Battle against drug and arms smugglers is critical to Jordan’s national security

Battle against drug and arms smugglers is critical to Jordan’s national security

By strengthening border-security measures, Jordan and its neighbors can take action to disrupt smuggling networks (AFP)
By strengthening border-security measures, Jordan and its neighbors can take action to disrupt smuggling networks (AFP)
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The escalating influx of arms and drugs into Jordan represents a pressing concern that cannot be ignored. This surge in smuggling activity demands immediate attention and effective countermeasures to safeguard the nation’s security and stability.

The proliferation of illicit goods not only poses a direct threat to internal security but also to the stability of the region, and it undermines Jordan’s economic prosperity and social cohesion. The trade in arms and drugs fuels criminal activities, breeds violence and destabilizes communities. Moreover, it erodes public trust in institutions and hampers efforts for sustainable development.

Addressing this critical threat therefore requires a proactive and coordinated response from both the regional and international communities, encompassing comprehensive strategies for border security and counterterrorism.

King Abdullah’s recent call for Arab states to address the alarming increase in drug and arms smuggling underscores the gravity of the situation.

“We should confront armed militant groups who commit crimes above the law, especially smuggling drugs and arms, which is what Jordan has been thwarting for years now,” he said.

His assertion, made during a summit in Bahrain attended by key leaders from the region, highlights the urgent need to confront armed militant groups engaged in criminal activities that transcend borders.

The influx of drugs into Jordan represents a multifaceted challenge with significant socioeconomic and public-health implications

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh

Jordan’s longstanding efforts to thwart such illicit activities demonstrate the nation’s commitment to safeguarding its citizens from external threats and upholding the rule of law. However, the scale and complexity of the challenge necessitate enhanced cooperation and collaboration among Arab states to effectively combat transnational crime networks.

By fostering partnerships and sharing intelligence, regional authorities can strengthen their collective capacity to disrupt smuggling operations, dismantle criminal syndicates and promote regional stability.

According to Jordanian officials, the smuggling operations are orchestrated by pro-Iranian militias entrenched in southern Syria, and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Syria, Iran and Hezbollah deny any involvement in smuggling. Nevertheless, the allegation underscores the complex geopolitical dynamics at play and the need for a coordinated regional response to tackle the root causes of the issue.

Jordan’s state news agency, Petra, recently reported that an attempt by “foreign-backed militants” to smuggle arms into the kingdom was foiled in March this year. While authorities in the country have managed to intercept numerous smuggling attempts, the fact that some weapons slip through undetected underscores the need for continuous vigilance and the enhancement of border-control measures.

The porous nature of borders in conflict-prone regions poses a persistent challenge that requires innovative solutions and sustained efforts. As a result, investment in advanced technologies, improved inter-agency coordination, and enhanced intelligence capabilities are also essential in efforts to effectively address the evolving threats posed by smuggling networks.

Such illicit activities not only pose a direct threat to Jordan’s security but also exacerbate tensions in the region. Therefore, addressing the underlying forces and drivers behind smuggling, including political instability, sectarian conflicts and external interference, requires a holistic approach that addresses both the symptoms and root causes of the problem.

The smuggling of arms by these groups directly undermines Jordan’s internal security in several ways. It poses a grave threat to the safety, security and well-being of its citizens. Furthermore, such illicit activities fuel instability, breed violence and undermine the rule of law.

In addition to the direct threat posed by arms smuggling, the influx of drugs into Jordan represents a multifaceted challenge with significant socioeconomic and public-health implications. The proliferation of illicit drugs not only provides a lucrative revenue stream for criminal organizations, it also perpetuates a cycle of addiction, crime and social degradation.

The availability of drugs fuels criminal activities, from drug trafficking to related crimes such as violence and organized crime, thereby undermining public safety and security. Moreover, the prevalence of drug addiction not only destabilizes communities but also places a heavy burden on healthcare systems, as addiction-related illnesses and overdoses strain resources and exacerbate existing public-health challenges.

Additionally, the social consequences of drug addiction, including broken families, lost productivity and stigmatization, further compound the socioeconomic challenges Jordanian society faces.

The social consequences of drug addiction, including broken families, lost productivity and stigmatization, further compound the socioeconomic challenges Jordanian society faces.

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh

As a result, addressing the multifaceted challenges arising from drug and arms smuggling requires a range of actions, including enhanced border security, intelligence sharing, and regional and international cooperation.

Jordan can also strengthen its institutional capacities and collaborate with regional and international partners to effectively combat transnational crime networks operating in the region.

Furthermore, cooperation with other Arab states is essential, as the threat posed by drug and arms smuggling extends beyond Jordan’s borders, imperiling the stability and security of the entire region. A unified approach involving collective action and shared intelligence is indispensable in efforts to mitigate the risks posed by criminal enterprises and safeguard the well-being of the people in the region.

By fostering regional cooperation and coordination, Arab states can enhance their collective resilience against the threats posed by drug and arms smuggling, promote peace and stability in the region, advance shared social, political and economic interests, and boost prosperity.

The battle against drug and arms smuggling is an imperative for both Jordan’s national security and regional stability. This critical threat, compounded by the involvement of transnational criminal networks and geopolitical complexities, underscores the urgency of the need for a coordinated response.

The proactive efforts of Jordanian authorities, exemplified by the interception of smuggling attempts and calls for regional cooperation, demonstrate a firm commitment to safeguarding citizens. However, the persistence of smuggling activities, coupled with the interconnected nature of security threats, necessitates sustained vigilance, innovation and collaboration among regional and international authorities.

By strengthening border-security measures, enhancing intelligence capabilities and fostering greater regional cooperation, Jordan and its Arab neighbors can take action to effectively disrupt smuggling networks, dismantle criminal enterprises and mitigate the risks posed by such illicit activities.

  • Majid Rafizadeh is a Harvard-educated Iranian American political scientist. X: @Dr_Rafizadeh
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