Pakistani PM discusses polio eradication with Bill Gates as 2024 case tally reaches 23

Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif (left) meets Bill Gates, founder and co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, US, on September 26, 2024. (PID)
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Updated 27 September 2024

Pakistani PM discusses polio eradication with Bill Gates as 2024 case tally reaches 23

  • Pakistan, along with neighboring Afghanistan, remains the last polio-endemic country in the world
  • Starting from late 2018, Pakistan has seen a resurgence of cases and increased spread of polio virus 

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif met with Bill Gates, founder and co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), on Thursday to discuss polio eradication, as the number of reported cases of the virus reached 23 in Pakistan this year.

The latest case was reported on Thursday in Kohat district of the northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province where a 10-month-old child was paralyzed by the disease. Earlier, 14 polio cases had already been detected this year in Balochistan province, four in the southern Sindh province while Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and the federal capital, Islamabad, had reported one polio case each.

Pakistan, along with neighboring Afghanistan, remains the last polio-endemic country in the world. Starting from late 2018, Pakistan saw a resurgence of cases and an increased spread of polio, highlighting the fragility of gains achieved in the preceding three years.

“Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif appreciated the Gates Foundation’s engagement and support to Pakistan on polio eradication, maternal and child health, nutrition, immunization, digitization, and financial inclusion,” Sharif’s office said in a statement after he met Gates on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. 

“The Prime Minister highlighted Pakistan’s unwavering commitment to ensure complete eradication of polio from the country. He thanked the BMGF for its longstanding support in this effort and underscored the need for sustained efforts and supports to Pakistan, particularly for health system strengthening and maternal and child nutrition in this regard.”

The statement said Gates acknowledged Pakistan’s efforts in combatting polio but stressed that eradication was “vital to protect its future generations from this crippling disease.”

“He appreciated the Prime Minister’s personal supervision and engagement of the Provincial governments in the polio vaccine program across the country,” the statement added. 

“Mr. Gates shared updates on a comprehensive Health Dialogue with Afghanistan and requested support for the initiative. He also communicated his willingness to focus more on the pockets where the number of missed children or refusal of polio vaccines is higher especially where the morbidity of children is higher.”

The Pakistan Polio Eradication Program has said two large-scale, door-to-door vaccination campaigns are planned for later this year to close immunity gaps and curb the spread of the virus.

“It is devastating that too many children are suffering the consequences of missed vaccination opportunities,” Prime Minister’s Focal Person for Polio Eradication Ayesha Raza Farooq said after the year’s 23rd case was reported on Thursday. “Polio is a terrible disease that alters a child’s life forever, snatching the chance to live up to their full potential.”

Urging parents, caregivers and communities to collectively take responsibility for the wellbeing of all children, she said: 

“Poliovirus is in your area and the consequences of a polio infection for children are devastating and irreversible. The only means to protect them is to ensure that all children under the age of five in your home and communities are vaccinated with multiple doses of oral polio vaccine and have completed their routine immunization doses.”

Pakistan’s polio eradication program began in 1994, and the number of cases has declined dramatically since then but the country continues to face challenges in its fight against polio, including militancy, with polio workers targeted by attacks, particularly in the KP province. 

The polio program has adapted to respond to climate disasters such as floods but continues to face disruptions. There are also gaps in supplementary immunization activities, especially in areas where the virus is still present.

Pakistan PM discusses trade, investment in bilateral meetings with British and Iranian leaders

Updated 27 September 2024

Pakistan PM discusses trade, investment in bilateral meetings with British and Iranian leaders

  • The meetings were held on the sidelines of UNGA session that Shehbaz Sharif will address later today
  • The prime minister discussed economic situation, climate change impact with his British counterpart

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Thursday continued his bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), discussing Pakistan’s relations with Britain and Iran with the top leaders of both countries.

Sharif arrived in New York on Tuesday to attend the annual UNGA session, where he is scheduled to address the world body later today, presenting his country’s stance on Israel’s war on Gaza, the lingering Kashmir dispute and the growing global security deficit.

He met his British counterpart, Keir Starmer, to discuss Pakistan’s long-standing and multifaceted relationship with the United Kingdom, which hosts a large Pakistani diaspora.

PM Sharif also accepted an invitation from King Charles III to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa in October, extended during a telephone call earlier this month.

Pakistan and Iran also share a 959-kilometer frontier, where they set up border markets last year to strengthen commercial ties.

“Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif met the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Right Honorable Sir Keir Starmer and Iranian President Dr. Pezeshkian today in New York on the sidelines of the 79th session of the UNGA in New York,” the PM Office said on Thursday.

Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif (left) meets Iranian President Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian on the sidelines of of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, US, on September 26, 2024. (Government of Pakistan)

PM Sharif discussed matters of mutual interest with both leaders, agreeing to promote ties in trade and investment.

He spoke with the British PM about Pakistan’s economic situation, highlighting structural reforms and the expansion of the tax net.

He also mentioned the challenges posed by climate change.

The premier emphasized that Britain is the third-largest investor in Pakistan and highlighted the significant role overseas Pakistanis in the UK play in strengthening bilateral relations.

During his meeting with the Iranian president, Sharif stressed the importance of improving neighborly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation, particularly in trade and cultural exchanges.

“The meeting helped reaffirm support for each other and bring forth opportunities for further strengthening this partnership,” the statement said.

Pakistan and Iran have had fluctuating relations despite many commercial agreements.

Both countries share a porous border and occasionally blame each other for militant attacks in the frontier regions.

Pakistan launches $50 million project to upgrade weather system with 300 new stations

Updated 27 September 2024

Pakistan launches $50 million project to upgrade weather system with 300 new stations

  • Backed by the World Bank, the three-year project will help install five radars and advanced computing system
  • It will increase accuracy of weather forecasts that currently depends on 100 manual weather stations in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) has initiated a $50 million project in collaboration with the World Bank to upgrade its system by installing state-of-the-art radars and establishing 300 new weather stations, a top official confirmed this week.

According to the Global Climate Risk Index, Pakistan ranks as the fifth most vulnerable country to climate change, facing extreme weather events like floods, droughts and heatwaves that significantly affect agriculture and infrastructure.

Given the situation, PMD’s work of providing weather forecasts and issuing public warnings to ensure protection, safety and general awareness has acquired greater significance, though it faces limitations as the majority of its systems rely on manual observation methods.

“The project of the World Bank is of $50 million,” Sahibzad Khan, the PMD director general, told Arab News in an exclusive interview. “In the first phase, we will [spend] $40 million, but we will also get the remaining $10 million as this is a three-year project.”

He said the project was approved in September 2023, and after completing all the documentation, it was operationalized this week.

“Under the project, we will have 300 automated weather stations,” he added. “We are installing five radars from World Bank and to integrate observational data, radar data, satellite data, we are installing high-performance computers.”

Khan informed the network of weather stations will be established within the next three years, hoping it will make the PMD system significantly more efficient, with a much higher rate of accuracy and improved forecasting capabilities.

“We will have 105 new automated weather stations in Balochistan and 75 each in [Khyber Pakhtunkhwa] and Punjab and 45 will be used in Sindh which will increase our capacity of data collection,” he said.

The PMD official informed Pakistan currently had around 100 manual observatory weather stations across the country but needed more, as a larger network would significantly increase the accuracy of weather forecasts.

“According to the World Meteorological Organization, every 40 kilometers should have an observational station but we have not been able to do it in Pakistan yet,” he added.

Khan said his organization will also install five modern radars with different ranges, with the most advanced ones in Lahore and Gwadar. He also pointed out the PMD will also get a high-performing computing component to integrate and process all the data.

Speaking to Arab News, PMD director Dr. Zaheer Ahmed Babar said the forecast system required a robust network of weather observatories.

“We are trying to invest in the observation system because weather observation system not only consists of the observatories, it also consists of the radars, it also consists of the satellite images,” he added.

Babar said the weather system depended upon the initial conditions, which change every three hours.

He informed that PMD experts generated forecasts by visualizing and analyzing various models, subsequently publishing the information in text form on the website.

“The National Disaster Management Authority, Provincial Disaster Management Authorities, and the District Management Authorities are then given this information in text form,” he added.

Pakistan joins OIC member states in rejecting elections in Indian-administered Kashmir

Updated 45 min 24 sec ago

Pakistan joins OIC member states in rejecting elections in Indian-administered Kashmir

  • Defense Minister Khawaja Asif represented the Pakistani delegation at the meeting
  • Over 9 million voters are participating in the three-phase elections in the disputed region

ISLAMABAD: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) Contact Group on Kashmir has rejected the elections in the Indian portion of the disputed Himalayan region, state-run media reported on Thursday, highlighting that the polls cannot replace the granting of self-determination rights to the Kashmiri people.

Defense Minister Khawaja Asif represented Pakistan at the meeting chaired by OIC Secretary-General Hissein Brahim Taha on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly’s 79th session which also included officials from Turkiye, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan and Niger.

At the outset of the meeting, Asif briefed the Contact Group members about the deteriorating situation in Indian-administered Kashmir while mentioning human rights violations Indian forces.

Kashmir is India’s only Muslim-majority territory that has been at the center of a dispute with neighboring Pakistan since 1947. Both countries fought wars and border skirmishes over the region.

“The OIC Contact Group on Kashmir firmly rejected unwarranted claims of Indian leaders over Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan [which are part of Pakistan],” the Associated Press of Pakistan (APP) reported on Thursday.

“A joint communique issued after the meeting also underscored that the Lok Sabha or Legislative Assembly elections in Indian-administered Kashmir cannot serve as a substitute to the grant of the right to self-determination to the Kashmiri people.”

A security personnel stands guard as voters queue up to cast their ballots at a polling station during the second phase of voting for local assembly elections, in Ganderbal on September 25, 2024. (AFP/File)

More than nine million voters are participating in the three-phase elections that are yet to conclude in the region. It was the first time India has invited foreign diplomats to witness voting in Kashmir which Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government stripped of its partial autonomy five years ago.

The communique emphasized that peace in South Asia depended on the final settlement of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions. It called for reversing the unilateral measures taken on August 5, 2019, when the Indian government unilaterally revoked Article 370 that granted the region limited autonomy.

The OIC also rejected the Indian Supreme Court’s verdict over the matter and emphasized that “domestic legislation and judicial verdicts cannot be invoked to undermine the internationally-recognized disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir.”

Pakistan’s finance minister announces plan to abolish ‘non-filer’ status with punitive actions

Updated 27 September 2024

Pakistan’s finance minister announces plan to abolish ‘non-filer’ status with punitive actions

  • Previously, people in Pakistan paid nominal rates on various transactions to avoid filing tax returns
  • Muhammad Aurangzeb says the government is taking steps to improve tax compliance, enforcement

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Muhammad Aurangzeb said on Thursday the government plans to eliminate the “non-filer” category by taking punitive actions against those who previously paid nominal amounts on various transactions to avoid filing tax returns.

The minister made the statement in an interview with Voice of America, a day after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a $7 billion loan program to support Pakistan’s cash-strapped economy.

The government has implemented stringent economic reforms in recent years, including the removal of subsidies and increased power tariffs, based on recommendations from the global lender to stabilize the financial outlook before achieving macroeconomic stability.

Aurangzeb noted, after the loan approval in a separate statement, that Pakistan will face “transitional pain” if it aims to make this the last IMF program by continuing with structural reforms.

“Previously, we had this system where if someone was a non-filer, we said you can pay a nominal rate and stay outside the tax system,” he said during the interview. “Now, we’re taking it to a punitive level. It’s about time we address this invention of the non-filer status, which I think only exists in our country.”

“As a country, our hand has been forced,” he continued. “We no longer have the capacity to allow anyone in this country to remain a non-filer.”

The minister acknowledged that the IMF conditionalities had become more stringent with every loan program, attributing it to the “credibility and trust deficit.”

“We sign the structural benchmarks but never follow through,” he said. “That’s why they are strict. This time, we are going to go through the reforms.”

He maintained the government aims to widen the tax net by incorporating the agriculture, retail and wholesale sectors.

He also pointed out that measures are being taken to improve compliance and enforcement, which had previously been weak.

The IMF and World Bank chiefs have already praised Pakistan’s recent economic reforms, though international lending agencies also stress the need to stay the course in order to further strengthen the national economy.

Electrical short circuit causes blast at police station in northwestern Pakistan, injuring 15

Updated 26 September 2024

Electrical short circuit causes blast at police station in northwestern Pakistan, injuring 15

  • The blast was initially suspected to be a militant attack, which have been on the rise in Pakistan in recent months
  • Separately, 31 people killed and 96 injured in a property dispute that turned into sectarian clashes in Kurram district 

PESHAWAR: At least 15 cops were injured on Thursday as a blast caused by an electrical short circuit ripped through a police station in the northwestern Pakistani district of Swabi, police and Rescue 1122 officials said.

The blast was initially suspected to be a militant attack, which have been on the rise in Pakistan in recent months, with many taking place in the northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province bordering Afghanistan.

Islamabad says fighters mainly associated with the Pakistani Taliban or TTP group frequently launch attacks from hideouts in Afghanistan, targeting police and other security forces. Islamabad has even blamed Kabul’s Afghan Taliban rulers for facilitating anti-Pakistan militants. Kabul denies the charges.

Nearly 80 policemen have been killed in attacks, ambushes and target killings in KP in 2024, according to police data. 

“The Swabi police station explosion was not an incident of terrorism,” a spokesperson for local police, Liaqat Khan, told Arab News. “The incident occurred due to an electrical short circuit in the arms warehouse of the police station.”

He added that the building had been “damaged severely,” confirming that 15 policemen were injured. 

Bilal Faizi, a spokesperson for the Rescue 1122 service, said at least 15 injured people had been shifted to various hospitals in Swabi, mainly the Bacha Khan Medical Complex.

“The injured include two in critical condition,” Faizi said. “Four room building of the police station has collapsed and a rescue operation is still underway.”
Separately, tribal elders from Kurram, a district in the Kohat Division of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, held a press conference at the Peshawar Press Club and said fighting between rival tribes had entered a sixth day, with at least 31 people killed and 96 injured.

The clash erupted over a piece of land claimed by both tribes in the Bushehra and Ahmadzai villages of Kurram, which borders Afghanistan. The property dispute soon took a sectarian turn and spread to the whole of Khurram, an area with a history of bloody clashes between Shia and Sunni tribes.

In July, this year, at least 38 persons were killed and more than 150 others injured in a clash that also erupted over a piece of land. In 2007, a sectarian war broke out and lasted until 2011 when the issue was resolved with the intervention of a jirga, or council of tribal elders.

On Thursday, tribal and political elders from Kurram called for an “immediate ceasefire” amid the latest fighting and said the government needed to intervene. 

“Several peace jirgas have been held from time to time, but why the peace has not been restored is a question,” a representative from Parachinar, Hassan Raza, told reporters. “We don’t want war in our area but peace in Kurram. The government should immediately intervene and restore peace in the area.”

Deputy Commissioner Kurram Javedullah Mehsud told media the district administration, police and military officials, tribal elders and jirga members were actively engaged in efforts for a ceasefire.