Not politics, not interest rates: India’s surging economy at risk from water

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Residents fill their containers from a tap that dispenses water twice a day at a slum in New Delhi on June 27, 2024. (REUTERS)
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A man drinks water at a roadside stall serving free drinking water to commuters as a heat wave continues to grip the Indian capital, New Delhi, on May 22, 2024. (AP Photo/File)
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A woman walks carrying water collected from a public tap in a shanty town on the outskirts of Jammu, India, on June 18, 2024. (AP Photo/File)
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Updated 05 July 2024

Not politics, not interest rates: India’s surging economy at risk from water

  • The world’s most populous nation has suffered from water shortages for decades, but crises are coming around with increasing frequency
  • Contaminated water kills about 200,000 Indians each year, according to the government

NEW DELHI: In the Vivekananda Camp slum, adjacent to the US embassy in New Delhi, communal taps supply brackish water for about two hours a day. Water delivered by tankers provides one additional bucket to each of its 1,000 residents for drinking and cooking.
In parts of the arid state of Rajasthan, southwest of the Indian capital, tap water is available once every four days for an hour. In rural areas near Mumbai, women and children travel more than a mile to get water.
Bengaluru, India’s tech hub of 14 million people, reeled under a water shortage this year and had to rely on tanker deliveries.
“We don’t wash the floor or do the laundry for days sometimes,” said Sampa Rai, a 38-year-old in Delhi’s Vivekananda Camp, who scrambles before dawn every day to meet the first tanker delivering water. “Not even the dishes. We have to manage with what we have.”
The world’s most populous nation has suffered from water shortages for decades, but crises are coming around with increasing frequency. This year, for example, the summer has been one of the hottest on record and the crunch has worsened with rivers and lakes drying up and the water table falling.
The shortages are affecting rural and urban Indians alike, disrupting agriculture and industry, stoking food inflation and risking social unrest. Contaminated water kills about 200,000 Indians each year, according to the government. People and the economy are suffering.
That is adding urgency to public and private-sector efforts to conserve the resource, find ways to recycle waste water and reduce the country’s over-reliance on the annual monsoon, especially in the agricultural sector.
Ratings agency Moody’s warned last week that India’s growing water stress could affect its growth, which at a projected 7.2 percent this April-March fiscal year is the highest among major economies.
“Decreases in water supply can disrupt agricultural production and industrial operations, resulting in inflation in food prices and declines in income for affected businesses and workers, especially farmers, while sparking social unrest,” Moody’s said.
The government plans to more than triple waste water recycling by the end of the decade to 70 percent, according to a federal government policy document dated Oct. 21, 2023 that listed priorities for the next five years.
Krishna S. Vatsa, a senior official at the state-run National Disaster Management Authority, confirmed the targets in an interview last week.
Authorities also plan to cut the extraction of fresh water — ground water and surface water from rivers and lakes — to less than 50 percent by the end of the decade from 66 percent, the highest rate in the world, said the document, which has not been made public and was reviewed by Reuters.
It will also launch a national village-level program this year to recommend crops to farmers based on local water availability, Vatsa said.
Details of plans to address the water crisis have not been previously reported.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has already ordered authorities to build or refurbish at least 75 lakes in each of the 785 districts of the country. The government says work has been started or completed on more than 83,000 lakes. Experts say such lakes can help recharge the water table.
Modi launched a near $50-billion program in 2019 to provide all rural households with tap water. The government says it has now covered 77 percent of more than 193 million such families, up from 17 percent five years ago, but residents and experts say not all pipes have water.
“It makes the issue of conservation far more urgent,” Vatsa said. “You cannot sustain such a national pipeline without the availability of water. The pipes will run dry.”
He agreed some taps could already be dry.

Water stressed
India relies substantially on the annual monsoon for its 1.42 billion people and its largely rural-based economy, where water-intensive crops like rice, wheat and sugarcane take up more than 80 percent of the overall supply.
The monsoon itself is prone to severe and extreme weather conditions. Catchment areas are getting scarce because of rapid urbanization, so even in a good monsoon, much of the rainwater drains off into the sea.
India’s annual per capita water availability, at about 1,486 cubic meters, is set to fall to 1,367 cubic meters by 2031 as its population grows, government projections show. The country has been “water stressed,” defined as per capita availability of less than 1,700 cubic meters, since 2011.
“We have a crisis now every year,” said Depinder Singh Kapur at Indian research body Center for Science and Environment.
“Earlier it used to be drought years versus normal years, now a water crisis is happening every year and with more intensity.”
There are pockets where private enterprise is addressing the crisis.
In Nagpur, a city of 3 million people, the Vishvaraj Group said it helped build a $100 million plant in 2020 that treats 200 million liters of sewage per day, extracting 190 million liters of treated water that it sells to two thermal power plants.
Founder Arun Lakhani said the freed up fresh water will be enough to take care of the expected population growth of the city for the next 35 years.
Some industries are investing in waste water recycling and rain harvesting to cut their dependence on fresh water.
Tata Steel plans to cut its fresh water consumption to less than 1.5 cubic meters per ton of crude steel produced at its Indian operations by 2030, from about 2.5 cubic meters now. JSW Steel also has similar plans.
“At least to plug the gaps in urban areas, treated waste water is going to be one important resource that we need to start acknowledging,” said Nitin Bassi at Indian think-tank The Council on Energy, Environment and Water.
Experts say nearly 90 percent of water supplied to homes can be recycled, but infrastructure for water distribution and sewage treatment has failed to match the growth of major cities and untreated waste ultimately flows into rivers.
Modi’s administration is adding sewage treatment capacity to lift the current rate of 44 percent in urban areas so more water can be recycled and used in industries, agriculture and other areas.
Between 2021 and 2026, it plans to invest about $36 billion to ensure equitable water distribution, reuse of waste-water and mapping of water bodies, the government has said.

Thirsty farmers
The cultivation of crops like rice in semi-arid states has led to rampant extraction of groundwater through borewells and steep falls in water tables, according to government and industry officials.
“The elephant in the room is agriculture,” said Lakhani of Vishvaraj. “We still use flood irrigation, we are not on drip or sprinkler irrigation. If we save just 10 percent water used in agriculture, it will take care of water problems of all the Indian cities.”
The government plans to implement a nationwide rural program on water use this year, said Vatsa, the disaster management official.
“For every village we need to have water budgeting,” he said. “How much water is available? How much should be used for irrigation? How much should be used for your domestic purpose? That would determine what kind of crops you are going to plant.”
Asked about possible resistance from farmers, who are a powerful voting bloc, he said: “There’s no other choice. The water table is just going down and at some point it becomes completely unviable. The borewells fail.”

British PM heads to Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales to reset ties with UK’s 4 nations

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer delivers a speech, following his first cabinet meeting as Prime Minister, in London.
Updated 07 July 2024

British PM heads to Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales to reset ties with UK’s 4 nations

  • While each of the devolved nations in the UK elects members to the House of Commons in London, they also have their own regional parliaments
  • Starmer told Abbas that the recognition of a Palestinian state as part of a peace process was the “undeniable right of Palestinians”

LONDON: British Prime Minister Keir Starmer is heading off Sunday to the four corners of the UK as part of an “immediate reset” with governments in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
Starmer, who said he has a “mandate to do politics differently” after his party’s landslide victory, will meet Scottish First Minister John Swinney in Edinburgh in an effort to “turn disagreement into cooperation.”
“That begins today with an immediate reset of my government’s approach to working with the first and deputy first ministers,” he said. “Meaningful co-operation centered on respect will be key to delivering change across our United Kingdom.”
While each of the devolved nations in the UK elects members to the House of Commons in London, they also have their own regional parliaments.
Starmer’s Labour Party trounced Swinney’s Scottish National Party for seats in Parliament. But the SNP, which has pushed for Scottish independence, still holds a majority at Holyrood, the Scottish parliament.
The trip to build better working relations across the UK is part of Starmer’s broader mission to work toward serving people as he tackles of mountain of problems.
The Labour government inherited a wobbly economy that left Britons struggling to pay bills after global economic woes and fiscal missteps. It also faces a public that is disenchanted after 14 years of chaotic Conservative rule and fiscal austerity that hollowed out public services, including the revered National Health Service, which Starmer declared broken.
Starmer said he wants to transfer power from the bureaucratic halls of government in London to leaders who know what’s best for their communities.
After his brief tour, he’ll return to England, where he plans to meet with regional mayors, saying in his first news conference Saturday that he would engage with politicians regardless of their party.
“There’s no monopoly on good ideas,” he said “I’m not a tribal political.”
Starmer continued to speak with other world leaders, having separate calls with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
He spoke with both about his priorities for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the return of hostages to Israel, and an increase in humanitarian aid, a spokesperson said.
He told Abbas that the recognition of a Palestinian state as part of a peace process was the “undeniable right of Palestinians” and told Netanyahu it was important to ensure the long-term conditions for a two-state solution, including ensuring financial means for Abbas’ Palestinian Authority to operate effectively.
On Tuesday, Starmer will jet off to Washington for a NATO meeting.
Meanwhile, his top diplomat, Foreign Secretary David Lammy, was due in Poland and Sweden Sunday after visiting Germany on Saturday for his first trip abroad to strengthen ties with European partners.
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said on the social media platform X that the UK was an indispensable part of Europe and they were working with the British government to see how it could move closer to the European Union.
Lammy reiterated Starmer’s pledge not to rejoin the EU single market after British voters in 2016 voted to break from the political and economic union.
“Let us put the Brexit years behind us,” Lammy told The Observer. “We are not going to rejoin the single market and the customs union but there is much that we can do together.”
Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds said Sunday on Sky News that the UK should look for ways to improve trade with the EU and that removing some trade barriers was sensible. But he said the Labour government was not open to the free movement of people that was required as a member of the union.

‘Miracles’ and hope: Deadly stampede spotlights India’s craze for godmen

Updated 07 July 2024

‘Miracles’ and hope: Deadly stampede spotlights India’s craze for godmen

  • Hindu preachers and gurus in India are sought by millions of followers for miracle cures and spiritual advice
  • Gathering addressed by Bhole Baba, an ex-policeman, last week drew a quarter of a million people in a crowded field

BAHADURNAGAR: Just a pat on the back by preacher “Bhole Baba” and Ramkumari said a stone in her kidney vanished. The 85-year-old gave no proof but this story and countless others of similar “miracles” led to Baba’s following rocketing in India’s northern states.

A gathering addressed by the former police head constable in a crowded field last week drew a quarter of a million people and caused one of the deadliest stampedes in the country.

Bhole Baba, or Innocent Elder, was born Suraj Pal Singh Jatav. He quit the police in 2000 to join a series of Hindu preachers and gurus in India who are sought by millions for miracle cures and spiritual advice. They are often called godmen, and many have been wooed by politicians for the influence they wield.

Their patrons have included international celebrities like the Beatles, who spent days in the ashram of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the late 1960s. Some of these gurus expanded beyond India, most famously Osho, who lived and preached in the United States in the early 1980s.

Almost all of them are credited by their followers with miraculous powers.

“I had gone to one of his early gatherings and told him I had chronic pain from a kidney stone for many months,” said Ramkumari, Baba’s former neighbor in Bahadurnagar village in India’s Uttar Pradesh state, where he was born and still has a home.

The village has only about 50 homes in all and is set amid fields which grow corn, wheat and rice. On the periphery is a sprawling, pearly-white ashram run by devotees of Baba.

“He smiled and blessed me with a pat on the back. The stone vanished soon after,” said Ramkumari, who gave just one name.

Another resident in the village, 55-year-old Surajmukhi, said Baba’s blessing helped her give birth to a son after seven daughters. Sons are sought after in many Indian families.

“We desperately wanted a boy,” said Surajmukhi. “Then I met Baba with my husband. He made me chant some mantras (verses), gave me some water to drink and patted me on my back. After nine months I had a baby boy.”

Lying on a cot next to her, Baba’s older sister Sonkali, thin and frail, said: “It was a miracle.”

Baba, formally known as Narayan Sakar Hari now, is estimated to be about 72 by his family and followers, who are spread across India’s heartland states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh.


Two neighbors who have known him since his childhood, including Ramkumari, said he took the path after a dream one night about 25 years ago that a divine spirit had given him supernatural powers. He quit the police in the city of Agra and started preaching, they said.

Baba would later claim he had a direct line to God and could channel divine blessings to people.

“Soon after we saw a line of cars bringing Suraj Pal into the village and people said he would henceforth be called a Baba (elder),” Ramkumari said.

Reuters could not contact Baba. He told Reuters partner ANI that he was grieving and his aides would help the injured and the families of the deceased.

The stampede at his gathering on Tuesday killed 121 people, mostly women, and injured scores out of about 250,000 who had congregated in a canopied paddy field to listen to him, many trampling over one another as they ran after his car when he was leaving.

Police say authorities had allowed only 80,000 to attend, and have arrested six aides to Baba who were involved in organizing the event. The main organizer surrendered to police on Friday.

Police said that in the initial days of his rise to fame, Baba had claimed that he could bring the dead back to life and even tried to take away the body of a 16-year-old girl from a crematorium promising a miracle to the family. Police intervened and the matter was closed soon after.

Posters and videos posted on YouTube show him dressed in traditional Indian kurta tunics or pristine white suits and ties, often sporting sunglasses, a departure from the spartan image of most godmen.

Still, his clout is smaller than other gurus and godmen in India, including Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Sadhguru. Yoga guru Baba Ramdev, known to be close to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, runs the Patanjali consumer goods brand that has boomed in recent years.

Two godmen, Asaram Bapu and Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, were both convicted of rape in separate cases and jailed, after years of drawing thousands of devotees to their sermons and ashrams.


Sociologists say such gurus are often believed to possess healing powers, and are especially popular among those who are poor, sick or feel underprivileged.

“People are insecure — economically, socially and otherwise,” said Dipti Ranjan Sahu, head of sociology at the University of Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh.

“Unemployment, deprivation, discrimination, ignorance, illiteracy — these things play a part. So they see hope in the godmen, maybe some miracle will happen.”

Surinder Singh Jodhka, who teaches social sciences at New Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University and has researched on the subject, said “people are kind of looking for some meaning in their life” and that’s where godmen come in.

“People are feeling lost and they are looking for some sense through which they can identify with other people, they feel less lonely,” he said. “This gives them hope and they are willing to believe in it.”

Mango galore: Annual festival delights thousands of visitors in New Delhi

Updated 07 July 2024

Mango galore: Annual festival delights thousands of visitors in New Delhi

  • With over 1,500 varieties of mangoes, India produces about half of world’s total
  • New Delhi hosted 33rd edition of annual mango festival from July 5 to 7

NEW DELHI: Tens of thousands of people attended New Delhi’s annual mango festival over the weekend to see and taste hundreds of the fruit’s varieties from all over India.

The South Asian country grows over 1,500 varieties of mango, making it the world’s largest mango producer as it accounts for about half of global production of the fruit.

In the Indian capital, farmers and sellers from across the nation gathered to present more than 500 varieties of mangoes to lovers of the fruit and curious visitors as part of the city’s three-day festival that ended on Sunday.

“People love this and eagerly await this every year … This show hosts the largest number of mango varieties,” Maniksha Bakshi, public relations manager of the festival’s organizer, Delhi Tourism, told Arab News.

“Besides the private farmers, a number of agriculture universities and government organizations have also participated and displayed their hybrid varieties … The variety of mangoes on display has increased. People have come from Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana and different parts of the country.”

On the 33rd edition of the festival this year, Delhi Tourism also arranged side events to attract more visitors, including special sessions dubbed “master classes,” which involve chefs making mango-based dishes.

Organizers said they had expected about 30,000 people to attend, making it an opportunity for farmers to showcase the wide range of their produce.

“I want to display my variety of mangoes at the festival,” said mango farmer Azmi Rizvi, who is from Sitapur city.

“In my mango orchard, there are at least 120 to 130 varieties. Besides that, sweet mangoes and pickle mangoes are also there.”

Teppei Yamashita, a Japanese national, was surprised to discover the array of mangoes at the event.

“I never knew this many types of mangoes existed. I thought it was a joke. My staff was telling (me about) hundreds and hundreds of types of mangoes, and I now witnessed it as a fact,” he said.

Some Indians also attended out of curiosity about the different mango varieties, as many are not commonly found in the capital’s markets.

“The kind of mangoes that we see here, we generally don’t see in the market … Majority of them we never heard the name of … so it’s a wonderful experience to be here,” visitor Gaurav Narang said.

For Vikash Singh, who has been attending the mango festival throughout the years, the wide spectrum of choices was the event’s main appeal.

“The reason for coming here is that in one place you get to see … varieties of mangoes — all different colors, different pulp, different shapes, different sizes,” Singh said. “It’s great fun here because you can get to taste the mangoes. You can buy mangoes (too).”

The festival also attracted mango buffs like Rumi Garg, who was among those who took part in a mango-eating competition.

“I had to participate in the contest. I am an avid mango lover and I like all the mango products — mango cakes, mango shakes and all those mango puddings. I finished it all, hoping to win in the competition,” he said.

Dr. A.K. Singh, a professor at Pantnagar University in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand, said he has been going to the festival for more than a decade.

“We (India) are the leaders in the case of mango production,” Singh said. “I have been attending this mango festival for the last 16 years and the response of the public is really good. They are very much interested.”

Chinese Premier Li congratulates new British PM Starmer

Updated 07 July 2024

Chinese Premier Li congratulates new British PM Starmer

BEIJING: Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Sunday congratulated new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer on his election, state media reported, the first senior leader in Beijing to do so publicly.
China is “willing to work with the new UK government to consolidate mutual political trust and expand mutually beneficial cooperation,” Li told Starmer, according to state news agency Xinhua.
Their call came after days of silence from top officials in Beijing, with the Chinese foreign ministry saying only that it noted the results of the UK election.
By comparison, Chinese leader Xi Jinping congratulated Iran’s incoming president Masoud Pezeshkian just hours after his election on Saturday.
China was Britain’s fifth-largest trading partner as of 2023, according to the UK Department for Business and Trade.
But diplomatic relations between the two countries have been icy in recent years, with Beijing and London sparring over tightening communist control in former British colony Hong Kong.
The two sides have also traded accusations of espionage, with Beijing saying last month that MI6 had recruited Chinese state employees to spy for the UK.
Xinhua on Sunday said Li told Starmer that the “strengthening of bilateral coordination and cooperation was in the interests of both sides.”

Russia says captured another village in east Ukraine

Updated 07 July 2024

Russia says captured another village in east Ukraine

  • Russian troops had “liberated the village of Chigari” in the Donetsk region
  • On Saturday, Moscow said its forces had taken control of another small village in the same region

MOSCOW: Russia on Sunday said its forces had captured another village in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region, the latest modest territorial gain for its advancing forces.
Russian troops had “liberated the village of Chigari” in the Donetsk region, the defense ministry said in a daily briefing posted on social media.
On Saturday, Moscow said its forces had taken control of another small village in the same region, where Kyiv says the fiercest fighting across the entire front line is taking place.
Russia has made a string of battlefield advances since the start of the year, beginning with the capture of industrial hub Avdiivka in February.
But its progress has been grinding as the conflict looks locked in an attritional phase, with neither side able to punch a decisive breakthrough and both saying they are inflicting heavy casualties on the other.
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday repeated his demand for Ukraine to totally withdraw from the region, along with three others in the south and east of the country, if it wants peace.