The Generals’ Plan is a recipe for disaster and destabilization


The Generals’ Plan is a recipe for disaster and destabilization

The Generals’ Plan is a recipe for disaster and destabilization
Displaced Palestinians seek shelter at a UN run school in northern Gaza Strip on Oct. 25, 2024. (AFP)
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The current events unfolding in the Gaza Strip are far more than another episode in the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict. They mark a dangerous escalation under a new strategy called the “Generals’ Plan,” a military proposal initiated by retired Israeli Maj. Gen. Giora Eiland and embraced by a significant number of Israeli military leaders. This plan represents a chilling shift in the aggression toward Gaza, not just militarily but in its potential to destabilize the entire region.

Developed in September, the Generals’ Plan is aimed at forcibly displacing the population of northern Gaza. Through a brutal, all-encompassing siege, the plan blocks all supplies — not just military aid, but also essential humanitarian resources like food and medicine. The objective? To starve the remaining civilians and resistance fighters, forcing them into a corner with two grim choices: either surrender or die of starvation.

This is not just a military maneuver — it is a strategy of attrition designed to systematically break the will of Gaza’s people. By turning northern Gaza into a “closed military zone,” the plan seeks to eradicate any trace of Hamas. Proponents believe this blockade will be the quickest, least costly way to end the war, particularly in terms of Israeli soldier casualties. But in focusing on Israeli military costs, the architects of this plan blatantly disregard the enormous humanitarian price that innocent civilians will be forced to pay.

What is being overlooked here is that more than a million Palestinians live in northern Gaza and they are now being used as pawns in a high-stakes geopolitical game. Starving civilians to achieve political aims is a clear violation of international law. In fact, such tactics are outright war crimes under the Geneva Conventions. The suffering that would result from this blockade is incalculable, while the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians would lead to yet another refugee crisis — a catastrophe for a region already overwhelmed by displaced populations.

The implications of the Generals’ Plan stretch far beyond the borders of Gaza. Forcing Palestinians from their homes would inevitably lead to mass migration into neighboring countries, which are already grappling with significant economic and social challenges. Countries across the Arab world, many of which already host millions of Palestinian refugees, would be forced to contend with yet another wave of displacement.

This is not just a military maneuver — it is a strategy of attrition designed to systematically break the will of Gaza’s people

Hani Hazaimeh

Moreover, the plan is likely to spark new rounds of violence and resistance. Rather than weakening Palestinian factions, the siege could serve as a rallying cry for further armed resistance against Israel, risking broader military escalations across the region. Gaza, instead of being neutralized, could become a flashpoint for larger and more dangerous conflicts, undermining regional stability.

The international community, particularly Arab nations, must act with urgency to stop the implementation of this disastrous plan. The world cannot afford to be silent or passive in the face of such a blatant assault on human rights and international law. Arab governments should unite to publicly condemn the Generals’ Plan, using their collective influence to pressure global institutions like the UN and the International Criminal Court into taking decisive action.

At the same time, civil society — both in the Arab world and beyond — must be mobilized to raise awareness about the unfolding humanitarian crisis. Media campaigns, grassroots advocacy and diplomatic efforts must work in concert to bring global attention to the severity of what is happening in Gaza and to prevent the further erosion of Palestinian rights.

What is happening in Gaza is not just a Palestinian issue — it is an Arab issue, a humanitarian issue and a question of international law and justice. The Generals’ Plan represents the latest chapter in a decades-long effort to strip Palestinians of their land, their dignity and their future. It is an attempt to normalize ethnic cleansing and mass starvation as legitimate tools of warfare.

For the Arab world, what is unfolding in Gaza should be a wake-up call. The consequences of silence or inaction will be felt far beyond Gaza’s borders. Now, more than ever, there is a need for unified, decisive action to confront the aggression and stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

In Gaza, we are witnessing not just a battle for territory but a struggle for human survival. And in that struggle, the entire Arab world has a stake.

Hani Hazaimeh is a senior editor based in Amman. X: @hanihazaimeh


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