Syria urges UN to stop Israeli aggression against neighbors

Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Minister Bassam Al-Sabbagh addresses the 79th United Nations General Assembly at UN headquarters in New York, US, Sept. 30, 2024. (Reuters)
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Updated 30 September 2024

Syria urges UN to stop Israeli aggression against neighbors

  • Foreign Minister Bassam Al-Sabbagh blames US for allowing Israel to operate with impunity
  • Demands return of occupied Golan Heights, warns states to stop interfering in his country’s domestic affairs

LONDON: Syria’s foreign minister on Monday urged the world to do more to end Israeli aggression towards its neighbors, blaming the US for hindering international peace and security.

Bassam Al-Sabbagh made the comments to the UN General Assembly in a wide-ranging address in which he also defended his government’s record during Syria’s civil war, hit out at interference in its domestic affairs by foreign states, and demanded the return of Syrian territory occupied by Israel.

“For more than a decade, Syria has experienced unparalleled suffering,” he said. “It fell victim to a fierce terrorist war, direct attacks on its territories that continue to this day, a multifaceted and stifling economic blockade, and … unprecedented political and media incitement campaigns. 

“Billions of dollars were spent to erode the development progress that Syria has worked over decades to achieve.

“Billions more were spent to spread chaos and undermine security and stability, and to force millions of Syrians to leave their homes only to become internally displaced or refugees in other countries.

“Despite everything, we’ve remained faithful to our strong beliefs, our firm positions and to the choices we made as a nation.

“Syria never hesitated to protect and defend its people, and never faltered in its war on terrorism.”

He said the way his government was treated on the international stage “revealed the true intentions of the collective West, which completely contradict the principles and purposes that form the pillars and foundation and function of (the UN).”

Al-Sabbagh was unequivocal in his condemnation of Israel’s “expansionist and racist occupation and ongoing aggression,” blaming the US for preventing the UN Security Council “from fulfilling its responsibility to confront threats to international peace and security.”

He told the UNGA: “The ongoing Israeli occupation of Arab territory since 1967, including the Syrian Arab Golan (Heights) and the genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity it commits, are a glaring example of the failure of this organization.”

Al-Sabbagh added: “Since Oct. 7, 2023, the Israeli occupation has continued to commit bloody and terrorist crimes, adding another chapter to its seven decade-long criminal record over the past months.

“The occupying forces and settler gangs have been carrying out savage aggression on the Palestinian people and committing a genocide before the eyes of the whole world, which has claimed the lives of more than 42,000 Palestinians, most of whom are children and women.

“The Syrian Arab Republic strongly condemns the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, and renews its solidarity with a legitimate struggle to liberate their occupied land and establish an independent state on their entire national territory with Jerusalem as its capital, while ensuring the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland in line with international law and relevant UN resolutions.

“The Israeli occupying forces … have chosen to drag the region into a serious escalation while benefiting from the immunity, impunity and unlimited support provided by certain countries, in particular the US.

“In a clear case of hypocrisy and double standards, Israeli forces have scaled up their attacks on countries in the region, including my country, Syria, targeting vital civilian facilities, residential buildings and even diplomatic premises, resulting in the death of dozens of civilians, significant material damage and hindering the delivery of humanitarian aid to Syrians.”

Al-Sabbagh also touched upon developments in Lebanon, saying: “Two weeks ago, the Israeli occupation authorities committed an unprecedented crime against Lebanese by using the means of communication as a tool to kill unarmed civilians in a collective manner. 

“A few days ago, the Israeli occupation authorities targeted the southern suburb of Beirut with a treacherous and cowardly (act of) aggression, destroying an entire residential block using tons of explosives … to assassinate Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah.”

Al-Sabbagh added: “This large-scale Israeli aggression … is pushing the region to the brink of a dangerous escalation and confrontation whose consequences can’t be predicted, and causing disastrous effects on peace and security, not only in our region but also beyond it. 

“The Syrian Arab Republic calls on all member states of the UN to work towards ending the Israeli aggression against Palestine, Syria and Lebanon, and hold the occupation authorities accountable for their crimes, as well as prevent impunity.

“The Syrian Republic reiterates that the Golan is an occupied Syrian territory and that its inhabitants are Syrian Arab citizens who are, and will always be, an integral part of the people of Syria.”

Al-Sabbagh condemned foreign interference in Syria, demanding that other states take steps to repatriate their citizens currently imprisoned in the country for affiliation with terrorist organizations.

“The crimes and attacks of the Israeli occupying forces against Syria can’t be seen in separation from the subversive role played by certain Western countries, especially the US,” he said. 

“These countries have continued to violate Syria’s sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity by illegally deploying their military forces inside Syria’s territory, allowing their officials to sneak into Syria and supporting separatist militia and terrorist groups.

“These countries have also worked to exacerbate the humanitarian situation of the Syrian people by depriving them of the benefit of their resources as a result of their systematic looting of Syria’s national riches and by imposing inhumane, unilateral coercive measures.”

He added: “Syria is healing from the wounds of what it has been exposed and subjected to — it looks to the future with a sense of hope and optimism.

“However, the success of its efforts necessarily requires the collective West to stop politicizing humanitarian work and linking it to political conditionality.

“Donors need to fulfill their pledges in humanitarian funding and provide sustainable solutions for livelihoods and supporting resilience.”

Al-Sabbagh concluded: “My country reiterates its call for the immediate, full and unconditional lifting of unilateral coercive measures as they amount to collective punishment … and the flagrant violation of the UN Charter.”

US says ‘pleased’ with improved aid access into Sudan

Updated 8 sec ago

US says ‘pleased’ with improved aid access into Sudan

  • “We are pleased by the significant but incremental improvements on humanitarian access,” US envoy on Sudan, Tom Perriello, told reporters in Nairobi

NAIROBI: The US envoy to Sudan on Monday said there had been a marked improvement of aid deliveries into the war-torn African country suffering a devastating humanitarian crisis.
Fighting erupted in April 2023 between the regular army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) after a plan to integrate them into the military failed.
Both sides have been accused of war crimes, including deliberately targeting civilians and blocking humanitarian aid.
“We are pleased by the significant but incremental improvements on humanitarian access,” US envoy on Sudan, Tom Perriello, told reporters in Nairobi.
“We have had a couple (of) hundred trucks get through areas that were previously blocked.”
More than 25 million people — more than half of Sudan’s population — face acute hunger, according to UN agencies, with famine declared in a displacement camp in the western Darfur region, which borders Chad.
The war has already killed tens of thousands of people, with the World Health Organization declaring a toll of at least 20,000 people dead, but some estimates are up to 150,000.
“The situation is extremely dire and those who are in the best position to stop it seem eager instead to accelerate” it, Perriello said.
Several rounds of peace negotiations have failed to end the fighting.
Multiple truces brokered by the United States and Saudi Arabia in the early stages of the war were systematically violated and the process faltered.
“One track of these efforts overall is a sense of trying to restore the basic norm that even if the war continues, certain issues of humanitarian access and civilian protection should be respected,” Perriello said, blaming “a lack of sufficient will” from the warring sides.
The latest round of US-brokered talks opened in Switzerland last month.
While an RSF delegation showed up, the Sudanese armed forces were unhappy with the format and did not attend, though they were in telephone contact with the mediators.
The talks were co-hosted by Saudi Arabia and Switzerland, with the African Union, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the United Nations completing the so-called Aligned for Advancing Lifesaving and Peace in Sudan Group (ALPS).
The army objected to the UAE’s involvement in the talks, accusing the oil-rich Gulf state of arming the RSF. The UAE has repeatedly denied the allegations.
The Sudanese army on Monday rejected an accusation by the UAE that it had attacked the home of its ambassador in Khartoum.

Djibouti ‘profoundly alarmed’ by Mideast situation

Updated 1 min 12 sec ago

Djibouti ‘profoundly alarmed’ by Mideast situation

  • Permanent UN representative: Israel insists ‘on maintaining its occupation of Palestinian territory in perpetuity’
  • Israel’s attacks on Lebanon have ‘accelerated the regional conflagration we all feared’

NEW YORK CITY: The two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “is the only solution that can lead to lasting peace and security,” Djibouti’s permanent UN representative told the 79th UN General Assembly on Monday.

However, Israel insists “on maintaining its occupation of Palestinian territory in perpetuity,” Mohamed Siad Doualeh said.

Djibouti is “profoundly alarmed” by the situation in the Middle East, including the West Bank, where “violence continues unabated,” he added.

“We’re profoundly saddened by the continued loss of lives, in particular children in Gaza, the collective punishment of the Palestinian people, the indiscriminate and continued bombings, and the unlawful occupation in the form of a total siege,” Doualeh said.

Furthermore, Israel’s attacks on Lebanon have “accelerated the regional conflagration we all feared,” he added.

Djibouti is hopeful that all parties involved agree to the 21-day ceasefire called for by the US and France last week, as it is imperative to avoid “all-out war” at all costs, he said.

Doualeh also spoke about the conflicts in Yemen, Ukraine and Africa, particularly Sudan, as well as Houthi attacks in the Red Sea.

Such “geo-economic fragmentation and trade wars” negatively impact global economic growth and, combined with the “crisis of confidence” among UN member states, undermines the credibility of the “multilateral system,” he said.

Doualeh urged the UNGA to “redouble our efforts, overcome our divisions and undertake collective action” in order to end conflicts and put in place policies, investment programs and partnerships to make up for the delays in the implementation of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

He also emphasized the need for reform of international financial institutions so that “they’re able to respond promptly and effectively to the emergencies and the systemic shocks facing many countries in the world.”

He added: “Financial institutions must provide developing countries with greater subsidies and access to financing under favorable conditions while maintaining their risk tolerance for investments in sustainable development.”

At least 11 Palestinians killed in Israeli strike in Gaza’s Nuseirat camp, Gaza medics say

Updated 13 min 26 sec ago

At least 11 Palestinians killed in Israeli strike in Gaza’s Nuseirat camp, Gaza medics say

GAZA: At least 11 Palestinians were killed, including women and children, in an Israeli strike on a house in Nuseirat camp in central Gaza Strip, Gaza medics told Reuters early on Tuesday.


UN peacekeepers patrol southern Lebanon — what is their mandate?

Updated 43 min 20 sec ago

UN peacekeepers patrol southern Lebanon — what is their mandate?

  • Hezbollah is a heavily armed militant group that is Lebanon’s most powerful political force

UNITED NATIONS: United Nations peacekeepers were deployed to patrol Lebanon’s southern border with Israel in 1978 after Israel invaded south Lebanon.
The mandate for the operation — known as the UN Interim Force in Lebanon or UNIFIL — is renewed annually by the 15-member UN Security Council.
Following a month-long war between Israel and Lebanese militants Hezbollah in 2006, the mandate for UNIFIL was expanded when the council adopted resolution 1701.

The Blue Line is a UN-mapped line separating Lebanon from Israel and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Israeli forces withdrew to the Blue Line when they left south Lebanon in 2000. Any unauthorized crossing of the Blue Line by land or by air from any side constitutes a violation of Security Council resolution 1701.

The area of operations for UN peacekeepers is marked by the Litani River in the north and the Blue Line in the south. The mission has more than 10,000 troops from 50 countries and about 800 civilian staff, according to its website.

It allows peacekeepers to help the Lebanese army keep the area of operations free of weapons or armed personnel other than those of the Lebanese state.
That has sparked friction with Iran-backed Hezbollah, which effectively controls southern Lebanon despite the presence of the Lebanese army. Hezbollah is a heavily armed militant group that is Lebanon’s most powerful political force.
The peacekeeping mission is also directed by resolution 1701 “to take all necessary action in areas of deployment of its forces and as it deems within its capabilities, to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities of any kind.”

The peacekeeping mission is required to report all violations to the UN Security Council. The UN secretary-general reports to the council every four months — “or at any time as he deems appropriate” — on the implementation of resolution 1701.
According to UNIFIL’s website, peacekeepers take preventive measures when monitoring the Blue Line, which includes the airspace above it, through coordination, liaising and patrolling to prevent violations.
Whenever there is an incident “UNIFIL immediately deploys additional troops to that location if needed to avoid a direct conflict between the two sides and to ensure that the situation is contained,” according to the UNIFIL website.
The mission also liaises with the Israeli and Lebanese military “to reverse and bring an end to the situation without any escalation.”

The UN secretary-general has regularly reported violations of resolution 1701 by both sides.
A November 2022 report to the Security Council said that “the continued self-acknowledged maintenance of unauthorized weapons outside state control” by Hezbollah and other armed groups was a “persistent, grave violation.”
The same report also said “continued violations of Lebanese airspace by Israeli aircraft and uncrewed aerial vehicles remain of deep concern.”
UN peacekeepers’ freedom of movement has also been regularly impeded, according to UN reports.
The most recent report to the council by the secretary-general in July cites all the same issues.


WHO has been preparing for ‘worst-case scenario’ in Lebanon, regional chief tells Arab News

Updated 51 min 48 sec ago

WHO has been preparing for ‘worst-case scenario’ in Lebanon, regional chief tells Arab News

  • Dr. Hanan Balkhy says agency conducted hundreds of sessions in mass casualty training, health workforce training and EMT training
  • Expresses concern over the  “significant amounts of pressure and stress” that medical staff in Gaza are operating under

NEW YORK: The escalation in the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah is of “grave concern” for the World Health Organization, and the agency is exerting substantial efforts in ensuring that countries in the region are “ready for the worst-case scenario when it comes to health preparation,” WHO’s regional chief has told Arab News.

Dr. Hanan Balkhy, a Saudi physician who was appointed to the role of director for the Eastern Mediterranean in January this year following a distinguished career in medicine, made the comment while she was in New York City last week to rally support for critical public health initiatives.

“When it comes to the health preparation, we were able over the past months to pre-place emergency kits within Lebanon and with a few other neighboring countries to at least sustain some of the commodities that would be needed in case the escalation reached a very high point,” she told Arab News.

“We work very closely with the ministers of health, within the ministries themselves, and we make sure that we can train people on certain skills that we know will be necessary.”

The agency has conducted “hundreds” of training sessions — including mass casualty training, health workforce training and EMT training — within Lebanon and other WHO member states in the region.

Some of those countries have already faced significant pressure on their healthcare systems as a result of Israel’s war in Gaza, Balkhy said.

An ambulance rushes wounded people to the American University of Beirut Medical Center, on September 17, 2024, after explosions hit locations in several Hezbollah strongholds around Lebanon. (AFP)

“There’s big pressure on the member states that are surrounding the Occupied Palestinian Territories, from receiving the (Palestinian) patients and taking care of them, but now there’s actual escalation of war in southern Lebanon.

“So, with that in mind, we’re trying to put together at least the basics that are needed for the worst-case scenario.”

Balkhy voiced concern over the recent pager and walkie-talkie explosions across Lebanon.

On 17 and 18 September 2024, thousands of handheld pagers and hundreds of walkie-talkies intended for use by Hezbollah operatives exploded simultaneously across Lebanon and Syria in an Israeli attack, killing dozens, including two children, and injuring thousands more.

Most of the dead are believed to have been fighters, based on death notices posted online by Hezbollah, the Iran-backed Shiite militia.

A photo taken on September 18, 2024, in Beirut’s southern suburbs shows the remains of exploded pagers on display. (AFP)

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk has called for an “independent, thorough and transparent investigation” into the mass explosion, adding that “simultaneous targeting of thousands of individuals, whether civilians or members of armed groups, without knowledge as to who was in possession of the targeted devices, their location and their surroundings at the time of the attack, violates international human rights law and, to the extent applicable, international humanitarian law.”

The device explosions led to “very complex injuries in the face and in the hands,” said Balkhy.

Doctors in Lebanon say they had never seen the kind of maiming that resulted from the pager attacks. Described some of the wounds as “horrific,” they said the injuries have ranged from puncture wounds in the face, amputated hands, ruptured eyeballs, abdominal wounds, ruptured bones, and broken jaws.

“We’re looking and seeking to find experts that can help us in identifying the best methods of treatment and how we can support the Lebanese Ministry of Health,” Balkhy said, pointing to “empathy” between member states and “a strong sense of solidarity.”

People gather outside a hospital in the city of Baalbeck in eastern Lebanon on September 17, 2024, after explosions hit locations in several Hezbollah strongholds around the country. (AFP)

Balkhy also oversees WHO operations in Gaza, where the healthcare system is “on its knees” according to the UN.

“None of the healthcare facilities are fully functioning,” said Balkhy who witnessed the stark reality of the situation during a visit to Gaza and the West Bank in July.

Over 500 healthcare workers have been killed by Israeli airstrikes since the beginning of the war in October last year, and where out of 36 hospitals, 17 remain only partially functional. Primary healthcare and community-level services are frequently suspended in the battered enclave, due to insecurity, attacks and repeated evacuation orders.

More than 22,500 Palestinians have suffered life-changing injuries since Israel launched its military campaign in retaliation for a Hamas-led attack on southern Israel on Oct. 7 during which militants gunned down civilians and snatched people in towns, along highways and at a techno music festival.

A man sits near the destroyed Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City on September 17, 2024. (AFP)

Medical staff operating in Gaza are under “significant amounts of pressure and stress,” Balkhy said, with surgeons forced to operate in increasingly makeshift facilities, often without access to basic medical equipment.

“The healthcare facilities are not just buildings. They are buildings, they are medication and instruments, and commodities, they are also the health workforce.

“There’s not one single individual (in Gaza) who has not been faced (with) being asked to move from one point to another.

“Many of them have moved many, many times, but also with the deaths and the losses within their family.”

Yet healthcare workers “continue to stand on their feet and provide care when appropriate,” Balkhy added.


  • 1.9m Palestinians who have fled their homes since Oct. 7, 2023.
  • 41,150+ People killed in Gaza in fighting and Israeli bombardment.
  • 1,200 People killed in Israel during Oct. 7 Hamas-led attack.

However, the type of traumas and injuries inflicted on Palestinians have been “unprecedented” and “devastating,” requiring “very complex healthcare systems” of the type that Gaza lacks, she said.

“Those who have been working in the humanitarian field for over a decade have acknowledged that the types of compound fractures, soft tissue injuries, skull injuries … need neurosurgeons.

“You need very sophisticated orthopedic surgeons. You need very sophisticated equipment.”

In response, the WHO has worked in tandem with member states to organize medical evacuations across the Middle East and beyond.

Since October 2023, over 5,000 patients have been evacuated for treatment outside Gaza, with over 80 percent receiving care in Egypt, Qatar and the UAE, and a further 10,000 patients are currently in need of medical evacuation for specialized care.

This includes newborn babies requiring intensive care whose families are trying to evacuate them following the bombing of specialist maternity units across Gaza.

An injured Palestinian man is set for evacuation from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir Al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip following renewed Israeli evacuation orders for the area on August 26, 2024. (AFP)

Another major concern of health officials has been the growing lack of clean water and sanitary conditions in Gaza.

Hundreds of the enclave’s water filtration and sanitation facilities were destroyed by Israeli airstrikes since the beginning of the war.

Balkhy said that the lack of clean water makes it “very difficult” to provide the basics of healthcare.

She also highlighted the worrying proliferation of mental trauma among the population in Gaza.

“The last thing that worries me and that I saw of significance was what we will be facing from the mental stress disorders among the people who remain there and that will continue to work there.

“We will need, as the WHO, with partners, to help support, rehabilitate and address some of these issues.

“So, there’s a lot. The environment, which is a crucial part of the health and wellbeing of individuals, is extremely disturbing.

A boy walks through a puddle of sewage water past mounds of trash and rubble along a street in the Jabalia camp for Palestinian refugees in the northern Gaza Strip on August 14, 2024. (AFP)

Balkhy described scenes of sewage “running in the streets” as well as endless rubble, adding: “It’s extremely devastating to be there on the ground.”

A significant breakthrough in the WHO’s Gaza campaign came earlier this month with the completion of the first round of a polio vaccination campaign.

A month earlier, a 10-year-old baby had been left partly paralyzed by the disease, in what was the enclave’s first reported case in 25 years.

The WHO’s campaign in central Gaza involved more than 2,000 health workers operating across 143 sites.

“We’re very happy that we were able to secure these days of tranquillity to ensure that we conducted the first round of the polio campaign,” said Balkhy.

“The whole world has their eyes on this polio campaign because the success is not just a success for the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Gazans, it’s a success for the world, because pathogens know no borders, and there’s a risk that polio might again spread.”

“So, I’m very happy that that has happened.”

A child receives a vaccination for polio at a makeshift camp for people displaced by conflict in a school run by the UNRWA in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip on September 5, 2024. (AFP)

A second round of vaccination is still needed, however, to ensure optimal levels of immunization, Balkhy added.

“Every child needs to receive those two doses, between one to two months apart,” she said.

A second round is set for mid-October, and the WHO will look to “replicate what we did in the first round.

“The WHO, UNICEF, UNRWA and the Ministry of Health of the Palestinian Authority did amazing work to make this happen together,” Balkhy said.

“But also significant credit goes to the workers on the ground.

“All those lessons learned from the first round of the polio campaign will be very much looked at in order to have a more successful and efficient second round for the polio.”

Palestinians inspect the damage at the site of Israeli strikes on a makeshift displacement camp in Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip on September 10, 2024. (AFP)

However, Balkhy gave warning that health authorities are only at the beginning of the campaign to rehabilitate living conditions in Gaza.

“As an infectious disease person, as an epidemiologist and as a pediatrician, we have a long way to go to rehabilitate the environment for the people in Gaza to to be living with dignity and with appropriate methods to have proper hygiene, instruments, clean water, soap and so on,” she said.

Balkhy is also focused on Sudan, where millions of people have been displaced by the country’s raging civil war, and famine has been declared in the North Darfur region.

Her latest visit to the country came two weeks ago, when she called for warring factions to abide by international law and end their attacks on healthcare facilities and workers.

The WHO reported in July that since the outbreak of the war in April 2023, more than 88 attacks in Sudan had targeted health facilities, ambulances, patients and workers.

People inspect a destroyed medical storage in Nyala, the capital of South Darfur province, on May 2, 2023. (AFP)

“It’s very important to sustain the regular people, the civilians who are not engaged in any of these wars, to be able to feel secure and that the humanitarians and the health workers can do their job,” Balkhy said.

“We have been able to work with the Ministry of Health of Sudan to come up with very good plans on rehabilitating primary health care and some of the secondary and tertiary healthcare facilities.”

Balkhy also visited a site for internally displaced people, warning that the level of access to clean water and sanitation, as well as the risk of cholera, are “huge challenges.”

She added: “It came also during the rainy season. It was expected — none of this is a surprise. We’ve been talking about this for quite a while.

“We’ve been able to, of course, with the Ministry of Health, establish cholera treatment centers and rehydration centers.

“So, the immunization program is is moving forward. We’re trying our best — it’s not optimal. But we do hope that we will be able to access as many children as possible.”

Cholera patients are treated at a clinic in Sudan’s Red Sea State on September 25, 2024. (AFP)

At the General Assembly in New York City, Balkhy eyed a breakthrough resolution in a high-level meeting on antimicrobial resistance.

“It’s the silent pandemic. I have led the Directorate of Antimicrobial Resistance as the first assistant director general in Geneva for close to five years,” she said.

“The fruition of reaching to this point of a high-level meeting — hopefully the resolution has clear, objectives, clear commitments and targets for the member states to focus.”

Despite the combined burden of Gaza and Sudan, and fears mounting over a new war in Lebanon, the WHO is “ready to do its full job and its full role in supporting the elevation of health and leaving nobody behind,” Balkhy said.

That, however, requires heads of state to meet their own responsibilities, she said.

“Secure peace for the world so that we can move on with our agendas and truly walk the talk of leading to our SDGs, leaving nobody behind.

“But without peace and without everybody working together, that is not possible.