“Archive 81” is a horror series released on Netflix in 2022 that follows Dan Turner, an archivist who has been tasked to retrieve some videotapes.
These tapes document the investigation into a secret cult and the disappearance of one of its members.
Melody Pendras, a graduate student looking into the ghostly past of a building known as the Visser, which has a dark past tied to supernatural events, recorded the tape.
As Turner digs deeper into the footage, he gradually gets caught up in the drama, filming the line between the world and the supernatural.
“Archive 81” features an intriguing mixture of horror, mystery and psychological thriller elements.
The show’s narrative, through its development footage layout intertwined with Turner’s contemporary narrative, creates an unsettling atmosphere that keeps the viewer on edge.
The performances, especially by Mamoudou Athie and Dina Shihabi, add depth as the characters maneuver their own conflicts.
The series excels in its production design and filming, capturing the eerie atmosphere of the Visser structure as well as the unsettling atmosphere of the cult.
The tempo is generally well managed, with a suspense structure as Turner discovers the shocking truth behind the tape.
However, some viewers may find that the ending is somewhat unclear, which may detract from the overall experience for those seeking closure.
Nonetheless, it is a haunting and challenging series that skilfully investigates themes of memory, injury, and the unknown.
“Archive 81” is a must-see for fans of psychological horror and supernatural mystery.