Karachi to have world’s tallest tower

Updated 23 February 2013

Karachi to have world’s tallest tower

Pakistan’s biggest city Karachi will house the world’s tallest tower overtaking Dubai’s Burj Khalifa.
Construction tycoon Malik Riaz has signed a multibillion dollar deal with Abu Dhabi group for the project. It is likely to come up on an island some 4 km off Karachi.
According to Riaz, the project will generate around 2.5 million jobs and promote investment opportunities for different industries.
Riaz signed the $ 45 billion deal with the Abu Dhabi group which also runs the Al-Falah bank chain in Pakistan. According to the agreement, about $ 35 billion worth of investments will be made in Sindh while $ 10 billion will be invested in Islamabad and Lahore, media reports said.
“We have selected the site for our mega project which will be spread over 16,000 acres of land and also house 125,000 houses,” Riaz told media persons.
“Besides the world’s tallest building the project will include a media city, a sports city, an international complex, a medical and educational complex, restaurants, shopping centers, multiplex halls,” Riaz said.

Portrait of King Charles unveiled for Britain’s Armed Forces Day

Updated 29 June 2024

Portrait of King Charles unveiled for Britain’s Armed Forces Day

LONDON: A new photographic portrait of King Charles wearing military uniform was released on Saturday to mark Britain’s Armed Forces Day.
The photograph shows the King wearing his Field Marshal No 1 Full Ceremonial Frock Coat with medals, sword and decorations.
The King, who is Commander-in-Chief of the armed services, returned to public-facing engagements early last month after being diagnosed with cancer in February.
The release of the photograph coincided with a video message to members of the armed services from Queen Camilla. She called them “a source of inspiration, reassurance and pride.”

Video game designers battle to depict climate impacts

Updated 28 June 2024

Video game designers battle to depict climate impacts

PARIS: Game designer Sam Alfred is keenly aware of the challenge he faces in trying to build a video game with climate change at its heart.
Lists of best-selling games are filled with titles pushing destruction and violence rather than constructive engagement with the environment.
Yet “Terra Nil,” a strategy game designed by Alfred and released in March last year, puts players in charge of rebuilding ecosystems — and has since attracted 300,000 players, according to the publisher Devolver Digital.
“I’ve lost count of how many people have dismissed the game or made fun of the game, because of its nature, because it’s a game which is not about shooting people or rampant expansionism,” said Alfred.
“The environment was the focus of the game. The one angle was trying to show players and other game developers and people that it’s possible to build a strategy game without exploitation of the environment.”
True to his word, the 30-year-old South African asks players of Terra Nil to help decontaminate radioactive zones with sunflowers and save the Great Barrier Reef among other climate-related tasks.
He is not the first designer to include an environmental message in their games — nor is he the first to be criticized for it.
In 2017, “Cities: Skylines,” a city-building game, introduced its “Green Cities” offshoot where players could create their ideal metropolis while taking into account pollution and environmental management.
“I remember the Green Cities extension was something that surprisingly polarized the audience,” said Mariina Hallikainen, managing director of Colossal Order, the Finnish studio behind the game.
“There was actually feedback that we are now ruining the game by going political.”
The team behind the game deny there was any overt political message, flagging that players could choose whether to make their city green or not.
And other studios have not been discouraged from putting climate into their games.
The daddy of all strategy games, “Civilization,” included climate change in and offshoot of its sixth edition in 2019.
With an estimated three billion people playing video games at least once a year, climate campaigners have long targeted them as a potential audience.
Even the United Nations has tried its hand at creating a climate game — “Mission 1.5” — that it said reached more than six million people.
Industry figures have joined together in several collectives to see how they can include the climate in their games.
Studios, trade associations and investors formed “Playing for the Planet,” an alliance backed by the United Nations that has held a “Green Game Jam” each year since 2020.
Other industry figures bandied together to form a climate branch of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) in 2019.
“You have a superpower: you’re gamemakers,” Arnaud Fayolle, artistic director at publisher Ubisoft and key mover in the IGDA’s climate branch, told their conference last year.
“You can talk to three billion players around the planet who already trust what you have to say, you can teach complex problems in fun and engaging way that schools never can match.”
The IGDA branch brings together nearly 1,500 industry professionals, university professors and ecology and climate specialists, who share their expertise to infuse video games with climate issues and encourage gamers to get involved.
“The idea is to generate a positive cultural impact through aesthetics, storytelling, game mechanics and technology,” said Fayolle.
This is where people like Sam Alfred earn their money.
“A lot of our mechanics in the game are our way of trying to translate either real-life natural processes or real-life ecosystem restoration practices into game form,” he said.
“That means oversimplifying them and it means, you know, taking some creative liberties.”

Malaysia to redesign ‘ugly’ Olympic kit after fan backlash

Updated 28 June 2024

Malaysia to redesign ‘ugly’ Olympic kit after fan backlash

  • Controversy erupted when the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) unveiled the gold-themed outfits featuring a tiger-stripe design last weekend

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian officials agreed Friday to redesign some of the country’s kit for next month’s Paris Olympics after fans derided the outfits as “ugly” and “cheap looking.”
Controversy erupted when the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) unveiled the gold-themed outfits featuring a tiger-stripe design last weekend.
Touted as symbolising Malaysia’s “relentless pursuit for gold medals,” the garments including tracksuits, polo shirts and T-shirts quickly became a target of public derision.
Detractors were particularly upset with how the flag on the outfits were in gold instead of Malaysia’s red, blue, yellow and white.
The kits were to be used for traveling in, rather than competition, according to local reports.
Chef de mission Hamidin Mohamad Amin said they have “decided to improve the existing design.”
“After taking into consideration and feedback from all parties, including the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the National Sports Council and national sports fans, the Olympic council acknowledges that the design of the official jacket was not well received,” he said.
Earlier this week, in an attempt to quell the growing discontent, Amin proposed that a public competition be held for the design of the country’s Olympic kits in future.

NASA picks SpaceX to carry ISS to its watery graveyard after 2030

Updated 27 June 2024

NASA picks SpaceX to carry ISS to its watery graveyard after 2030

WASHINGTON: NASA on Tuesday said it had picked SpaceX to build a vessel to carry the International Space Station back through Earth’s atmosphere and on to a final resting place in the Pacific Ocean after it is retired in 2030.
Elon Musk’s company has been awarded a contract with a potential value of $843 million to develop and deliver the spaceship, dubbed the US Deorbit Vehicle.
“Selecting a US Deorbit Vehicle for the International Space Station will help NASA and its international partners ensure a safe and responsible transition in low Earth orbit at the end of station operations,” said NASA’s Ken Bowersox in a statement.
NASA plans to take ownership of the spacecraft after SpaceX builds it, and control operations throughout the mission.
Weighing 430,000 kilograms (950,000) pounds, the ISS is by far the largest single structure ever built in space.
Based on past observations of how other stations such as Mir and Skylab disintegrated on atmospheric re-entry, NASA engineers expect the orbital outpost to break up in three stages.
First, the massive solar arrays and the radiators that keep the orbital lab cool will come off, then individual modules will break off from the truss, or the station’s backbone structure. Finally, the truss and the modules themselves will tear apart.
Much of the material will be vaporized, but large pieces are expected to survive. For this reason, NASA is aiming for an area of the Pacific Ocean called Point Nemo, one of the most remote areas of the world and known as the graveyard of satellites and spaceships.
The first segment of the ISS was launched in 1998, and it has been continuously inhabited by an international crew since 2001.
The US, Japan, Canada, and participating countries of the European Space Agency (ESA) have committed to operate the microgravity lab through 2030 — though Russia, the fifth partner, has only committed to operations through 2028.
NASA chief Bill Nelson told Congress in April that given the dire state of US-Russia ties, it would be prudent to begin work on a US deorbit vehicle to “get the whole station down safely, so it won’t hit anybody or anything.”
Several companies are working on commercial successors to the ISS, including notably Axiom Space and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin.

Original ‘Harry Potter’ cover art sells for $1.9 mn at auction

Updated 27 June 2024

Original ‘Harry Potter’ cover art sells for $1.9 mn at auction

NEW YORK: The original watercolor illustration for the first edition of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” — the book that introduced the world to the young bespectacled wizard — sold for $1.9 million on Wednesday.

The artwork becomes “the most valuable Harry Potter item ever sold at auction,” auction house Sotheby’s said in a statement.

“The illustration was chased by four bidders on the phone and online for nearly ten minutes before selling to applause.”

The work by Thomas Taylor, who was just 23 years old in 1997 when he painted the iconic image of the young boy with the lightning bolt scar and the round glasses, had been expected to fetch between $400,000 and $600,000 at Sotheby’s.

Taylor was working at a children’s bookstore in Cambridge, England, when he was tapped by publisher Barry Cunningham at Bloomsbury to paint the image for J.K. Rowling’s book, which was to be released in London on June 26, 1997.

He was one of the first people to read the book, getting an early copy of the manuscript to inform his artwork, according to Sotheby’s books specialist Kalika Sands.

“So, he knew about the world before anybody else, and it was really up to him to think of how he visualized Harry Potter,” Sands told AFP ahead of the auction.

Rowling and Taylor were unknown when the book was released, and few expected it would become a global phenomenon. Only 500 copies of the first edition were printed, and 300 of them were sent to libraries, according to Sotheby’s.

But the book soon became a runaway bestseller.

Twenty-seven years later, the so-called “Potterverse” features Rowling’s seven original books, a blockbuster film franchise, a critically acclaimed stage play and video games.

More than 500 million copies of the books have been sold in 80 languages.

“It’s exciting to see the painting that marks the very start of my career, decades later and as bright as ever,” Taylor, now a children’s book author and illustrator, said in a statement released by Sotheby’s.

“As I write and illustrate my own stories today, I am proud to look back on such magical beginnings,” Taylor said.

The first time the illustration was offered at auction at Sotheby’s in London in 2001, it only fetched £85,750 (about $108,500 at current exchange rates) — but only four of the books had been published at that time.