Hajj: An odyssey of faith and personal growth

Pilgrimage may strengthen family bonds as many perform Hajj with relatives, creating shared memories. (AN photos by Huda Bashatah)
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Updated 18 June 2024

Hajj: An odyssey of faith and personal growth

  • Pilgrimage fosters spiritual renewal, community bonds, experts say

MAKKAH: The journey of Hajj, representing the fulfillment of the fifth pillar of Islam, is a chance for personal transformation, fostering patience, resilience, endurance, solidarity and cooperation.

These virtues can positively impact an individual’s life long after completing the pilgrimage.

Pilgrimage may strengthen family bonds as many perform Hajj with relatives, creating shared memories. (AN photos by Huda Bashatah)

Before arriving in Saudi Arabia, many pilgrims sell valuable possessions such as properties and homes to fulfill this obligatory act of worship, which Muslims must perform if they are able.

Abeer Al-Jasser, a Syrian pilgrim from Deir Ezzor, said that she has waited many years to perform Hajj. She highlighted her commitment to fulfilling all Hajj rituals meticulously, hoping to emerge with renewed vigor and a new outlook on life.

Pilgrimage may strengthen family bonds as many perform Hajj with relatives, creating shared memories. (AN photos by Huda Bashatah)

She described the pilgrimage as an exceptional spiritual opportunity that enhances closeness to God, increasing faith and providing tranquility and peace. “Performing the rituals is seen as a chance to purify oneself from sins, offering psychological relief and freedom from past burdens.

“The sight of Muslims in white attire, symbolizing equality and unity, brings comfort and peace. Witnessing this profound sense of brotherhood, with people from all over the world united for one purpose, is a deeply moving experience,” Al-Jasser said.

Witnessing this profound sense of brotherhood, with people from all over the world united for one purpose, is a deeply moving experience.

Abeer Al-Jasser, Syrian Hajj pilgrim

She added that Hajj has numerous positive effects on health, family and community, and it encourages self-assessment and goal-setting, aiding personal growth and decision-making.

Pilgrimage may strengthen family bonds as many perform Hajj with relatives, creating shared memories. (AN photos by Huda Bashatah)

“The pilgrimage also teaches the spirit of cooperation, helping others, and respecting and valuing others, fostering humility and discouraging selfishness,” she added.

Pilgrims may experience deep inner peace and satisfaction after completing the ritual — feelings that can last long after returning home, she said.

Pilgrimage may strengthen family bonds as many perform Hajj with relatives, creating shared memories. (AN photos by Huda Bashatah)

For many, Hajj is not just a religious duty, but a also psychological journey that restores balance and enhances well-being. Psychological consultant Abdulrahman Al-Zahrani told Arab News about the positive psychological impacts of Hajj, describing it as a road map for Muslims to reassess their relationships with God, their community and their families.

The pilgrimage offers a historical opportunity for “spiritual healing and conscience cleansing,” he said.

Pilgrimage may strengthen family bonds as many perform Hajj with relatives, creating shared memories. (AN photos by Huda Bashatah)

Although pilgrims may be physically exhausted from the journey, Hajj provides a form of “psychological cleansing that momentarily frees them from worldly concerns,” Al-Zahrani added.

“Facing the challenges of travel and performing rituals in potentially difficult conditions teaches patience and resilience, which positively influence daily life. Moreover, the values of cooperation and solidarity learned during Hajj are significant,” he said.

'This journey can also help heal emotional and psychological wounds, with sacred sites and religious rituals providing solace and healing'. (AN photos by Huda Bashatah)

Religious rituals such as standing at Arafat offer pilgrims a chance for deep reflection, potentially leading to fundamental changes in their mindset and life perspective,” Al-Zahrani said.

“Witnessing and appreciating the hardships faced by others can deepen the pilgrims’ gratitude for what they have, and participating in Hajj with a diverse group of Muslims fosters mutual understanding and cultural tolerance, building bridges of respect and brotherhood.

'This journey can also help heal emotional and psychological wounds, with sacred sites and religious rituals providing solace and healing'. (AN photos by Huda Bashatah)

“This journey can also help heal emotional and psychological wounds, with sacred sites and religious rituals providing solace and healing.”

Psychologist Ahmed Al-Zamel told Arab News that many pilgrims return from Hajj a strong intention to improve their behavior and align their lives more closely with religious and ethical teachings.

“The experience of standing in holy places and contemplating life and death instills deep humility and reverence for God, enhancing individual spirituality,” he said.

The Hajj pilgrimage may also strengthen family bonds, as many pilgrims perform Hajj with relatives, creating shared memories and strengthening family ties,” he added.

“Pilgrims often experience inner peace after completing the pilgrimage, learning forgiveness and compassion, and enhancing personal and social relationships.”

Mutawwif Nader Osama described Hajj as an inspirational spiritual journey. “Upon returning, pilgrims often have a positive impact on their communities, inspiring others with the positive changes they have made in their lives and encouraging them to improve their behavior and actions,” he said.

Many pilgrims turn to charitable work and helping others, driven by the values instilled during the pilgrimage, he added.

“Their experiences of equality and unity among people of different races and nationalities during the pilgrimage encourage them to appreciate and celebrate the human values consistently promoted by Islam,” Osama added.



Shoura Council meets top officials in Tajikistan

Updated 27 sec ago

Shoura Council meets top officials in Tajikistan

  • Al-Jarba expressed gratitude for the warm reception and affirmed the depth of the bilateral relationship
  • During the visit, the delegation also met with Matlubakhon Sattoriyon, the culture minister, and several ministry officials

RIYADH: A delegation from the Shoura Council’s Saudi-Tajik-Uzbek Parliamentary Friendship Committee recently met with top officials during an official visit to Tajikistan.
Led by Mohammed Al-Jarba, the committee chairman, the delegation met with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan Farrukh Sharifzoda at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Dushanbe.
The deputy minister welcomed the Saudi delegation, praising the strong relations between the two countries and lauding Saudi Arabia’s global leadership, Saudi Press Agency reported.
Al-Jarba expressed gratitude for the warm reception and affirmed the depth of the bilateral relationship.
During the visit, the delegation also met with Matlubakhon Sattoriyon, the culture minister, and several ministry officials.
Sattoriyon highlighted the importance of deep-rooted cultural relations between the two countries, and praised Saudi Arabia’s international leadership.
They discussed cultural collaboration and the importance of showcasing the rich historical heritage of both nations. The meeting also explored avenues for cooperation in the cultural sector.
The delegation visited the Nurek hydroelectric power plant, where they met with plant officials, toured the facilities, and received a briefing on the construction phases, dams, and services provided by the plant.
They also met with Kamoliddin Muminzod, chairman of the Tourism Development Committee of Tajikistan, for talks on topics of mutual interest, including enhancing cooperation in the tourism sector between the two countries.
The delegation also met with Sultan Rahimzoda, chairman of the State Investment and Property Management Committee of Tajikistan. The meeting covered topics related to economic cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Tajikistan and ways to strengthen ties.
The discussions also highlighted Saudi Arabia’s economic successes under Vision 2030, and achievements in economic and investment targets.
The meetings were attended by Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Tajikistan Walid Al-Rashidan. The delegation included committee members Abdulrahman Al-Sayari, Maj. Gen. Sami Al-Hazmi, Abdullah Al-Najjar, and Hassan Al-Masloum.

Saudi students add to medal haul at junior maths olympiad

Updated 10 min 50 sec ago

Saudi students add to medal haul at junior maths olympiad

RIYADH: Five Saudi students from the King Abdulaziz and His Companions Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity (Mawhiba) have earned international acclaim by winning medals at the Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad 2024.

The competition, held in Turkiye from June 25-30, featured 130 students from 22 countries.

Abdullah bin Tariq Al-Amer, from the Eastern Province Education Department, secured a silver medal. Bronze medals were awarded to Mohammed Shaiban, from the Jubail Industrial City Royal Commission Education Department; Bilal Al-Hujaili, from the Madinah Education Department; Fatimah Al-Marhoon, from the Eastern Province Education Department; and Arar Al-Ajami, from the Riyadh Education Department.

Amal Al-Hazaa, general director of Mawhiba, said that the victory underscores the collaborative efforts between the organization and its strategic partner, the Ministry of Education, in achieving the objectives of Saudi Vision 2030.

Al-Hazaa praised the capabilities of the Saudi students, acknowledging their numerous international achievements, which contribute to building the country’s future and enhancing its human capital.

This marks the 13th participation of the Saudi team in the Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad. Over the years, the Saudi team has amassed a total of 58 medals, including nine gold, 22 silver, and 27 bronze.

Saudi Arabia’s success at the junior olympiad is part of a broader series of achievements in various global competitions, represented by the Ministry of Education and Mawhiba.

Students selected for the competition underwent a series of rigorous tests conducted by Mawhiba during an intensive training period. Team members received several years of focused training under the guidance of national and international trainers.

The Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad, organized annually by one of the Balkan countries and Cyprus, held its inaugural competition in Yugoslavia in 1997. Each participating country fields a team of up to six students under the age of 15 at the start of the competition, which takes place over a single day.

Roads key to serving Madinah’s visitors

Updated 29 June 2024

Roads key to serving Madinah’s visitors

  • Field teams also conducted 875 tours for general cleaning, disinfecting some 7,186 locations with chemicals
  • The teams also attempted to study the quality of materials while carrying out their projects

MADINAH: The field teams of Madinah Municipality are continuing their work to maintain and repair the road network in the holy city.

This week they helped to maintain 214,280 linear meters of main and internal roads, while repairing 2,366 sq. meters of potholes and depressions, in addition to removing several illegal speed bumps.

Field teams also conducted 875 tours for general cleaning, disinfecting some 7,186 locations with chemicals.

The teams also attempted to study the quality of materials while carrying out their projects. They looked at 32 samples of surfaces, including four asphalt samples, 27 concrete and one soil. In addition, they conducted 82 tests on the three surfaces.

The field and supervisory teams in the municipality are intensifying their tours due to the number of pilgrims traveling to Madinah following the Hajj season.

13,445 violators of immigration and residency laws arrested

Updated 29 June 2024

13,445 violators of immigration and residency laws arrested

RIYADH: A joint field campaign to monitor and apprehend violators of residency, work, and border-security laws in all regions of the Kingdom, carried out from June 20 to 26, has resulted in the arrests of 13,445 people.

Authorities apprehended 3,230 people for violating Saudi border-security regulations, and 1,452 others for violating the Kingdom’s work rules.

According to officials, 1,063 people were caught trying to enter the Kingdom illegally, of whom 36 percent were from Yemen, 62 percent from Ethiopia, and 2 percent from other countries. Another 66 people were caught trying to leave the Kingdom illegally during the campaign.

One person was also arrested for aiding and abetting individuals who violated residency, work, and border-security regulations, as well as concealing their actions.


Honey festival opens in Tabuk

Updated 29 June 2024

Honey festival opens in Tabuk

TABUK: More than 30 farmers and beekeepers are taking part in the Honey and Agricultural Products Festival at Tabuk Park.

Organized by the local arm of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, the five-day event provides a platform to promote the region’s agricultural products and teach people about beekeeping, making honey and lots more.

There are also lots of activities for families to enjoy, including handicrafts and painting.

The ministry said it was keen to support local farmers and help them overcome the challenges they face.