Can Pakistan balance the tight to protest with public order? 

Can Pakistan balance the tight to protest with public order? 

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Pakistani cities are faced with recurring citywide blockades deployed to contain protests by political parties. While the right to peaceful assembly is a cornerstone of democracy, the recent practice of deploying cargo containers to seal off major cities disrupts daily life and inflicts a heavy toll on the economy and international standing. These blockades have a far-reaching impact, undermining social cohesion, eroding human rights, hindering job creation, damaging international economic relations, and ultimately jeopardizing Pakistan’s development trajectory.

The immediate social impact of these blockades is a profound disruption to the city’s rhythm. Workers find it increasingly difficult to reach their offices, schools are compelled to close, and access to essential services, such as hospitals, becomes severely restricted. Additionally, the shutdown of phone signals hampers virtual connectivity, which is crucial for service sector workers. This situation not only breeds anxiety and frustration among individuals but also erodes the social fabric of the community. Commuting turns into a nightmare, families are torn apart, and vital errands are delayed. Such disruptions cultivate a sense of helplessness and social discord, ultimately undermining the very foundations of a cohesive society.

The practice of citywide blockades raises concerns about the infringement on fundamental human rights. While the right to assemble and peaceful protest is enshrined in Pakistani law, these blockades restrict the freedom of movement for the vast majority of citizens who are not involved in the protest. It becomes an impossible choice – exercise the right to protest or the right to go to work, school, or seek medical attention. Additionally, the heavy security presence associated with these blockades can create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.

In a world increasingly reliant on trade and investment, these blockades raise the risk profile, deterring potential international partners. 


Dr. Vaqar Ahmed

The economic impact of these shutdowns is far-reaching and deeply damaging. Beyond the immediate disruption of daily business operations, these blockades create a ripple effect that can cripple economic growth. Delays in raw material deliveries cripple manufacturing and construction, while several export consignments are stalled due to difficulties in reaching transportation hubs. The private sector has already voiced its concerns, highlighting the devastating effect these blockades have on business continuity and investor confidence. Furthermore, food supplies face disruption, leading to short-term and undesired price hikes and exacerbating any localized inflationary pressures. 

The impact extends beyond the domestic economy, damaging Pakistan’s international standing. Negative travel adviseries are issued by embassies in Islamabad, discouraging tourism and jeopardizing potential investments. This damages Pakistan’s reputation as a safe and viable destination for business let alone leisure, hindering the country’s efforts to attract foreign capital and integrate itself into the global economic landscape. Even members of the diaspora hesitate to bring their children to Pakistan for holidays or family visits, fearing that unexpected blockades could disrupt their travel plans and create uncertainty about their arrival and departure dates. In a world increasingly reliant on trade and investment, these blockades raise the risk profile, deterring potential international partners. As the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently stated in its press release, “a difficult business environment” and “weak governance” hinder investment in Pakistan, further highlighting the need for a stable and predictable environment for economic growth.

Foreign missions in Islamabad, investors and tourists perceive these actions as a sign of political instability and an environment conducive to violence. This tarnishes Pakistan’s image on the world stage and undermines its efforts to forge strong international partnerships. Additionally, these blockades can be interpreted as an attempt to silence dissent and stifle democratic processes, raising concerns about human rights and freedoms within Pakistan. This leads to a decline in Pakistan’s standing in global indices such as the Democracy Index, the Human Development Index, and the Corruption Perceptions Index.

The United Nations and other global and regional governance forums carefully consider these indices when selecting host cities for international meetings. A decline in Pakistan’s standing in such indices could negatively impact its chances of hosting future events. Already several such security related challenges are being faced for hosting the SCO Summit.

There are viable solutions to this issue. The law should stipulate that protests are restricted to designated zones within the city. Many countries have successfully established specific areas on the outskirts of major cities where protests can occur without disrupting daily life. This approach allows for public expression while ensuring that essential services and economic activities remain uninterrupted.

Furthermore, fostering open and transparent dialogue between the government and protest organizers can help prevent escalation and promote peaceful resolutions. Involving neutral mediators can further facilitate this dialogue.

Finally, employing trained police forces and utilizing de-escalation tactics can help maintain order during protests, reducing the need for disruptive measures such as citywide blockades.

– Dr. Vaqar Ahmed is an award-winning economist and former civil servant. He supported the formulation of various tax and trade policies during his tenure at Pakistan’s Planning Commission, Federal Board of Revenue, and the Ministries of Finance and Commerce. X: @vaqarahmed​

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