision 2030 realization programs.

Secretary-General Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Washmi said the academy undertook various initiatives in line with its strategies and the directives of Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan, the Saudi minister of culture, to further the Arabic language locally and globally.

This program was one of those, he said. It was hoped to teach the Arabic language to non-native speakers, highlight the Kingdom’s efforts to take the Arabic language and its sciences around the world, directly work on training teachers and raise their competency.

Saudi, Bangladeshi foreign ministers chair political consultations in Riyadh

The Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia Prince Faisal bin Farhan and his Bangladeshi counterpart Hasan Mahmud meet in Riyadh.
Updated 01 July 2024

Saudi, Bangladeshi foreign ministers chair political consultations in Riyadh

  • Prince Faisal bin Farhan and Hasan Mahmud discussed strengthening bilateral and political relations

RIYADH: The foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh chaired a second round of political consultations between the two countries on Monday, Saudi Press Agency reported.

Prince Faisal bin Farhan and Hasan Mahmud discussed strengthening bilateral and political relations and intensifying bilateral and multilateral coordination on issues of common concern.

Prince Faisal also held a luncheon in honor of his Bangladeshi counterpart and his accompanying delegation.

‘Many challenges’ in combating Islamophobia, protecting human rights: top OIC official

Updated 01 July 2024

‘Many challenges’ in combating Islamophobia, protecting human rights: top OIC official

JEDDAH: The 23rd regular session of the Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation began on June 30 and will continue until July 4 in Jeddah.

All OIC member and observer states are attending, including their national human rights institutions, experts from international and regional organizations, and senior officials of the OIC General Secretariat.

Noura bint Zaid Al-Rashoud, OIC-IPHRC executive director, said in her opening speech: “The commission faces many significant challenges, especially in combating Islamophobia and protecting the human rights guaranteed to Muslim minorities, women and children.

“In this context, it is necessary to note that the OIC region is grappling with a number of complex human rights issues, and it is our duty to engage in cooperative efforts to address each of these emerging issues appropriately.

“The most urgent and emerging issue today is the human rights and humanitarian crisis in Gaza, which requires us to pay more attention,” Al-Rashoud added.

She said that the secretariat will draft a comprehensive statement that highlights the results of the high-level meeting and the deliberations that will take place during the closed sessions of the working group on Palestine.

Hissein Brahim Taha, OIC secretary-general, said that “humanity stands on the brink of a new revolution” due to artificial intelligence, which will “transform our approach to life, living, thinking and working.”

AI is revolutionizing almost every aspect of human existence, from healthcare and education, to transportation and communication, Taha added.

He said that Islamic history is rich in scientific heritage, with Muslims pioneering study in a range of fields. The complex algorithms that form the foundation of today’s AI are a result of the sophisticated equations that Muslim scholars, such as Al-Khwarizmi, endeavored to build and develop, he added.

Jassem Al-Budaiwi, Gulf Cooperation Council secretary-general, highlighted the areas of cooperation between the GCC and OIC in safeguarding human rights. The collaboration spans agreements, joint efforts and consultations in human rights, complemented by political coordination to address crises and conflicts in the Islamic world.

Addressing the daily atrocities committed by Israeli occupation forces against Palestinians, particularly in Gaza, Al-Budaiwi highlighted the international community’s failure to protect those in dire need.

He urged renewed joint efforts to confront challenges, notably the Palestinian plight and escalating tensions in Gaza.

The Arab League’s assistant secretary-general, Haifa Abu Ghazaleh, highlighted the transformative potential of artificial intelligence AI in daily life, alongside the pressing challenges that the technology presents.

A memoranda of understanding was signed between the league and GCC aimed at fostering dialogue and collaboration on global human rights challenges.

During the first session, “International/Standard and Islamic Legal Perspectives on Human Rights Concerning Artificial Intelligence" Scott Campbell, senior human rights officer of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights; and Dr. Nenden Shanty, director of the training and technical cooperation department at SESRIC, took part.

Shanty said that since many OIC countries are developing national plans to support the adoption and development of AI in their economies.

She provided policy recommendations, saying: “Breaching the digital divide in OIC countries involves a multi-phased approach that begins with assessing the current digital landscape in identifying priority areas, and engaging stakeholders to understand the specific challenges faced by underserved communities.”

Campbell shared the UNHCR’s perspective on these crucial challenges.

“We cannot afford any delay. The world waited too long, for example, on climate change; we should not repeat that mistake. But what can regulation look like? We should begin by addressing the harms that people currently face and are likely to encounter in the future,” he said.

The second session, titled “Institutional Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities,” featured speakers including Sheikh Mohammed Ahmed Al-Sabah, president of the Artificial Intelligence Association of Things in Kuwait; Alaa Abdelaal, head of the Digital Foresight Sector at the Digital Cooperation Organization; and Sharon Slater, president of Family Watch International from the US.

Al-Sabah said: “The ethical framework guiding artificial intelligence is of the utmost importance for several reasons, encompassing essential aspects of human rights, societal norms and the potential impacts of AI technology. Constructing AI ethics aims to foster fairness, human justice, trust and equality.”

On Monday, the commission will hold a high-level event titled “International Court of Justice Judgment on Gaza: Implications for the Future and Possible Ways Forward.”

It will analyze the ICJ’s judgment on Gaza, focusing on implementing measures to end the humanitarian crisis and advocating for justice and accountability for human rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Additionally, the commission will sign deals with international and regional organizations to enhance technical cooperation.

From July 2-4, the commission will hold closed meetings of its working groups at the IPHRC Headquarters to discuss civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights in OIC member states, as well as human rights violations in Palestine and India-administered Jammu and Kashmir.