The Palestinian issue is Saudi Arabia’s central priority

The Palestinian issue is Saudi Arabia’s central priority

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Without a doubt, the Palestinian issue has been Saudi Arabia’s most relentless and central priority for nearly a year now. King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, have again announced they will be providing many forms of aid and support to the state of Palestine and to its people. With the aim of alleviating the effects of the suffering caused by Israel’s occupation and its flagrant violations of international laws and norms, including international humanitarian law, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has said it will provide monthly financial support to Palestine and contribute to addressing the vast humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and its surroundings.

The Kingdom has reaffirmed its tireless efforts to communicate with members of the international community to achieve a ceasefire, to protect civilians, and to bring more humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people, stressing its keenness to find a just solution. That solution must enable the Palestinian people to obtain their legitimate rights and to establish their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The Palestinian issue is Saudi Arabia’s highest current priority. Since the beginning of the crisis, it has made all possible efforts to contain the existing crisis in the Gaza Strip and to address the critical humanitarian situation. The Kingdom has been able to unify the Arab and Islamic position toward this crisis through its chairmanship of the ministerial committee in charge. From the extraordinary joint Arab-Islamic summit, to confronting Israeli diplomatic aggression, to working to break the siege imposed on Gaza and demanding that Palestine be accepted as a full member of the United Nations, the effort has been tireless.

The Kingdom renews its rejection and condemnation of all heinous Israeli crimes committed against the Palestinians. 

Dr. Jamal Al Harbi

The Kingdom also actively participated in drafting the Charter for the Future, which was adopted by world leaders this week. The Kingdom’s ‘Charter’ and ‘Future Summit’ are an opportunity to reaffirm common principles, enhance cooperation to confront challenges, achieve security and peace, and support sustainable development for future generations. The Kingdom is keen to activate the role of international financial institutions, to ensure continued economic recovery and to reduce risks.

This support comes as a continuation of the humanitarian, relief and development aid the Kingdom has provided over the past years to the brotherly Palestinian people, amounting to more than $5.3 billion.

In this regard, the Kingdom renews its rejection and condemnation of all heinous Israeli crimes committed against the Palestinians. The recent crimes committed against defenseless civilians in the Gaza Strip are only one chapter of their long suffering. Since last year, almost exactly a year ago, Israel’s brutal actions have claimed the lives of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians, most of them women and children. Systematic destruction and starvation, amid a major humanitarian catastrophe is worsening day after day.

Based on Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia aims to meet the aspirations of future generations, to empower women and the youth, and to develop creativity and innovation, consolidate values of tolerance and build bridges of communication with the world. It aims, through its development approach, to achieve a comprehensive and sustainable renaissance that focuses on the human being, in a way that preserves their rights. 

– Dr. Jamal Al Harbi is a writer on international affairs and media advisor at the Saudi Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan. 

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