Saudi Arabia’s bold recycling plan will see it become a world-leader, experts believe

Saudi Arabia is seeking to make the most of the industry. Shutterstock
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Updated 16 September 2024

Saudi Arabia’s bold recycling plan will see it become a world-leader, experts believe

  • This initiative is anticipated to contribute approximately SR120 billion ($31.99 billion) to Saudi Arabia’s gross domestic product

RIYADH: In an era marked by growing environmental concerns and the pursuit of sustainable development, recycling has emerged as a crucial driver of economic prosperity for countries worldwide.

Beyond its environmental benefits, recycling holds significant economic advantages, fostering job creation, stimulating local industries, and bolstering long-term economic stability.

Saudi Arabia is seeking to make the most of this industry, and in January the Kingdom’s Ministry of Environment announced a comprehensive plan to recycle a significant portion – up to 95 percent – of the country’s waste. 

This initiative is anticipated to contribute approximately SR120 billion ($31.99 billion) to Saudi Arabia’s gross domestic product, and aims to generate over 100,000 employment opportunities for the Kingdom’s nationals. 

When fully implemented, the plan will see the recycling of around 100 million tonnes of waste annually, showcasing the nation’s commitment to sustainability.

The program aligns with Saudi Arabia’s broader sustainable development goals, emphasizing the implementation of well-designed strategies and processes across various sectors, including the National Environment Strategy.

Thinking behind the plan

According to Julien Vermersch, partner at Bain and Co. Middle East, the Kingdom’s ambition to divert 90 percent of its waste away from landfills by 2040 is not only going to be achieved via recycling.

“Whilst increasing circularity and materials recovery will certainly be a very significant lever – in particular because today only about 5 percent of the waste is recycled – this cannot be the only lever,” Vermersch told Arab News.

“Some waste streams, e.g. specific hazardous waste, cannot easily be recycled and in some cases incineration with heat recovery, i.e. waste-to-energy, will remain a better option,” he added.

There are more than economic factors at play in this plan, Vermersch explained, pointing to the rapid urbanization and population growth in the Kingdom putting existing infrastructure under significant pressure.

“All key urban centers are struggling with landfill saturation and whilst it is possible to open new sites or expand existing ones, this trend will rapidly become unsustainable as urban developments continue. Then landfills pose a real environmental threat,” he said.

The Bain and Co. partner shed light on the fact that despite some advancements in this area, the effective management of leachate remains a persistent challenge in urban and industrial areas, as evidenced by numerous reported instances of soil and groundwater contamination over time.

“Additionally, in the absence of gas capture systems, the decomposition of organic wastes in landfills is a major source of methane emissions  – estimated to be around 30-50 Mtpa (million tonnes per annum) of CO2 equivalent emissions, which is 5-7 percent of the total greenhouse emissions of the Kingdom,” Vermersch said.

He further noted that the Kingdom’s landfill diversion target is consistent with what is already achieved in a number of European countries or select advanced Asian countries.

“The ambition to get there by 2040 however is quite bold. For these countries that have made the transition, getting to 90 percent landfill diversion has been a 25-plus years journey requiring stringent regulations, public engagement to build awareness and support and massive capital investments in new waste management infrastructure,” the partner clarified.

Yves Takchi, principal and global co-lead for Arthur D. Little Waste, Water and Circularity Competence Center, told Arab News that according to the National Center for Waste Management the overall ambition is similar across all waste streams, with the combined landfill diversion targets close to 90 percent for all types.

“To achieve this diversion rate, Saudi Arabia has put a great emphasis on recycling, but is also aiming to deploy a variety of other techniques such as waste-to-energy to complement it. The landfill diversion targets that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has embraced are rooted in an ambitious and yet scientific approach to transform the waste management sector in the country,” Takchi said.

He went on to explain that at a strategic level, countries have three high level options to manage the waste that is generated by its economy.

“Firstly, most economies with a nascent waste management sector treat waste management as a sanitation service and focus on reducing expenditures while safeguarding public health. This often means that they heavily rely on sanitary landfilling as a cheap and effective method to dispose of waste. The second approach is adopted by countries that want to minimize the waste that goes to landfills while still maintaining convenience and ease of implementation,” said Takchi.

He added that the usual objectives in this scenario are to avoid landfilling in recognition of its environmental damage and unnecessary space usage, as well as to leverage waste to fuel the increasingly energy demanding economies.

The Arthur D. Little official also said that countries in this situation usually end up relying heavily on recovery technologies such as waste-to-energy and refuse-derived fuel, which although have a higher cost and only marginal improvements in environmental performance, are much easier to put in place and rely much less on citizen participation and behavioral change.

Takchi argued that world-leaders in waste management follow the third approach. 

“These countries have managed to put in place systems that strive toward a circular economy approach – as opposed to the linear use-throw-dump model. Their waste systems follow the waste hierarchy, which maximizes first the reduction and reuse of waste materials, then the usage of recycling as the next best alternative, with waste to energy and energy recovery transitional and residual treatments before landfilling,” he said.

With regards to the Kingdom, Takchi believes that Saudi Arabia has “rightly understood” that it is in a unique position to leapfrog from its current model to the more advanced, ambitious model. 

“The country as a whole is embarking on a massive transformation journey embodied by Vision 2030, which has paved the way for massive investments in infrastructure across sectors and has demonstrated that the Saudi people are remarkably adaptable and embracing of positive change,” he said. 

The benefits of this model include environmental protection of land, air and water, a growth in local socio-economic value by increasing investments in infrastructure and creating jobs, and enabling self-sufficiency in materials by keeping scarce resources – like rare metals and minerals – flowing within the economy, which improves the trade balance.

Initiatives implemented to support recycling goals

According to Takchi, the Kingdom has galvanized the sector through the creation of two separate entities – Saudi Investment Recycling Co., and the National Center for Waste Management, also known as MWAN.

The former was established by the Public Investment Fund to act as a sector champion, unlocking access to capital and investing in sector-building investments in partnership with local and world leading companies.

MWAN created a unified sector regulator that consolidated the previously fragmented regulatory ecosystem and took the lead on putting in place the ambitious public-sector led efforts to enable the sector’s transformation.

“We have already seen developments from both entities, with SIRC having put in place recycling initiatives and multiple massive investments announced  – including mega scale infrastructure for Riyadh City. On the other hand, MWAN has already put in place the unified Waste Management Law and its Implementing Regulations, the new regulatory framework for the sector that has finally resolved fragmentation of regulation challenges,” Takchi added.

The Global Co-Lead for Arthur D. Little Waste also said that MWAN has also begun to improve the compliance environment, having embarked on a large-scale master-planning exercise across the different regions in Saudi Arabia. 

It has also announced multiple sector-enabling initiatives aimed at preventing waste at the source, incentivizing resource recovery and maximizing diversion from landfills and including the launch of hundreds of investment opportunities.

“The key success factors to accelerate this paradigm shift will be to find the optimal balance of planning and action and to maintain collaboration and alignment behind the national agenda of an extremely complex ecosystem of many actors, including regulators, municipalities, royal commissions, investors, operators, commercial and industrial players and even citizens,” Takchi said.

Key government support

Strong government backing and regulatory support are essential for the successful transformation of the waste management sector.

Bain and Co. Middle East’s Vermersch highlighted the costly nature of the transition from landfilling to recycling, incineration or waste-to-energy.

“When you look at countries that have very low landfilling rates today, they have introduced over 30 years ago either landfill taxes that have risen to significant levels and/or very stringent landfill restrictions/bans,” he added.

That said, the partner underlined that in order to make this transition possible, an effective system to sort the waste is essential – which typically relies on segregation at the source and requires municipalities to step in.

“As we can see with the example of Riyadh that has been piloting a multi-bin system in recent years, it is not enough to just roll out the new collection infrastructure. It takes awareness campaigns and meaningful community engagements to educate residents and businesses on the importance of sorting waste and on how to use the new system effectively,” Vermersch said.

Takchi said that like most complex and ambitious transformation initiatives that fall within the framework of Vision 2030, the government has a crucial role to play to ensure success for the waste management sector, and that was the impetus behind the creation of MWAN.

“Such a massive leapfrog requires a clear national level direction of travel and strategy to be clear to all actors in the sector. That will allow us to fully synergize efforts and accelerate change. The government also has an important part to play in laying down the necessary enablers to unlock private sector investment and ensure the successful deployment of infrastructure and services,” he said.

Saudi-Italian officials discuss manufacturing and innovation cooperation  

Updated 12 sec ago

Saudi-Italian officials discuss manufacturing and innovation cooperation  

RIYADH: Senior officials from Saudi Arabia and Italy have discussed collaboration opportunities in industrial innovation and advanced manufacturing technologies.

Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Bandar Alkhorayef met with Attilio Fontana, president of Lombardy’s regional government, to investigate ways to enhance bilateral ties in sectors crucial to the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 diversification strategy.

According to a statement, the meeting emphasized cooperation in industrial sectors supported by advanced manufacturing technologies, and sustainable economic growth based on knowledge and innovation, especially in industries such as healthcare, energy, and food. 

Both sides explored opportunities in emerging sectors, including advanced industries and information technology.

Fontana met with Alkhorayef after attending the Saudi-Italian Business Forum, where the European country’s business federation said the 7,000 companies it represents are looking to  increase investments in the Kingdom, focusing on opportunities aligned with Vision 2030. 

“Alkhorayef emphasized the importance of industrial innovation, noting the competitive advantages and incentives that attract investors and drive the success of industrial projects, supported by government policies and energy provisions,” the statement said.

The Saudi-Italian Business Forum was held at the Saudi Chambers Federation, and brought together over 140 companies from both nations to discuss expanding trade and investment relations.

Kamel Al-Majid, chairman of the Saudi-Italian Business Council, emphasized the growing bilateral trade, which is nearing SR38 billion ($10.1 billion). Key areas of interest include logistics, infrastructure development, and digital technologies, sectors where Italian expertise can significantly contribute to Saudi Arabia’s ongoing mega-projects.

The Saudi-Italian Business Forum and broader bilateral engagements reflect Saudi Arabia’s ambitions to attract foreign investments, as part of its Vision 2030 objectives. Key developments in recent years include the reestablishment of several Saudi foreign business councils and legal reforms aimed at creating a competitive investment landscape.

Saudi Arabia’s crude production climbs 1.26% to 8.94 mbpd: JODI

Updated 27 min 30 sec ago

Saudi Arabia’s crude production climbs 1.26% to 8.94 mbpd: JODI

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s crude output increased to 8.94 million barrels per day in July, reflecting a 1.26 percent rise from June.

However, crude exports fell to 5.74 million bpd, a decrease of 5.06 percent, data released by the Joint Organizations Data Initiative showed.

Domestic petroleum demand saw an uptick, rising by 79,000 bpd to reach 2.83 million bpd. During a virtual OPEC+ meeting on Sept. 5, member countries reiterated their commitment to previously announced voluntary production cuts made in April and November 2023, emphasizing adherence to the agreed adjustments.

The eight OPEC+ nations—Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq, the UAE, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Algeria, and Oman—reaffirmed their commitment to production cuts, with Iraq and Kazakhstan promising to follow the compensation schedules they submitted to the OPEC Secretariat after the April meeting.

Data revealed that refinery crude exports dropped by 17 percent to 1.13 million bpd. The main products included processed crude used for diesel, motor and aviation gasoline, and fuel oil. Notably, diesel accounted for 43 percent of refined product exports, while motor and aviation gasoline made up 30 percent, and fuel oil comprised 8 percent. Despite its smaller share, fuel oil shipments surged by 20 percent, reaching 343,000 bpd.

In July, Saudi Arabia’s refinery oil products output reached 2.46 million bpd, down 2 percent from the previous month. Diesel accounted for the largest share at 44 percent, followed by motor and aviation gasoline at 28 percent, and fuel oil at 17 percent.

According to TechSci Research, the Kingdom’s oil refining market was valued at $27 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 4.7 percent through 2029. The refining sector is vital to Saudi Arabia’s energy landscape, supported by significant investments aimed at expanding refining capacity and integrating advanced technologies.

As global demand for refined products—such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and petrochemical feedstocks—continues to rise, Saudi Arabia is actively modernizing its infrastructure and building new refineries. These strategic advancements are essential for maintaining the Kingdom’s position as a leading global producer of refined petroleum products, catering to the growing needs of transportation and industrial sectors worldwide.

Direct crude usage

Saudi Arabia’s direct burn of crude oil rose significantly, increasing by 211,000 bpd to a total of 769,000 bpd. This marks a substantial 37.8 percent rise compared to the previous month. Year-over-year, direct crude usage was up by 177,000 bpd, reflecting a 30 percent increase.

This surge in direct crude utilization is likely fueled by rising energy demands linked to population growth and an influx of newcomers to the country. It highlights both increased domestic consumption and the ongoing development of residential and business sectors, which contribute to the growing energy needs in Saudi Arabia.

To address peak summer electricity demand, Saudi Arabia imported fuel oil from Kuwait in July for the first time in over two years, as reported by Oil & Gas News. This decision was prompted by a decline in discounted fuel supplies from Russia, leading the Kingdom to seek alternative energy sources to ensure a stable power supply during the hottest months.

Oman posts H1 trade surplus of $9.4bn, driven by oil exports

Updated 19 September 2024

Oman posts H1 trade surplus of $9.4bn, driven by oil exports

RIYADH: Oman recorded a trade surplus of 3.65 billion Omani rials ($9.4 billion) in the first six months of 2024, down slightly from 3.74 billion rials in the same period last year, official data showed. 

According to the National Center for Statistics and Information, commodity exports rose to 11.6 billion rials, marking a 6.7 percent increase from 10.9 billion rials in June 2023. 

This growth was primarily driven by higher oil and gas sales, which climbed to 7.2 billion rials, a 5.3 percent increase from the previous year. 

Crude oil exports alone contributed 5.1 billion rials, a 7.2 percent rise, while refined oil exports reached 842 million rials, up 12.8 percent. However, natural gas exports fell 5.7 percent to 1.2 billion rials. 

Oman’s imports also rose by 10.8 percent, reaching 8 billion rials by June, up from 7.2 billion rials in the same period last year. 

Non-oil commodity exports rose by 8.1 percent to 3.5 billion rials, up from 3.3 billion rials in June 2023. 

Metal products led the non-oil exports at 1.3 billion rials, a 21.5 percent increase. Ordinary metals and their products reached 671 million rials, up 7.3 percent, while chemical industries and related products saw a slight 0.7 percent decline to 521 million rials. 

Plastics and rubber products exports grew by 11.5 percent to 473 million rials, but exports of live animals and related products fell by 21 percent to 169 million rials. Other exports totaled 437 million rials.

Oman’s re-exports increased by 13.9 percent to 867 million rials by June 2024. 

Re-exports in transport equipment totaled 259 million rials, up 19 percent, while machinery, electrical equipment, and parts saw a 3.1 percent decline to 188 million rials. 

Re-exports of food, beverages, and liquids rose by 15.7 percent to 82 million rials, and metal product re-exports increased by 57.6 percent to 76 million rials. Re-exports of live animals and related products fell by 18.4 percent to 59 million rials, while other products amounted to 204 million rials.  

On the import side, mineral products were the largest category, reaching 2.3 billion rials, a 22.5 percent rise. 

This was followed by machinery, electrical equipment, and sound recording devices, which amounted to 1.3 billion rials, growing by 20.2 percent. 

Imports of ordinary metals and their products totaled 752 million rials, a 4.1 percent decrease, while chemical industries and related products dropped by 1.7 percent to 750 million rials. Transport equipment imports rose by 4.9 percent to 684 million rials. 

The UAE remained Oman’s largest non-oil trade partner, with non-oil exports to the Emirates reaching 457 million rials by June, an 8.9 percent increase from last year. 

Re-exports to the UAE amounted to 338 million rials, and the country was also the largest exporter to Oman, with imports valued at 1.9 billion rials. 

Economic ties between the UAE and Oman have remained robust, with the two nations signing investment deals worth 129 billion dirhams ($35.12 billion) in April. These agreements span multiple sectors, including renewable energy, green metals, and railway, as well as digital infrastructure, and technology. 

Saudi crown prince praises ‘fundamental achievements’ on Vision 2030 journey

Updated 19 September 2024

Saudi crown prince praises ‘fundamental achievements’ on Vision 2030 journey

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman highlighted the progress made by the Kingdom in tourism and employment as he delivered an update on the Vision 2030 initiative. 

In the annual royal address after inaugurating the first year of the ninth session of the Shoura Council, the crown prince said that Saudi Arabia’s economic diversification efforts are progressing steadily, with non-oil activities recording the highest contribution to the Kingdom’s real gross domestic product at 50 percent in 2023. 

Bolstering this sector is crucial for Saudi Arabia as it seeks to reduce its dependence on oil revenues, and the crown prince described praised the Kingdom for its “many fundamental achievements during this great journey,” according to the Saudi Press Agency. 

Reflecting on the progress of Vision 2030, which was announced in 2016, he said: “In the field of tourism, achievements preceded the target date, as the national tourism strategy, which was launched in 2019, set a target of 100 million tourists in 2030, and this target was exceeded and reached 109 million tourists in 2023.” 

The Kingdom’s tourism ambition has now been altered to attracting 150 million visitors by 2030 as a result of hitting this target.

The crown prince highlighted that unemployment among Saudi citizens, both male and female, recorded its lowest level in history in the first quarter of 2024, reaching 7.6 percent, compared to 12.8 percent in 2017. 

He added: “The Public Investment Fund continues its role in achieving its goals to be a driving force for investment.” 

The crown prince added that the percentage of homeownership among Saudi nationals increased from 47 percent in 2016 to more than 63 percent. 

According to the crown prince, Saudi Arabia has also achieved an advanced position in the field of renewable energy, becoming one of its most active players in the sector, regionally and internationally. 

Highlighting the growth of the mining sector in the Kingdom, he said that Saudi Arabia is now the world’s largest repository of natural resources. 

The crown prince added that the country is emerging as a top destination for mega events, with the nation gearing up to host Expo 2030 and FIFA World Cup 2034. 

“The Kingdom enjoys global confidence that has made it one of the first destinations for global centers and major companies, most notably the opening of the International Monetary Fund’s regional office and a center for multiple international activities in sports, investment, and culture, serving as a gateway to cultural communication,” he said. 

Oil Updates – prices rise after US interest rate cut

Updated 19 September 2024

Oil Updates – prices rise after US interest rate cut

BEIJING: Oil prices rose on Thursday after a large interest rate cut from the US Federal Reserve, but concerns over global demand lingered and capped gains.

Brent crude futures for November were up 36 cents, or 0.5 percent, to $74.01 a barrel at 9:18 a.m. Saudi time, while WTI crude futures for October were up 34 cents, or 0.3 percent, to $71.15 a barrel. The benchmarks recovered after falling in early Asian trade.

The US central bank cut interest rates by half a percentage point on Wednesday. Interest rate cuts typically boost economic activity and energy demand, but the market also saw it as a sign of a weaker US labor market that could slow the economy.

“While the 50 basis point cut hints at harsh economic headwinds ahead, bearish investors were left unsatisfied after the Fed raised the medium-term outlook for rates,” ANZ analysts said in a note.

Weak demand from China’s slowing economy also continued to weigh.

Refinery output in China slowed for a fifth month in August, statistics bureau data showed over the weekend. China’s industrial output growth also slowed to a five-month low last month, and retail sales and new home prices weakened further.

Markets were also keeping an eye on events in the Middle East after walkie-talkies used by Lebanese armed group Hezbollah exploded on Wednesday following similar explosions of pagers the previous day.

Security sources said Israeli spy agency Mossad was responsible, but Israeli officials did not comment on the attacks.

Citi analysts say they expect a counter-seasonal oil market deficit of around 0.4 million barrels per day to support Brent crude prices in the $70 to $75 a barrel range during the next quarter, but that would be temporary.

“As 2025 global oil balances deteriorate in most scenarios, we still anticipate renewed price weakness in 2025 with Brent on a path to $60/barrel,” Citi said in a note on Thursday.